
Why aren't jQuery and cycle working in Wordpress?

Hi! I am really struggeling with this problem.. I want to have a slideshow of my featured post via cycle in my wordpress index.php, but well.. wordpress wont. First I enqueued cycle and my script in the header: <?php wp_enqueue_script('jquery.cycle.all.min', '/wp-content/themes/black1/js/jquery.cycle.all.min.js', array('jquery'));...

adding a category for UIView animations

Hello, I would like to have a category for UIViewController containing few simple methods to move the view controller's view around, fading it etc... For example the method below fades in/out a the VC's view. I'm not using instance variables and the onTransitionIn: method is called, the problem is the view doesn't fade in/out. Can som...

Rails category navigation with tags

Hi, rails newb here. I want to create a navigation system for my web application where there are several main categories for articles and several sub tags for each category. For example, in category "Writing" there might be subcategories like "Essays," "Poetry" and "Fiction." Each article would have a list of tags. If someone clicks t...

Check if_parent and if_child in Wordpress

I need to create a function for WP that will check if the current category is both child of X category and parent to Z category. Ideas? ...

Wrapping Current Category Text with Span in Wordpress 2.8.6

Hello. I'm showing categories with this codes. Normally there is no problem. <?php $categories = wp_list_categories('current_category=1&hide_empty=0&title_li=&echo=0&link_before=<span>&link_after=</span>'); $categories = preg_replace('/title=\"(.*?)\"/','',$categories); echo $categories; ?> But i want to wrap current category's text ...

MySQL syntax for Wordpress

Hi, I need to retrieve data from a Parent > Child > Child relationship category setup. And I have no CLUE as to the proper SQL query syntax for that. Help? Thanks, Tomer ...

C# Hierarchical Categories structure

Hello Guys I am developing a small C# windows application and in the need to Hierarchical Categories structure design. I am cuurrently using a single layer Categories from the DB i.e. no child categories. I would like to go about and allow the user to create multiple level categories. I looked into this thread Data structure for Categor...

categories, tags or both?

When it comes to sorting contents, I always hesitate, typically I'll have categories and tags both as reasonable options, still I wonder when to use categories and when to use tags or even, when to use both? Categories looks simple and simpler to implement and tags provide much more flexibility but often appears to be too complex and aff...

Adding a category to NSArray

I added a category to NSArray with a helper method for sorting. My unit tests all pass, but when running the app in the simulator it blows up. Could this be because of the NSMutableArray / NSCFArray class cluster stuff? Here is the error: 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '* -[NSCFArray sortBySequenceAsc]: unrecognized selector se...

What is the best OOP approach to implement the best Category and Products relationship using PHP?

I am trying to design a PHP project's structure. What I am not very sure about is how to implement categories and products relationship. A category has one parent, and can have many children. Product belongs to only one category. Db tables are like this: products: id product_name category_id categories id category_name parent_id ...

NSString self modifying category dilema

Both work, but... Which one would you use and why ? @implementation NSString (Extender) -(NSString *) stringByTrimmingPrefix:(NSString *)strPrefix { while ([self hasPrefix:strPrefix]) { self = [self substringFromIndex:strPrefix.length]; } return self; } @end or @implementati...

Doxygen and Objective-C categories

Although the latest releases of Doxygen claim better handling of Objective-C categories, it still seems to choke on categories in my source code. I'm wondering if someone has gotten it to document categories properly. As an example, I have a category on NSString defined as: @interface NSString (CCFExtensions) with an interface file ...

Wordpress menu of categories

I have a horizontal menu for wordpress site and the menu items are categories. On clicking each menu item , I should show latest post for respective category. e.g. Item_1 Item_2 Item_3 Item_4 are my menu items. So on clicking Item_2, I should show latest post for that category of Item_2. Is this possible in Wordpress? I am just a n...

List custom categories

I want to display custom categories with their sub-categories in a nested list. This seems to works: <?php wp_list_categories('hide_empty=0&depth=2&hierarchical=1&title_li='); ?> but if I include some custom categories it doesn't: <?php wp_list_categories('hide_empty=0&depth=2&hierarchical=1&title_li=&include=7,8,1,4'); ?> ...

Display posts from x cat and y tag

Is it possible to fetch posts matching categorie x "AND" tag y? Read the docs, it seems you can do: query_posts('tag=bread,baking'); or query_posts('cat=2,6,17,38'); ... is it possible to use both cat and tag simultaneously? ...

How do I keep track of the subcategory I am in using PHP?

I have seen it many times, but I'm not sure how it is done. I am referring to sites like online catalogues where they have a legend(or a map) to your subcategory. it looks like: Electronics > Laptops > 15" > Under $500 Can someone tell me what it is called so I can Google it? ...

Categories vs Informal Protocols

Hi there, I think I understood the difference between (formal) Protocols and Categories. Now, if I got it right, informal protocols should be categories (usually defined on NSObject) which are used for certain purposes (maybe to give the chance to implement only a part of the methods listed in it, unlike formal protocols). I need to be ...

How to tag and categorize Life, the Universe, and Everything?

Jokes aside, I am trying to build a tag hierarchy for a library of icons that could contain potentially anything. The problem is how to make clear and simple hierarchy of (most) objects? I am not trying to make super specific categories, just to help users with searching (if I can narrow down 10k icons into categories of 100s that should...

Intercepting Outlook category assignment events?

Note this is not a duplicate of this similar but different question! My question is not how to intercept Category create / rename / delete events, but how to intercept when a user assigns a category to an item (contact, meeting etc). I am just starting to explore the Outlook object model, and I'm struggling to 'get' how it works. Any as...

Protocol Methods not Recognized When Implemented in a Category

I have a view controller class that has to implement several protocols. Too keep things neat I have a habit of putting each protocol's methods in a category on the view controller class. This time I am getting warnings from the linker that the class does not implement one of the protocols. The methods do work at runtime, the linker jus...