
I want to call drupal_execute() for cck fields (DateTime user_reference) but it doesn't save anything in DB

I have a content type as a todo list element. It has some cck fields like deadline (in DateTime format) and assigned_user (a user reference field). I want to use function drupal_execute to create a such node programmatically, but after a full of errors like warning: call_user_func_array() []: First argume...

How to add tool tip for image in Drupal? Using custom template.

I'm using Drupal 6.x. This is my code on my node-product.tpl.php template. I've created a custom jquery gallery for the products. It works great, but I'm just missing tool tips from my images (both large and small thumbnails). To upload images I'm using a CCK field named field_images. There I input the image titles when I upload the imag...

Multiple node reference, display the original node as many as node reference

I have 2 custom type made with CCK : Reunion Title Description Node reference to Guests (multiple) Guests Name Picture Biography In Reunion I have a multiple node reference to Guests. (I can have multiple Guest in Reunion). I would like to print (using views) like this : Reunion 1 Description of the reunion 1 Guests : * G...