
How to change the temporary dir capistrano used?

How to change the temporary dir capistrano used? like instead of /tmp, i use /home/user/tmp ...

Rails 3 -- Bundler/Capistrano Errors

I have a basic Rails 3 app working locally on my development box, but want to test out deploying early on to make sure everything works. I'm using Capistrano to deploy. When I run cap deploy (after all the other necessary setup), it breaks on this command with this error: [...] * executing 'bundle:install' * executing "bundle install ...

Git error: "fatal: .. does not appear to be a git repository" - when deploying via Capistrano

Background: I'm aiming to deploy a rails app and am hosting a remote repository for this app on DreamHost. I am using Git for version control. I have created a local repository, committed and pushed this to the remote repository via ssh. This is roughly the process I took in creating the remote repository. I seem to have created the remo...

What happened to ?

Anyone know what happened to ? Seems to have been missing for several days, still number one on Google for "Capistrano" Are there any mirrors of Capistrano documentaion anywhere? Thanks :) ...

Permissions to deploy to multiple environments with Capistrano

What is the proper way to set up Capistrano to deploy a Rails app to multiple environments with different permissions required for each environment? In other words, imagine a typical scenario where a developer makes changes to code and pushes the changes to a testing environment. After testing, a release manager pushes the changes to pro...

Webistrano git issue

I'm migrating my capistrano setup into webistrano and keep getting this error when I run any deployment commands: executing locally: "git ls-remote [email protected]:REPO.git HEAD" Could not save revision: Unable to resolve revision for 'HEAD' on repository 'REPO_ADDRESSS' My capistrano setup has the same params and works no problem from ...

Capistrano occasionally fails to pull git repo

Capistrano sometimes fails to pull the newest source from github, but shows no errors. On several occasions now, cap deploy did not pull the latest code from my git repo, but showed no errors in the process. Repeatingly running cap deploy does not fix the issue, but running git pull origin master on the actual server does pull in the n...

Capistrano development best practices (tips and hints)

Please share your experience: tips and hints, how do you debug cap receipts and how to develop new tasks on dev. machine ...

Capistrano does not copy Gemfile using SVN

Gemfile is checked in the repo and from the server I am able to checkout the Rails application with the Gemfile in the right place (Rails.root). When I run 'cap deploy' Capistrano copies everything except the Gemfile, so I get the Bundler error 'Could not locate Gemfile'. Whey with SVN I am able to checkout Gemfile and Capistrano is not?...

Can I use Capistrano from a windows dev setup to deploy to a Linux server?

Can I use Capistrano from a windows dev machine to deploy to a Linux server? This is for a rails app. ...

capistrano deploy_symlink fails

This is my first deployment. I did a cap deploy:setup which worked fine. Then, when I try to execute cap deploy:update I run into error messages. Something along the lines of rm: cannot remove `/var/www/app_name/current': Is a directory Here is my capfile and directory permissions. In general, what is the...

capistrano password prompt

Capistrano keeps asking me for password for every deplyoyment. How do I not let it happen? ruby version 1.8.7 REE capistrano version 2.5.19 Here is my capfile and directory permissions. Everything up-to-date ** transaction: start * executing `deploy:update_code' updating the cached checkout on all s...

Capistrano Permission/Users/SSH/Git

I think I need to understand this from the basic level. Form what I know so far it seems, there are a few user account involved in deploymnent 1 - Deployer user for capistrano 2 - www-data account (not sure exactly what this does) 3 - the git user What do .. 1 - each of these users do? 2 - what permissions they need onthe productio...

capistrano deployment nightmare

I am getting the followoing error when I try to do a deploy via a "deploy" user account. 1782001..ae10d1b master -> master ** transaction: start * executing `deploy:update_code' updating the cached checkout on all servers executing locally: "git ls-remote [email protected]:username/app_name.git master" * executing "if [ -d ...

strange ssh issues with github

Scenario 1. I am doing this from /home/deploy directory I am trying to set up ssh with github for capistrano deployment. this has been an absolute nightmare. when I do ssh [email protected] as the deploy account I get Permission denied (publickey). so may be the key is not being found, so If I do a ssh-add /home/deploy/.ssh/id_rsa Co...

Configuration and content management with automated deployment tools for ZF based app

I am trying to automate deployments of a particular project and a bit lost as to who to handle config file as well as user assets. (Application is based on Zend Framework based btw). Main application folder is structured as follows: ./app ./config.ini <----- config file ./modules ./controllers ./models ./view...

Conflict discovered in 'Gemfile'

When I run this command in deploy.rb (Capistrano): run "cd /sites/rails-data/#{application}/current/ && svn up Gemfile && bundle install --without=test" Capistrano get stuck with: Conflict discovered in 'Gemfile' How can I solve this issue is I do not what is the problem? ...

How to deploy via capistrano (webistrano) from two different git repositories (applications) to same server

We have two applications running on production servers, each in its own directory under /usr/local, so let's say there's /usr/local/app1 and /usr/local/app2. Each app has a separate remote git repo. app1 is already being deployed for quite some time via capistrano+webistrano using remote_cache including some recipe changes that were ma...

How to make sure that capistrano recipe is loaded in rails3

I have a rails2 plugin which has a capistrano task. That file resides at ~/myplugin/recipes/ . I am converting this plugin into a gem which should work with rails3. This is what I did. I created recipes file inside the lib/myplugin directory. So my file looks like ~/dev/myplugin/lib/myplugin/recipe.rb And added following line to my ...

Capistrano deployment failed.

Got the following error while trying to cap deploy:setup. It's like it failed to upload the database.yml file via sftp. I googled everywhere but had no solution. Not even a bit. * upload via sftp failed on Net::SFTP::StatusException (Net::SFTP::StatusException open /var/www/