
Sorting Outlook task by categories programatically through C#

I need to take the existing categories in the task section of outlook and use C# to set it so it would be sorting by categories do you guys have any idea how to do it? ...

Filter categories/sub-categories with jQuery

I have a table where each row has a category column and a sub-category column. I need to let the users chose a category to filter, and then only show the sub-categories that are related so they can filter further. I'm thinking it could be a select drop-down list and only show a second drop-down list when sub-categories exist. I've seen s...

How can I extend this function to check if the current custom post type is in descendent category

I use the following function to check whether the viewed post is in a descendant category of the given ID. How can i extend the function to also check if the current viewed "custom post type" is in a descendant category of the given ID? I use this function to set a menu item to "active". The function is: /** * Tests if any of a pos...

New products by category in Magento

Hi all This should be supposed to be silly thing but it’s driving me nuts! All I want is to show the new products for a specified category, but all I get is new products from any category. Supposing I want to show up the category 74, I’ve tried almost any combination of that code {{block type="catalog/product_new" name="home.catal...

how do i get only 1 post from each category in wordpress

i have a category named news and many subcategories inside it. What i wanna do is to get only 1 posts(newest) from each of those sub categories(including category title, post title, attachment image). Is there any suggestions friends?? ...

In R, how to collapse categories or recategorize variables?

I am sure this is a very basic question: In R I have 600,000 categorical variables - each of which is classified as "0", "1", or "2" What I would like to do is collapse "1" and "2" and leave "0" by itself, such that after re-categorizing "0" = "0"; "1" = "1" and "2" = "1" --- in the end I only want "0" and "1" as categories for each of...

How to hide an active category in Magento without disabling the URL?

Hey, we're running Magento and would like to hide active categories from the navigation. When we do this, the parent category's URL 404s but all the children categories' URLs are still valid. i.e. magentostore.ex/brands/company is valid magentostore.ex/brands is not We would like magentostore.ex/brands to point to a page, b...

MVC 2.0 dynamic routing for category names in an e-store

Hi guys! I'm currently working on an e-store using ASP.NET MVC 2.0. I already got most of it up and running, but the part that's been bothering me is routing. I want this: http://mystore.somewhere/my-category-1/ So far I've been able to solve it by using: routes.MapRoute( "Category", "{alias}/{pageNumber}", ...

Can I use a category to override a method which is itself in category on the superclass?

@interface MySuperclass : NSObject { } @end @interface MySuperclass (MyCategory) - (void)myMethod; @end @interface MySubclass : MySuperclass { } @end @interface MySubclass (MyOtherCategory) - (void)myMethod; @end Is it defined which implementation of -myMethod will be called? Kochan states in Programming in Objective-C that...

How to achieve collapsible custom categories in Wordpress 3?

I am creating a custom post type called article and it has a custom field called category. The categories are hierarchichal and they can reach a large number. Is it possible to make the categories in the admin page collapsible similar to a tree that can fold/unfold. This is to make the user experience better while creating a new article...

jQuery liveFilter combined with category filter

Hi – I was wondering if it would be possible to use liveFilter in conjunction with a category filter? The code below will filter by Typing OR by Category selection. I would like to be able to search by BOTH. In other words, if the ‘action’ category is selected – liveFilter typing would continue to narrow the search within the ‘action’ ca...

In Django, searching and filter by searchbox and categories in one go?

Hello. I wonder if you could help me. I have a list of data that will be displayed on one page. There is a simple search box, a list of categories and a list of tags that can all be used to filter the list of data. I'm trying to built it from the ground up (so it doesn't require JavaScript) but eventually it will submit the search crite...

Objective-C category method available to subclasses?

Hello again. I have the following category: @interface UIViewController (Additions) - (void)exampleMethod; @end ----- #import "UIViewController+Additions.h" @implementation UIViewController (Additions) - (void)exampleMethod { NSLog(@"Example."); } @end I also have the following abstract class: @interface DFAbstractViewCont...

Remove categoies, tagging and authors functionality from wordpress.

Hi, How do you remove the tagging and authors functionality from wordpress. This is so it does not appear in the backend for users, it would remove the categories panel from the post page and all the other flim-flam. I would assume that wordpress's default post is a special kind of custom post type that can be modified, and therefore ...

Wordpress > Create category as child of "uncategorized" (catid=1)

I've got a script in my functions.php file that checks for the existence of several categories that are required by my theme, and if they are not present, it creates them... if(!get_cat_ID('my-category')){wp_create_category('my-category');} I need to modify this script in two ways... First, I need to create the category so that its p...

Magento Layered Navigation Categories

I would like the user to be sent to the category landing page when the user clicks the category in layered navigation. So instead of the user getting /category.html?cat=11, they would get /category/RedWidget.html?cat=11 when they click the RedWidget category. I found this link, but his code doesn't work. Thanks ahead of time! ...

add categories column to the product grid in magento admin

Hi, I'm trying to add a categories column to the product grid. I've modified Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Catalog_Product_Grid. Added the following to _prepareCollection: ->joinField('category_ids', 'catalog/category_product_index', 'category_id', 'product_id=entity_id', null, 'left')...

WordPress list categories for each author function + call to a member function on a non-object error

Hi, I'm writing a custom wordpress list authors function and am trying to add a function to list the categories that the author has posted in (this is not native to wordpress)... I found the following code in a WordPress forum ( supposedly...

In WordPress 3.0.1, my categories box is not showing up in the post edit screen?

I'm setting up WordPress for a client. It's version 3.0.1. As I'm setting things up, it seems now that the category box (where you select the category you want the post to go into) doesn't show up in the post edit page? It was most definitely there before, but now it is not. I'm not sure what's happened? I even reinstalled the whole th...

How can I filter child categories of "uncategorized" out of the loop?

I have some utility categories that are only used by my theme. How can I make sure that any call to categories excludes the child categories under "uncategorized"? ...