
IPhone - Camera roll in app

Do you know some way to show the camera roll in my app with navigation bar, backward, forward, delete controls?? Thankz :D ...

iphone4 camera flip button not working when using overlay

Hi, I'm setting the UIImagePickerController's cameraOverlayView to a view that I created so that it simply overlays an image when someone is using the camera. This works fine. The problem is that on the iPhone 4 there are two buttons: one for flash and the other to flip to the front facing camera. These buttons no longer work. I'm assumi...

How to program a scrolling game camera in android?

Hello, I am currently trying to write a simple shoot them up game with top down perspective. I am using SurfaceView and Canvas to draw the graphics on the screen, but I cannot find out how to make the "camera" scrollable. The player character is always in the center of the screen and the camera(SurfaceView's canvas essentially) is suppo...

Taking a picture from user's webcam a la Facebook

i didn't find a recent question so somethign might have changed: there is any widget, ready to use, to integrate with my website in order for my users to take a picture of themselves ala Facebook when they register to my site? i guess is Flash/flex based thanks ...

Android code to convert base64 string to bitmap

Hi stackoverflow team i have a problem in converting base64 string to bitmap in android. I am using the camera to fetch the image and i am convert the image to base64 string to post to the server. I want to show that image in the imageview so how can i show the image in the ImageView after fetching the image from the camera. please help ...

Getting full-sized image from the camera does not work on Galaxy S

Hi guys, I am having a problem capturing an image from the built-in camera app on the Samsung Galaxy S. I have a button on my app that when pressed launches the camera: ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(Images.Media.MIME_TYPE, "image/jpeg"); mPicUri = getContentResolver().insert(Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, values...

Android Camera in 1.6

Hi Stackoverflw team I have a problem in implementing the code android camera. when i implements the code then it will run successfully but there is 1 problem here is that it captures multiple images as a waste images which shows nothing with 1 actual image i am using following code:- preview = new Preview(this); ((FrameLayout) fin...

Android DCIM Folder Details

hi stackoverflow team I want to know that 100MEDIA folder in the DCIM is created byDefault or not. when i save the Image byDefault where it will stored. ...

how would i implement the image processing technology within this iphone application?

Hello guys, Just a quick question on the iphone technology within this business card reader as we can see this video allows users to take a photo of a business card, i have an idea where i would take a photo of some text , and that photo could then be turned into text on the iphone. how woul...

Android - Camera preview is sideways

I am using a Preview to display what the camera see's on the screen. I can get everything working fine, surface created, surface set and the surface is displayed. However it always displays the picture at an incorrect 90 degree angle in portrait mode. Such as in the picture: I am aware that using the following code will set the pic...

Android Taking picture crashes on HTC Desire

Hi! I have done a small camera app with autofocus in Android. On my nexus one everything works fine but on the htc desire it crashes when i call takePicture() from a Camera object. Here is the stacktrace: 10-02 11:53:58.476: DEBUG/QualcommCameraHardware(19448): takePicture(479) 10-02 11:53:58.476: DEBUG/QualcommCameraHardware(19448): v...

iPhone SDK 4 AVFoundation - How to use captureStillImageAsynchronouslyFromConnection correctly?

I'm trying to use the new AVFoundation frameworkt for taking still pictures with the iPhone. With a button press this methos is called. I can hear the shutter sound but I can't see the log output. If I call this method several times the camera preview will freeze. Is there any tutorial out there how to use captureStillImageAsynchronous...

Android camera unexplainable rotation on capture for some devices (not in EXIF)

What I'm doing seems like it should be simple, but I'm still lost after I've read every possible Stackoverflow answer I can find and Googled every article I can find. I'm using a preview SurfaceView and capturing an image from an activity that is set for screenOrientation="landscape" in my AndroidManifest.xml. I followed the sample Cam...

iPhone Camera pictures from UIImagePickerController are sideways

Hi, My application supports taking pictures from iPhone in portrait mode and upload to the server. However, the pictures taken are appearing in sideways once uploaded to the server. Please help! -KC ...

using android intent to call and receive a result from camera app no matter if it is custom built

hi. here is the problem: i have searched for an answer for this and so far i made it work for the custom camera app that comes with htc phones. i have the folowing protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data){ if (requestCode == REQUEST_FROM_CAMERA && resultCode == RESULT_OK) { ...

Open android camera.

I see a ton of results when searching for how to open the camera, and get the returned image. What about simply opening the camera app without any return at all? I just want the camera to function as normal. ...

set flash mode camera.parameters android 1.5

Hi, I'm trying to use the camera in an Android app using the 1.5 API. I want the camera to flash for every picture. However, when I looked at the API for camera.parameters, the setFlashMode() method is only supported for 2.0 and higher. Yet my Cliq XT, which runs 1.5, has a flash that I can set in the menu - I take this to mean there is...

Working with Android Camera

Hi all, I have implemented camera part in my application, that too running perfect, but when i am running in my real device(HTC Wildfire) the problem that i got is it stays in landscape mode (i.e)object in the preview are all aligned horizontally.suppose,if i target an object in the vertical stage , its falling in my camera as like the ...

Capture camera view and onverlay in an image.

I open the camera view and place an image as an overlay. I then want to save both the overlay and the camera view's image as one image. Previously I achieved this using UIGetScreenImage(). Now that Apple forbid this what are my options ? takePicture will only capture the camera data but the the overlay. Merging the overlay with the image...

Android - How can I show camera in 2 or more views

I'm trying to create an Android app based on camera. I want to split my screen into 2 or 4 views. (when 2 views are show, one will be above and one will be below. And when 4 views, 2 will be on top (side by side) and 2 will be at bottom (side by side)) I want to show the what camera is seeing in all the views. I mean all the views must r...