
Simulating accelerometers, microphone and camera in XCode

Hi gurus, Is it possible to simulate movement (ie the accelerometers), microphone and camera in the XCode simulator? If so, how do you do it? If not, are there any XCode addins or third party apps that do it? (apart from downloading to an actual iPhone of course). Thanks in advance! ...

Detecting iPhone camera orientation

I'm getting inconsistent results depending on whether I get the image directly from the camera in the callback or choosing it from the camera roll. In the UIImagePickerControllerDelegate callback method, the UIImage.imageOrientation comes up as UIImageOrientationRight no matter how the photo is taken. When reading it off the Camera Ro...

Send a photo from camera iPhone?

I already know how to access the camera in the iPhone but I do not know how to take a picture then email it. Anyone know how to do that? ...

Updated OpenCV : no cam image with F5 but it works with Ctrl + F5 on visual c++ /winxp

I changed opencv (actually highgui) to allow the cvSetCaptureProperty with CV_CAP_PROP_FPS using the latest inputvideo lib. But now, when i run my application using F5 in debug or release mode the picture is black on visual c++ 2003 or 2008 express. But it works with Ctrl + F5 (and the frame rate is changed too). Do you have any idea why...

Android: Unregister camera button

Hi, I tried to bind some actions to a camera button: videoPreview.setOnKeyListener(new OnKeyListener(){ public boolean onKey(View v, int keyCode, KeyEvent event){ if(event.getAction() == KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN) { switch(keyCode) { case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_CAMERA: //videoPreview.onCapture(settings); onCaptureBut...

iPhone SDK Camera Bug: Image not saving sometimes?

I've looked for various bug reports for the iPhone SDK, but have not seen anything directly related to this bug. I'm using a UIImagePickerController on the device to take a photo using the camera. Sometimes (usually after the phone has been running for some time without a reset), I take my picture, and then select 'use' - but I get a n...

iPhone: Camera Preview Overlay

Hi, how do I add an overlay (UIImageView) to the camera preview and handle touches on this? My previous attempts to do this (e.g. use UIImagePickerController and add the image as a subview) have failed. ...

iPhone SDK 3.0 Camera Access

Hey Could anyone advise on whether the iPhone SDK 3.0 still does not allow access to the raw camera pixel data This is how it was with all the previous SDKs and I thought it must have been a move by Apple to ensure they were the first ones to implement the video recording. Since 3.0 now has video recording, and as far as im aware the ...

Android: How to save a preview frame as jpeg image?

Hi, I would like to save a preview frame as a jpeg image. I have tried to write the following code: public void onPreviewFrame(byte[] _data, Camera _camera) { if(settings.isRecording()) { Camera.Parameters params = _camera.getParameters(); params.setPictureFormat(PixelFormat.JPEG); _camera.setParameters(params); ...

License plate recognition

As a side-project I'm trying to create an app that scans license plates from passing cars from my living-room window. I have hooked up a high resolution camera to my system to capture (moving) images into my c# app. Now all I need is a way to interpret these images into something readable. I´m thinking about some sort of OCR-solutio...

Android: Camera.setPreviewDisplay() problem

Hi, I am trying to set a camera preview in a custom SurfaceView but I get an exception each time I execute the initialization method. Below is the code for camera preview initialization: private void init(Context context) { setFocusable(true); mRecording = false; fileRW = new FileReaderWriter(); frameCount = 0; if(mCamera == null...

WIA Automation for scanner color intent is not working

I cannot get my Canon Pixma MP150 to scan a color scan from c# code. The following code is resulting in a black and white image, or if I change the value of 6146 to 2 then a grayscale image is created. I would like to be able to have a color scan from code. I know the scanner does color images because I can do one through the xp wizard i...

Android: How to restart video preview after the surfaceDestroyed()?

Hi, I have created a CapturePreview class and CameraManager class the following way: CapturePreview: public class CaptureView extends SurfaceView implements Callback{ private final SurfaceHolder surfaceHolder; FileReaderWriter fileRW; int frameCount; private static final int MSG_FRAME_REFRESHED = 1; private static final int MSG_AUTO...

Android: Camera is not available problem

Hi, I am trying to capture video and the routine throws an exception when the execution reaches recorder.prepare() statement: private void recordVideoStart(){ if(recorder != null) { recorder.stop(); recorder.release(); } File file = new File("/sdcard/videoTest.3gpp"); try { file.createNewFile(); } catch (IOException e) { ...

Windows Mobile: using phone's camera with C#

Hello! I want to show the image that mobile phone's camera its taking on a control in a WinForm. The idea is that my application works like camera's program. I want to show the image like if the user is going to take a photo. How can I do that? Can I do that? If you need more details ask me. Thank you! ...

How do I retrieve iPhone camera or video images before the user presses the snapshot button?

I am looking to stream what the camera sees onto a series of OpenGL ES textures. Getting them to display on the textures is not difficult, however, it isn't clear that the UIImagePickerController is able to grab images from the camera before the user takes a snapshot. Tagged with 3gs because of the new video capture API. ...

Custom action handler for plugged in camera on Windows

My application needs to detect that a camera is plugged in and automatically import all photos. I have been googling for quite sometime with no luck. a. How do I list my app in the list of actions for camera devices? I guess this is about setting my app with some registry key. b. Once my app is launched, how do I read from the camera d...

android application source code

where can I get the android Camera application source code, I'm referring to the camera application that is already installed on my G1, not the camera API source code. ...

Are there any generic C++ APIs or SDKS for cameras that work on CE and Win32

I have a mobile application with versions run on TabletPCs (Win32) and Rugged PDAs (Windows CE, Windows Mobile 4 & 5). Are there any SDKs out there that I can use that will work with a range of cameras across these operating systems? On Windows CE I can use SHCameraCapture which will work with built in cameras, but typically not with e...

Special Sensor

Are there any hardware solutions or something, where I can start, for the task I describe here? For example, I have a smartphone with a built-in camera and a special sensor attached (the first hardware device I'm looking for) that "looks" in the same direction as the camera. Next, there is a human in front of me (may be in 3-10 meters). ...