
using wordpress category plugin - how do i list in order=desc?

I'm using this plugin that uses this php works just fine but it lists the category posts alphabetically - how can i list them so that the newest ones are listed first? ...

MySQL: how would I go about displaying simple "categories" for this?

I'm wishing for a simple index more or less with my PHP note taking software, each note has a "language" field for the programming language its written in. When I iterate through each entry in a while loop, I'm not sure how i'd list categories of them such as: PHP: Note 1 Note 5 SQL: Note 2 Note 3 Do I need to place all entri...

wordpress categories

hi i am creating a theme which consists of two pages, blog and portfolio. therefore i have categories which related to the portfolio posts (ie. web design, graphic design) and categories relating to the blog posts (ie. tutorials, todos) i have two pages (/blog and /portfolio), in each, i would like to show the list of categories relat...

Categorizations for Ruby on Rails (or tags)

Hello, I have Articles, Profiles, and Comments. What would be the best way to categorize new instances of each of these? When a user creates a new article, profile, or comment, he must select a category for them. I want to have a drop down menu from which he can select the categories. The categories are different for each Model, and what...

disaply child category in single post (wordpresss)

hi i am trying to create a blog and a portfolio (both in one) wordpress theme im using categories for my posts (as many other blogs). i am using one category named portfolio, so that i can distinguish all my portfolio post from the blog posts. when use click on one of the portfolio post they go to a page, where they get some picture...

Extending protocol from a class with categories in objective-c

Here is what I am trying to do: id<MyDelegate> _delegate; .... [_delegate performSelectorOnMainThread...] @protocol MyDelegate <NSObject> .... My problem is that performSelectorOnMainThread is defined in a category of NSObject so the compiler doesn't recognize it. I get: "warning: '-performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:waitUntilDon...

How can I use column values as column names in MySQL

I have a table that looks like this: |date |category_id|val |2010-08-09|1 |2 |2010-08-09|2 |45 |2010-08-10|3 |1500 |2010-08-10|2 |4 I would like to select from this table, that each category id is a column so the end result looks like this: |date |1 |2 |3 |2010-08-09|2 |45 |NULL...

show the posts category order by month in wordpress

hi guys, today i solve the problem, how to show posts categories by month like as following url: ...

Position of nowPlayingItem in a playlist/Adding categories to MPMediaItem

I'm trying to figure out the track number of the MPMusicPlayerController's nowPlayingItem in its playlist. This would be super simple, except for the fact that the same song can appear multiple times in the same playlist (as in they both point to the same file). For example, if a playlist consisted of Song 1, Song 2, Song 1, Song 3, Song...

Category list not working on category page - Magento

Firstly I am new to Magento, so please explain in detail if you can help. I have used the following code: <div class="left-nav-inner"> <h3 id="products">Products</h3> <h4>Shop by:</h4> <ul id="product-menu"> <?php /* Get the categories that are active for the store */ $_main_categories=$this->getStoreCategories(); /* ...

Tags and Categories in Wordpress

Hi. I would like to discuss the right usage of tags and categories. I have a review site with over 1000 reviews of bars and clubs. I have set up post categories like this: Bar, Club, General Article. Since this is a very much geo-based review site, I have added Tags for each post, like for example this: Madrid, Spain. I store the exact ...

jQuery UI Autocomplete with Categories

I'm using jQuery UI's Auto Complete to provide suggestions from a remote source for a search input box. I've got the "remote datasource" example working. For example, this works: $("#search").autocomplete({ source: "search_basic.php", minLength: 2 }); However, I'd like to use the "Categories" example to sort ...

Wordpress: Hide parent category posts

How to hide, sub categories posts on parent category? Like: about us ---- under1 ---- under2 if select about us, posts from under1, under2 are showed. How to fix this? ...

wordpress categories: how to find the last child category for a post

I have a category structure that is 5 levels deep. when returning the categories for a post, these categories are not in any particular order. I need to find the last child category for a post. ...

Own domain for each category

Hi, I'm running an existing Wordpress blog about a single topic with cleary distinguishable subtopics. Those subtopics generate enough interest and content that they could easily be a blog by themselves. As I'm just running this one blog, each of this subtopics represents a category. For SEO reasons I now would like to run each category...

Share the code in a secure way Objective-C

Hello! Just I'm curious. I have created a lot of convinient categories to the Objective-C classes (NSObject, NSDictionary, NSString...), as long as very interesting subclasses that makes a lot of popular task in the iPhone/iPad programming, to be as easy as putting only one line of code or firing a method. I'd like to share this code w...