
Case insensitive compare against bunch of strings.

Hi, What would be the best method to compare an NSString to a bunch of other strings case insensitive? If it is one of the strings then the method should return YES, otherwise NO. ...

Javascript: highlight substring keeping original case but searching in case insensitive mode

Hi everybody, I'm trying to write a "suggestion search box" and I cannot find a solution that allows to highlight a substring with javascript keeping the original case. For example if I search for "ca" I search server side in a case insensitive mode and I have the following results: Calculator calendar ESCAPE I would like to view t...

How can I do case insensitive string search with Linq and SQL Server?

Here is my current code for searching tags: public JsonResult TagSearch(string term) { if (term == null || term == "") return Json(""); var tags = (from t in _session.All<Tag>() where t.Name.Contains(term) select t.Name).Take(6).ToArray(); return Json(tags); } How could I do case insensiti...

Getting BeautifulSoup to catch tags in a non-case-sensitive way

I want to catch some tags with BeautifulSoup: Some <p> tags, the <title> tag, some <meta> tags. But I want to catch them regardless of their case; I know that some sites do meta like this: <META> and I want to be able to catch that. I noticed that BeautifulSoup is case-sensitive by default. How do I catch these tags in a non-case-sensit...

How to replace a non-static substring case-insensitively

This question is similar to this except that the substring to be replaced is only known at the runtime. I want to write the definition of ireplace, that behaves like this: >>> ireplace(r'c:\Python26\lib\', r'C:\python26', r'image\python26') r'image\python26\lib\' >>> ...

Case insensitive search in database with an index?

I'm using Postgres. I have a table of Artices in my database, with a column url for url slugs. These are so that I can display the articles in that table on a website as not "" but instead as "". This was straightforward enough to implement, and then as the number of articles grew, ...

Case-insensitive PSpell spell checking?

I'd like to use PHP's PSpell check function in my program. Is there an option somewhere for case-insensitive checking in pspell_check()? ...

Apache: Permanent redirect that is case-insensitive?

i have the following redirect: RedirectPermanent /SCJ but it does not work for /scj, /sCj, etc. is there a way to make this case insensitive? i tried adding [NC,L] but the page crashed. thanks! ...

django-orm case-insensitive order by

Hello all, I know, I can run a case insensitive search from DJango ORM. Like, User.objects.filter(first_name__contains="jake") User.objects.filter(first_name__contains="sulley") User.objects.filter(first_name__icontains="Jake") User.objects.filter(first_name__icontains="Sulley") And also, I can fetch them as user_list = User.objects...

str_ireplace() with keeping of case

Hello! How can I use str_ireplace (or something similar) to replace some text for formatting and then return it with the same caps? Example: $original="The quick red fox jumps over the lazy brown dog."; $find="thE"; print str_ireplace($find,'<b>'.$find.'</b>',$original); That will output: thE quick red fox jumps over the lazy brown...

Make ArrayList element case-insensitive

In my Java application i need to compare two list's element whether it is similar or not. In short suppose i have two list declared like shown below List<String> a = new ArrayList<String>(); a.add("one"); a.add("three"); a.add("two"); Collections.sort(a); List<String> a1 = new ArrayList<String>(); a1.add("ONE"); a...

Case insensitive 'in' - Python

Hi folks, I love using the expression if 'MICHAEL89' in USERNAMES: ... where USERNAMES is a list Is there any way to match items with case insensitivity or do I need to use a custom method? Just wondering if there is need to write extra code for this. Thanks to everyone! ...

Open a file case-insensitively in Ruby under Linux

Is there a way to open a file case-insensitively in Ruby under Linux? For example, given the string foo.txt, can I open the file FOO.txt? One possible way would be reading all the filenames in the directory and manually search the list for the required file, but I'm looking for a more direct method. ...

set filename tab-completion in dash case insensitive

I’m using dash shell filename tab-completion feature to complete file names.However default tab-completion in dash case-sensitive.How can I force filename tab-completion in dash case insensitive? In bash, I can add "set completion-ignore-case on" to /etc/inputrc, however it makes no effects in dash. Any suggestions? ...

Facebook fql case insensitive version of strpos

Hi! What is the case insensitive version of strpos(field', 'Phrase') in facebook query language? ...

Case and accent insensitive 'like' comparison oracle without altering session on oracle

Hi all I need to be able to do 'like' queries across several languages, so that a umlaut, a and A are treated the same and so on. I'm on 10gr2 of oracle and I can't alter the session. I've been trying things like nls_upper(col_name,'NLS_SORT=BINARY_AI') like nls_upper('%fur%','NLS_SORT=BINARY_AI') but I'm not having any joy. Whatever...

Is F# case sensitive?

I searched here and on the net but no answer. The reason I ask is, since F# conventions seems like they favor noncapital letters, using BCL types with Pascal conventions look weird in F#, as in: let stringD = String.Join(" ",[| stringA; stringB |]) Seems like it would be more in the spirit of F# like this: let stringD = string.join(...

php, mysql: compare strings - accent sensitive and case insensitive

hello guys! i need to perform a name search in the database based on a set of keywords. the result should be accent sensitive and case insensitive. following the solution i found here plus few modifications to allow case insensitivity, i used the following code: $sql = "SELECT name FROM table_names WHERE LOWER(name) LIKE _utf8 '%".str...

Is there any case insensitive Unicode character encoding class ?

I am using the following code for charater encoding of unicode charater. It is giving me the different string value of MD5EncryptedString when I use the value of the DataToEncrypt as 'abc' & 'ABC' String DataToEncrypt="abc"; String MD5EncryptedString = String.Empty; MD5 md5 = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider(); Byte[] encodedBytes = A...

Case insensitive url-routing for Zend

I am working with legacy code written in PHP 5.2.6 with Zend Framework 1.5.3 on CentOS 5.5 There is code as such url:"./sales/getAlerts/?bypass=1" The view is named getalerts.phtml Controller function is named getAlertsAction Code works fine on existing server, but when I try moving it to a new server the code fails stating that .....