
Camera doesn't work on android 2.2

In Android SDK and AVD Manager, I created a new android virtual device as following: Name: myavd Target: Android 2.2 - API Level 8. SD Card: 50MiB. Build-in: Default (HVGA). Hardware: Abstracted LCD density 160. After starting this device, I can't take a picture from build-in camera. The following is the error and exception. The app...

How to wake up the Camera in Android?

I would need to wake up my camera when i click a button on my App. After that it takes a picture and save it to the sdcard and display the path of that image as Toast? How can this be done? ...

Compile Android camera application for sdk 1.6

I am trying to compile and run the Android Camera for sdk 1.6 (also called API level 4 or Donut release). While there is no minSdkVersion in the AndroidManifest, it clearly does not run on a donut device. In fact, if compiled with sdk 2.2 the camera will crash with a NoSuchMethodError execption on an avd or a G1 with sdk 1.6. I tried...

Filtering the camera preview

I am trying to display a filtered version of the camera preview. The code runs without errors but the device is showing the preview instead of the generated bitmap. This is the code for my (very small) Activity: I suspect the view lay...

What does SurfaceHolder.SURFACE_TYPE_PUSH_BUFFERS means?

I am trying to display a filtered camera preview, using onPreviewFrame() callback. The problem is that when i remove this line: mHolder.setType(SurfaceHolder.SURFACE_TYPE_PUSH_BUFFERS); to hide the preview, the app crashes. The log reads: 08-19 15:57:51.042: ERROR/CameraService(59): registerBuffers failed with status -38 What ...

UIImagePickerController with Tab Bar Controller

I need to create a tab bar app with acess the camera in the third section of tab bar, but a try with [self.view insertSubview:overlay.view atIndex:1]; and doesn't work. They don't load the camera. How i do that? ...

What/How to triggers the close-iris animation of UIImagePickerController?

Hi all, I'm using a custom overlay view and showsCameraControls = NO. When I'm done I dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES. What appears to happen is that the iris appears fully closed (ie. no closing animation - just poof and it's closed) and then immediately slides down off the screen. As a test I manually called viewWillDisappear ...

Overlay images onto Camera preview SurfaceView

I have a SurfaceView that is being used to draw images, and I would like to overlay them onto a live-feed from the phone's camera. Currently, the SurfaceView that contains the images have a white-background, but if I were to overlay them onto the phone's camera feed, they would have to be transparent. The camera and animation drawing ca...

Camera ISO setting/ shutter speed

I am looking for a way to change the light sensitivity of my Evo 4G camerea. I know it is not the camera's shutter speed because it is a digital camera. The next most relevant aspect is the ISO setting, but the Android SDK does not have a way to manipulate it. Does any one know an alternative? i.e scene mode, exposure or effects **par...

IPhone SDK: Camera access ??

Hello Everybody, I want to know how to access the iphones camera and work with it in realtime: for example just draw on the camera view. Another related Question: Can I display 4 camera-views at once like in "Photo Booth" on the Mac. ...

Iphone create uibarbutton without interface builder

Hi , i want creating uibarbutton without interface builder = (whit code) and this button is style camera please help me ...

Using intent to use Camera in android

hi, I am using the following code to use camera by using intent. In the parameter of intent i am passing ndroid.provider.MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE. It is able to open camera. But the problem is that it stops unxepectedly... The problem is that it gives null pointer exception on OnActivityResults... I have used the below code... pu...

iPhone: How to change camera photo quality

I've not found a answer to this question anywhere, but this seems like a typical problem: I am taking pictures from an iPhone 4, and I have to send these pics to a server through a POST-Request, but the server does not accept pictures that are bigger than 0,5 MB, so I have to compress the pictures before I send them. In order to achieve ...

Artifacts when receiving image from camera in Java

Hey all, weird question. My company has an application from another company that records an image taken by a camera connected via Ethernet. Their app is written in C++ and I've been trying to convert/hack it using Java. I'm able to receive images, but the quality is not the same. The photo on top is from their app and the photo on botto...

Android 2.1 camera preview error

hi! I have a problem with using the camera of an Android 2.1 phone (HTC Desire), maybe you can help me. After calling DDMS in Eclipse shows the following errors: ERROR/MediaPlayerService(30): error: -2 ERROR/MediaPlayer(30): Unable to to create media player ERROR/CameraService(30): Failed to load CameraService sounds. ...

Blackberry camera permission

One of the features incorporated in my app is QR code scanning. The problem is, user will be asked for camera permission before scanning. I think this could make the users confused. Is there any way to bypass this, or something to set all the required permissions during installation, so users don't need to set this manually? I already ...

iPhone 4 Camera Specifications - Field of View / Vertical-Horizontal Angle

Hi to all, Does someone know the field of view values for the new iPhone4 camera? I'm doing some AR app's, and I want to know the horizontal and vertical angle of the rear camera. Thanks! ...

ONVIF : How to form the device web service address from the IP address of an NVT.

Hi; My question is about the ONVIF specification. In section 5.10, it says : A service is a collection of related ports. This specification does not mandate any service naming principles. Lets say that I have the IP address of an NVT (Network Video Transmitter like an IP camera...

Any quick Python GUI to display live images from Camera

Hi, I am trying to display live images from my 1394 camera. Currently my code is able to obtain images in a loop from the camera and I was looking for any quick GUI that will update dynamically (as a separate thread). I can do this in PyQt maybe using QThreads but is there any recommendation or faster way of doing this?? Here's my code ...

What is the fastest way to write images captured from camera to the Photos album on an iPhone?

I'm currently using writeImageToSavedPhotosAlbum:orientation:completionBlock: and it is taking a little over 3 seconds to write an image to the Photos album ... whereas the standard Camera app seems to persist images much faster. So, what is the fastest way to write files to the default Photos album? I'm not sure what all my options ar...