
How to hook into a field in the create content page in Drupal?

I am building an idea capture website from the Array Shift installation profile of drupal and I'm trying to create a similar entry lookup for when a user starts to create a new idea. Is there a way I can detect when the user is typing text into the title field of the create new idea form (a new content type I created in cck) and then, us...

what is CCK Computed Field?

Explaine me please in simple words what is CCK Computed Field? ...

how can I imlement muliple upload fields in drupal, each with its title and drop down category select box?

Basically I want to implement the FILE UPLOAD's box shown in this link ...

Help with Content Type Display

I am new to Drupal and I am trying to figure out how to theme a Content Type. I am building a Realtor site for a client whereby my main content type will be something like 'Property Listing'. I have installed all the necessary modules to help me upload images and everything works properly. I need to be able to display BOTH the Fullsize a...

How to output CCK Image in Views custom code

I have a view, which outputs all different types of nodes. One content type which I created is called "photo" and includes a CCK Image field. I want to customise the output, Im currently using views_customcode module to write PHP but I cant find the data to output the CCK image field? Ive also tried theming the view output, but, I want...

Restrict content types to certain taxonomy terms

I have a taxonomy set up similar to: Parent Term 1 Child 1.1 Child 1.2 Parent Term 2 Child 2.1 Child 2.2 How can I restrict a certain content type to a certain term? For example, I want to force "News Item" to only be in "Parent Term 2", so that on the content creation page only that taxonomy term would appear in the taxonomy...

A CCK field that's a random number

Anyone aware of a CCK module that adds a text field that's just a randomly generated number? This means that when the user tries to create a fresh node, he sees a pre-populated random number as one of the fields (and can't change that field) ...

Expose a view filter in Drupal

I have a filter on a CCK field called "Region", I have exposed it with a drop down box What I want to happen is to use this as an "Order By" functionality, so that if the user selects a region, it will order the output with the selected region showing first. This is so that if there is no content in a given region, it will at least dis...

Drupal 6: cck form that fetches from webservice dynamically

I have a cck module that currently does this User enters and saves username for a third party website on the module settings page User adds/edits a node When user gets the add/edit form, their username is fetched from settings, and is used for an api call which fetches some data, this data fills a select on the form. User selects somet...

Filter out nodes that refer to a specific kind of node

I have a node type (reviews) that uses CCK to refer to another kind of node (either books or videos). Is there a way for me to use Views so that I can show only Reviews of Books or only Reviews of Videos? I've tried creating a Relationship in the View and using a parameter, but that doesn't seem to work. ...

Can I make fields visible only if image attach has an image

Is it possible to use CCK to add a conditional to the image attach module form where unless I have selected an image to use for a content node, certain fields are not visible? Currently I do not have any operations available for my image attach field in my content type definition where configure and remove are available for all other fi...

How do I access CCK field values in overridden views-view-list.tpl.php template in Drupal?

I've overridden the views-view.list.tpl.php. I want to optionally included some extra HTML markup if a value in a CCK field for the current node is set to certain values. How can I access CCK field values in a views-view.list.tpl.php view template file? ...

drupal cck date field question

Hi, I've added CCK Date field to my node type using the Textfield with Date Popup wiget. The granularity is set to include Hours and Minutes. The display show two textareas, one for the date and the other for time. How do I override the time field to be a drop down? I can't see how I can do this via form_alter hook as my date field ...

Node Reference to Table in Drupal

I have Drupal with CCK, I have a content type named Article. This Article has 5 Node references. I'm using the table field in CCK and I'm trying to connect it to the references, so each article [that holds a table field] would have a table with 5 columns, one for each product and content that can change according to what the user w...

How can I use cck fields on a Location type View?

Hi ! I have a view of type LOCATION. My problem is that when I try to add a cck field the type "content" is not available on the type dropdown. I also tried to add a relationship but the content is not there also. Any ideas ? ...

How to save information in the drupal $element array

I am creating a drupal cck field that allows you to create an audio recording and then display that recording immediately. However, I'm having difficulty storing the name of the uploaded file into the $element array, specifically in the #item subarray. How would one go about saving information in that array? ...

How does a CCK formatter know which field and node it's referring to?

Hello all, I'm new to CCK development and I'm having some problems creating a new field for my system. In particular, I'm writing a widget that attaches a file to a field. Once that happens, how can a formatter function figure out which field and node it's referring to in order to retrieve the right file associated with that field? ...

How can I modify a CCK fields display via a module?

Hi. I'm working on a drupal module, and one thing that it needs to do is modify the display of cck file fields automatically (using template files is not an option). For example, this array: $node->field_images[0]['view']; That is what I would like to get into. The 'view' part will output an image based on the display settings for ...

Dynamic Fields for Drupal Content Type

I have a product, and I want it to have many changeable attributes so I did it with Taxonomy, now I have a list that holds "price, color, shape", how do I let a user choose from it within the "add product" page and let him write a color for instance? UPDATE I found something called Taxonomy Field. That is almost exactly what I'm lo...

display drop down list in a node-type in drupal

I have three node types a-type b-type c-type in my system c-type is child of b-type, and b-type is child of a-type. b-type has one node-reference field of a-type only c-type has two node-reference field for both a-type and b-type. In the node of c-type I want to create a select-box of all nodes of b-type which which have the same ...