
The Canvas .fillText method doesn't seem to work on the iPad.

It does show text, but in the completely wrong place (not even on the Canvas element itself!), and in the wrong color (always black). Has anyone had experience with this or gotten it working? ...

Save HTML 5 canvas to a file in Chrome?

Save PNG (etc.) work in this demo in Firefox, but not Chrome. Convert to PNG (etc.) work in Firefox and Chrome. Is there a way *in Chrome* to save an image of a canvas element to a local file -- or to a server? ...

How to avoid HTML Canvas auto-stretching

I have the following piece of HTML: <style type="text/css"> #c{width:200px;height:500px} </style> <canvas id="c"></canvas> <script type="text/javascript"> var i = new Image(); i.onload = function () { var ctx = document.getElementById('c').getContext('2d'); ctx.drawImage(i, 0, 0); } i.width = i.height...

Implementing zoom on a fixed point, javascript/canvas

I want to implement zooming on the mouse pointer with the mouse wheel. That is scaling the image while the point under the mouse pointer stays fixed. Here is my code, which doesn't work very well var scala = 1 + event.wheelDelta / 1000; canvas.context.translate(-canvas.mouse.x * ( scala - 1 ) / canvas.scale,-canvas.mouse.y * ( scala - ...

Stretching a control to fill a Silverlight Canvas

I have a canvas like this: <Canvas> <Rectangle Fill="Blue" Opacity="0.5" Canvas.ZIndex="1" /> <Grid Canvas.ZIndex="0" > ...bla bla bla... </Grid> </Canvas> I need the Width/Height of the Canvas to just stretch to the Width/Height of the Grid, but then I need the Width/Height of the Rectangle to stretch to match...

Is there a way to convert SVG files to HTML5's canvas compatible commands?

The title resumes everything. :P ...

Zoom in on a point (using scale and translate)

I want to be able to zoom in on the point under the mouse in canvas with the mouse whell, like when zooming on I'd like straight code as I've been working on this for 5h+ 15h Something to start with: After 2 weeks break I did it in 3 min, here is the working code: <canvas id="canvas" width="800" height="600"></canvas> <sc...

Canvas Check before submission

I have a page where a user can draw on the canvas and save the image to a file on the server. The canvas has a default black background. Is there a way to check if the user has drawn anything on the canvas before submitting the data URL representation of the image of a canvas with the toDataURL() function? So if the user doesn't draw an...

WPF Canvas - Single Pixel Grid

Hi guys, I have a custom WPF Canvas, upon which I would like to show a grid. I do so by overriding the OnRender method on Canvas, and using the DrawingContext drawing functions. IsGridVisible, GridWidth, GridHeight are the number of pixels between each grid line horizontally and vertically respectively. I also use a ScaleTransform on t...

How to draw transparent image with html5 canvas element

I am targeting google chrome. Is it possible to draw transparent images on a canvas? By transparent I mean the drawing the entire image at something like 50% opacity. ...

Canvas element covering the entire screen?

I'm trying to use <canvas> in iPhone Safari, and if I place the element in the body, there are unused pixels to the left and top of the element. I tried specifying margin:0;padding:0 with CSS to no avail. What's going on here? <html> <head> $(document).ready(function() { $('#screen').attr("height", $(window)...

Problem using WPF Commands with Canvas

Hi, I am having a custom canvas derived from Canvas. It contains few ApplicationCommands like New/Open/Save etc. added like this - this.CommandBindings.Add(new CommandBinding(ApplicationCommands.New, New_Executed, New_Enabled)); New_Enabled always returns true. This control is used in a wpf project having a menu bar; New/Open/Save ...

Image Preloading in Canvas

I'm drawing an Image on the canvas using the drawImage function. This is how Im setting the src property of the image: var img = new Image(); // Create new Image object img.src = 'test.php?filename=myfile.jpg' and then oCanvas.width = 600; oCanvas.height = 400; oContext.drawImage(img, 0, 0, 600, 400); The problem ...

Uncaught Error: INDEX_SIZE_ERR

I am drawing on a canvas with the following line: ctx.drawImage(compositeImage, 0, 0, image.width, image.height, i, j, scaledCompositeImageWidth, scaledCompositeImageHeight); This code has executed error free on Safari, Chrome, Firefox (and even IE using google's excanvas library). However, a recent update to Chrome now throws the fol...

jQuery and Canvas.toDataURL

I'm working on a script, and a small part of that involves taking a canvas and converting it to a downloadable image. To do this, I do: var thumb_jpeg = thumbnail.toDataURL("image/jpeg"); $("#" + options.dest).attr('src',thumb_jpeg); ...where thumbnail is a canvas tag and options.dest is the name of an img id. This code works perfec...

jQuery equivalent of getting the context of a Canvas

I have the following working code: ctx = document.getElementById("canvas").getContext('2d'); Is there any way to re-write it to use $? Doing this fails: ctx = $("#canvas").getContext('2d'); ...

Canvas 3D drawing using both 2D and 3D context

Since the webgl/opengl doesn't support text drawing, so it possible to draw 3D object using 3D context and text drawing using 2D context ? ...

Android Canvas Coordinate System

I'm trying to find information on how to change the coordinate system for the canvas. I have some vector data I'd like to draw to a canvas using things like circles and lines, but the data's coordinate system doesn't match the canvas coordinate system. Is there a way to map the units I'm using to the screen's units? I'm drawing to a...

Does (HTML5) Canvas have the equivalent of an image map?

Does the Canvas element have the equivalent of img's map, so you can define clickable areas on the canvas element? There is brief mention of a map halfway down the page here:, but I can't find anything else about it. ...

Question about Architecture for Viewing Images in ASP.NET MVC App

I have an approach in mind for an image viewer in a web app, and want to get a sanity check and any thoughts you stackoverflowers might have. Here's the whirlwind nutshell summary: I'm working on an ASP.NET MVC application that will run in my company's retail stores. Even though it is a web application, we own the store machines and hav...