
Unknown user 'app' with capistrano

This is my first time trying to set up capistrano to deploy a rails application. I am deploying from my local machine to my remote server that has the repo, web, app, and mysql servers all on the same machine. I am following this walk through: I get to the command cap deploy:start Th...

Capistrano error while deploying to slicehost

Hi, im trying to deploy an application in slicehost using capistrano. I can log in via SSH using the same credentials, however when I try to deploy it i get the following error: executing `deploy' executing `deploy:update' ** transaction: start executing `deploy:update_code' updating the cached checkout on all servers executing locally...

automatic push to CDN deployment strategy

Does anyone have ideas for a strategy to push content to a CDN upon deployment? The key issue I'm facing is that we have a site that is available in various contexts: local development, development server, staging, then finally live. The liver version of the site needs to load assets from a domain, which will be pointed to a CDN: asset...

capistrano is only run for servers matching

I am trying to write a capistrano task that will backup databases on multiple servers. The bash script that backs up the databases is on my local machine. However capistrano outputs this error message: `backup' is only run for servers matching {}, but no servers matched I am new to capistrano, is there some kind of setting I can set s...

Noob Capistrano question on preserving upload directories

Hi all, In response to this blog post: I have three questions: Can anyone confirm if the recipe there works? Where and how do I put that recipe? I have two folders need to stay across each revisions: /products and /public/images/site_images what recipe should I run...

Deploy tracking with Ruby on Rails and Capistrano

Like every commit has a reason and purpose, I think each deploy has a purpose and reason. Source code commits have a comment. But deploying doesn't have any. How do I record a reason and purpose for each deploy automatically? I need to keep a record of: Who deployed to where and what time. Why deployed? Bug fixes? Feature update? Eme...

Capistrano for Django

Does anyone know of a good Django equivalent of Capistrano/Webistrano? ...

What would be the best way to use jammit and publish files on amazon S3 ?

I'm using jammit to package the js and css files for a rails project. I would like now to upload the files to Amazon S3 and use CloudFront for the delivery. What would be the best way to deal with new versions ? My ideal solution would be to have a capistrano recipe to deal with it. As anyone already done something like that? ...

Best Way to Deploy Zend Web Application

I've read a lot about deploying applications here, but haven't found a suitable answer to our needs yet. We have a large web application built with the zend framework that we want to deploy to a remote server. We want to be able to easily and safely deploy a new version of our application to our production server. What needs to be done...

Git Use Remote Source During Push

I have a local git repository a "central" repo at github. I'm working on a part of a project, while a friend is working on a related piece that is in an entirely separate repo, is it possible for me to simply link directly to my friend's repo? For example, the app is called widgets. I have all my code in widgets/app/mycode and my friend...

What is the reason Capistrano does not have Deploy::Strategy::Update?

I use svn update to deploy, but have recently explored Capistrano. I see they support checkout, export, copy, and update+copy, but not just update. Is it frowned upon to use an svn working directory as a deployment directory and why? ...

How can I get Capistrano to include .htaccess files in deployments?

I'm trying to get Capistrano deploying my web app. I'm deploying a php app using remote_cache from a git repo to a Linux host via a Windows computer. Everything is deploying okay except that it doesn't copy over the .htaccess files. I'm new to Capistrano and Ruby, so any pointers would be helpful! Capistrano 2.5.18 with Ruby 1.8.6 on...

How to deploy to multiple redundant production servers with "cap deploy"?

Capistrano is working great to deploy to a single server. However, I have multiple production API servers for my web application. When I deploy, my code needs to get deployed to every API server at once. Specifying each server manually is NOT the solution I am looking for (e.g. I don't want to do "cap api1 deploy; cap api2 deploy"). Is ...

Is there a way to specify a per-host deploy_to path with Capistrano?

I have searched and searched and asked a question already and have not received a clear answer. I have the following deploy script (snippet): set :application, "testapplication" set :repository, "ssh://{application}" set :scm, :mercurial set :deploy_to, "/srv/www/#{application}" role :web, "", "doma...

Restart nginx without sudo?

So I want to be able to cap:deploy without having to type any passwords. I have setup all private keys so I can get to the remote servers fine, and am now using svn over ssh, so no passwords there. I have one last problem, I need to be able to restart nginx. Right now I have sudo /etc/init.d/nginx reload. That is a problem b/c it uses ...

Capistrano and deployment of a website from Github

So, I had what I thought was a fairly simple Capistrano use case: I want to deploy a PHP site from Github. But I'm running into a lot of problems. When I run cap deploy, Capistrano is able to clone the Github repo (the deploy:update_code step), but then in the deploy:finalize_update step it says executing "rm -rf /var/www/

Running migration on server when deploying with capistrano

Hi, I'm trying to deploy my rails application with capistrano, but I'm having some trouble running my migrations. In my development environment I just use sqlite as my database, but on my production server I use MySQL. The problem is that I want the migrations to run from my server and not my local machine, as I am not able to connect t...

Writing an entire application on top of Capistrano

I am working on a task that needs to checkout source from a github repositroy, and then modify some files from the checked out repository based on some existing configuration data that's coming from a separate call to a different web service as JSON. The changes to the checked out code are temporary and will not be pushed back to github...

Deploying multisite Drupal install with Capistrano?

The problem I am having is whenever I deploy a Drupal site from a git repository, I have to log in to the server and change permissions on a ton of folders by hand. That is something I want to automate. I am considering Capistrano, which I heard great things about, but the downside is it creates several folders in the "sites" folder and ...

Deploy:symlink on capistrano points the "current" directory to previous release

Hello, I am using capistrano to deploy my Ruby on Rails project. I am on a Dreamhost VPS and since a few weeks ago, with no change in capistrano or passenger, I began to experience a strange problem with the deployment: Every time capistrano is deploying my application, everything goes right except deploy:symlink (which is called by de...