
How does the CGI cookie work in Ruby?

Hey, This is the example I keep seeing online as how to set cookies. require "cgi" cookie ="rubyweb", "CustID=123", "Part=ABC"); cgi ="html3") cgi.out( "cookie" => [cookie] ){ cgi.html{ "\nHTML content here" } } I tried doing it this way and it sets the cookie and then comes up with a blank page. #...

How to programatically execute a CGI script form that contains a "file" type upload input field?

I've just written (in Perl) a simple web service that displays a web form containing a single "file" type upload field and a single Submit button. I made this simple web page with the intent that a human could use it and also that a script on a different machine could also execute it programatically. I got the human part all done and t...

How can I remove a temporary file (image) that is being displayed by CGI?

I've written a python CGI script that converts files into .jpgs and displays them in a simple HTML page. I don't want to clutter up the folders with these .jpg files, so I used tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile to create a file to store the converted .jpg output. Everything works great, but i want to remove this file after the page is displa...

How to Write Ruby CGIs on Rails on Windows

I tried just creating a test.rb file putting it in the public directory then calling it like http://localhost:3000/test.rb but that doesn't seem to work. It thinks I'm trying to download the file. What am I missing here? the little script is below: #!/usr/local/bin/ ruby print "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n" print "Content-type: text/html\r\n\r\n...

FastCGI on Windows and Lighttpd

I'm looking to make my CGI forum software FastCGI compatible. The forum software consists of a few dlls and .exe (.cgi) files written in C and x86 assembly language. I also have a SQlite3 database. Lighttpd runs all these cgi scripts as child processes and I much say that the whole thing works pretty damn well. But I want to experiment...

Error while loading FastCGI module in apache 2.2

I'm using apache 2.2 (part of the xampp distribution) and I was trying to load my scripts written in lua using fastcgi, so I added to httpd.conf this: LoadModule mod_fcgi modules/ and now when I try to start apache I get the following error: syntax error on line 530 of /xampp/apache/conf/httpd.conf: Can't locate API module...

Can I stop the form action from redirecting the user to another page?

I have this form: <form name="input" action="" method="POST"> Username: <input type="text" name="email" /> <input type="submit" value="Submit" /> </form> On submission, the script is called and the user is redirected to its output... I'd like the user to just stay on the same page as the...

Apache 2.2 CGI timeout configuration

I have a default Apache 2.2 system setup with a Perl CGI script directory configured like so: ScriptAlias /jarvis/ "/opt/jarvis/cgi-bin/" Nothing fancy in here except one of my scripts takes over 10 minutes to process, and due to various reasons, prints out nothing during this time. Apache appears to have a timeframe of 10 minutes (6...

Best web server for Microsoft Windows to execute cgi

Is Apache configured for windows the best way to go? Does it have any issues running cgi? ...

Why doesn't my Perl CGI script compile after I upgrade Perl?

After upgrading Perl, I receive some errors in a Perl CGI script: Unquoted string "type" may clash with future reserved word at convertit.cgi line 183. Can't modify constant item in scalar assignment at convertit.cgi line 183, near ""text/javascript\">flashPreloadFinish ('');\n";" convertit.cgi...

Can I display the output of MySQL using CGI?

HI, I have written a program in Perl using the DBI module. Can I display the output of MySQL using CGI? If so please help me. program: #!/usr/bin/perl -w use DBI; print "Content-type:text/html\n\n"; $db_handle = DBI->connect("dbi:mysql:database=CYP1B1;host=localhost:;") or die "Couldn't connect to database: $DBI::e...

CGI & Python

Hi all, here is my problem... I have a python script that, once executed from command line, performs the needed operations and exit. If, during the execution, the program is not able to perform a choice, he prompts the user and asks them to take a decision ! Now I have to implement a web interface, and here comes the problems ... I crea...

Configure Apache to use Python just like CGI PHP

Hi, I think one commonly known way of adding PHP to an Apache webserver is to configure it like this: ScriptAlias /php5.3 /usr/local/php5.3/bin Action application/php5.3 /php5.3/php-cgi AddType application/php5.3 .php Now I tried to write a similar configuration for Python: ScriptAlias /python /usr/bin Action application/python /pyth...

Get CGI params (query_string, path_info, etc) in Ruby

Hello, I'm trying to get the query_string from a Ruby file. For example; http://localhost/rubyfile.rb?hello=world I would like to be able to ask what's hello and for it to print "world", but for the life of me I cannot find the correct syntax/way to do it anywhere. Even the Ruby documentation seems dazed. #!/program files (x86)/ruby/...

Letting users upload Python scripts for execution

I understand that letting any anonymous user upload any sort of file in general can be dangerous, especially if it's code. However, I have an idea to let users upload custom AI scripts to my website. I would provide the template so that the user could compete with other AI's in an online web game I wrote in Python. I either need a soluti...

Python, who is calling my python module

Hi to all, I have one Python module that can be called by a CGI script (passing it information from a form) or from the command line (passing it options and arguments from the command line). Is there a way to establish if the module has been called from the CGI script or from the command line ?? ...

c code for web pages in rl-rtx

we have to work with RL-RTX (RTOS) in our that we have to do some web pages.we have experience in building web pages in linux using "go-ahead webserver". can we code in c language and store that executable in .cgi extension and call from the browser? please tell us. ...

CGI problem : 502 Bad Gateway The CGI was not CGI/1.1 compliant.

I have a form in an HTM page that, after pressing the submit button, calls the index.cgi ! #!/usr/bin/sh export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/nastools/pysqlite2/pysqlite2 export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/nastools/pysqlite2/:/remote/users5/amuharem/eclipse/important_stuff/amar/impo export PATH=/nastools/python64/bin/:$PATH python /re...

When should I use Perl CGI instead of PHP (or vice versa)?

For hobby purposes, I have a shared space on a hosting server that is providing, as many of them are, both PHP and Perl CGI. I have read on several places that CGI scripts are obsolete now, I think mainly for performance issues (like But since I just started ...

How can I call Perl from my PHP page on apache?

Hi, my friend and I are creating a log parser for a series of games. We have written the frontend (web) in PHP/MySQL and the parser in Perl (also using MySQL, of course). Now we are having problems getting these two to communicate. All we wan't to do is this: one administration page online where you have the button "parse". When you cli...