
Push UIImagePickerController to the left

I am making a camera app, which gives the user access to the Photo Library. They touch the button, and UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeSavedPhotosAlbum pops up using presentModalViewController. When they touch a photo, I want a view to push the ImagePicker to the left and the new view to come in. The thing is, I want to keep the ImagePi...

acessing to iphone camera data only with API

Hello, I would like to access in real time to the data of the camera to get the hue of several points in order to guide the user (inform him when is the best moment to take the picture). The application will be probably available on the appstore and then I want to just use allowed API. I've seen a lot of similar topics, some of them tel...

iPhone UIImagePicker Camera in Landscape Orientation

Is there any good way to set UIImagePicker to landscape orientation? I tried to call setStatusBarOrientation after presentModalViewController like following, [self presentModalViewController:picker animated:YES]; [[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStatusBarOrientation: UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight animated: NO ]; However, ...

Save photo to iphone camera roll with a custom name

Hi Guys, I am trying to save a photo taken from my app to camera roll, this can be done by using UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum, however, I noticed there isn't any way to set the photo name by using this approach, am I right? I also tried to save a image file with a name by using UIImageJPEGRepresentation, however, I can only save it t...

iPhone UIImagePicker Camera video trimming problem

How to get the trimming video function working on iPhone? I am using UIImagePicker to capture videos, and set allowsEditing to YES. In the view with the "Use" button right after video captured, I was able to drag the yellow trimming box, but it looks like the video saved are not trimmed. Any ideas? Thanks! ...

Camera preview UI overlay on Android ?

How do I write code which layouts UI elements (Buttons, etc) over camera preview on Android ? ...

UIImagePickerController overlay autorotate

I am using the UIImagePicker to access the camera on my iPhone app. I would like to be able to have two different overlays for the imagepicker, depending on the orientation of the iPhone. Is it possible to do this? It seems like if I place the following method in the class that owns the UIImagePickerController, it does not get called at ...

Selecting Menu Items with LibVisca

I have an application that controls cameras. Currently I am adding support for HD cameras using the Visca format. I'm using the LibVisca library to do the low level work. I have successfully added all of the features I need with the exception of the menu system. I can open the Menu. Move the menu cursor up and down through the list, ch...

look for open source iPhone camera project

I am looking for some open source projects focusing on iPhone camera, such as image processing &filter when using iPhone camera. Unfortunately, someone said that as far as i know all the video recording apps for the 3g are not open source, require jailbroken phone and also require you to pay after the trial period is up. ...

Broadcast receiver for ACTION_UP of the camera button in android

Hi Samsung Galaxy, Android 1.5. I'm trying to detect when the user releases the camera button. I have a receiver that gets the ACTION_CAMERA_BUTTON intent and examines the EXTRA_KEY_EVENT that comes with it,using the following code (in the onReceive() in the receiver) @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { ...

How to control a camera with Delphi

A Delphi programm should make produkt photos with a Nikon D5000AF SDX. The only commands I need are "make a photo", "get me the photo". Which library or API can help me? ...

How can a FlashLite Developer using Device Central emulate camera and file upload integration?

I am developing an application with Flash Lite designed to run on Nokia S60 5th edition phones using the Flash Lite API Bridge Interface. The application uses the API Bridge to access the phones camera and upload functionality to take a photo, display it to the user then upload it to a server. I am using Flash CS4 Professional and Device...

Android Moto Droid Camera Hangs EVERY Time onTakePicture, WHAT AM I MISSING?

All, I've googled over and over again to find a solution and while I found a bug regarding camera release, etc I can not for the life of me seem to get the cam code to work. Every time I executed takePicture the system simply hangs, sometimes it calls the PictureCallback, but most of the time it simply hangs. Weird issues about not bei...

How to match Away3D camera to Flash CS4 IDE 'camera'

I am trying to match a setup the designer did in the Flash CS4 IDE: I'm using Away3D for this project. I wrote a little as3 snippet that spits out the Location(x,y,z) and Rotation(rotationX,rotationY,rotationZ) of the planes, keeping in mind that in the IDE, top left is 0,0, not the centre of the stage and y increases in the opposite ...

Opengl Window with mouse control for win 32

Hi, I am new to OpenGl, almost new to C++. I am looking for some code that does the following things. Open an OpenGL window (maybe using glut) Rotate the view point when the user press the left mouse button zoom when the user press the right mouse button translate the point of view the user press the central button Basically what ...

Camera Preview on Motorola Droid

Our application displays a camera preview and it seems to work fine on all phones except for the Motorola Droid where we get a runtime exception when we set the camera parameters: java.lang.RuntimeException: setParameters failed at android.hardware.Camera.native_setParameters(Native Method) at android.hardware.Camera.setParame...

RuntimeException on Camera.setParameters() on nexus one

I copied the code from the answer here and I still am getting a RuntimeException: setParameters failed error on my nexus one. My manifest file has camera and wake_lock permissions. This works on the emulator, and on the droid I don't get the error but it does have a rotation problem. ...

camera preview on androd - strange lines on 1.5 version of sdk

Hi all, I am developing the camera module for an android application. In main application when user clicks on 'take picture' button, new view with SurfaceView control is opened and camera preview is shown. When users click on dpad center, camera takes picture and save it to the disc. Pretty simple and straightforward. Everything works...

WIA, Vista, and VB6. Does this code work?

Basically the constraints here are that i must use WIA because i am trying to get my scanner software to work in Windows 7 and Vista. It would be preferable (like really preferable) if i could do this in VB6. Now this code i have compiles and everything, however when i run it i get the error "No WIA device of the selected type is availa...

Detect orientation change in a UIImagePickerController?

Hello there! Im trying to detect orientation changes in a UIImagePickerController (it inherits from UINavigationController : UIViewController : UIResponder : NSObject) and I tried override the method - (BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation (UIInterfaceOrientation)interfaceOrientation in UIViewController but no success... any tip...