
jQuery, wont change value but will change any othere attribute...

function send_mail( token, loader ) { $(".send_mail").bind( "click", function() { try{ var to = $(this).attr('ref'); var mail_form = $("#mail_form"); mail_form.find("li:eq(0) input").val("sdsds"); //mail_form.find("li:eq(0) input").attr("ref", "sdsds"); //mail_form.find("li:eq(0) input").attr("value", "sdsds"); $.fan...

Appengine Datastore Record Cannot be deleted or changed

This one is probably an appengine fluke and a bug, but I'd love to hear if anyone has any suggestions. I discovered that a single datastore record is behaving strangely by showing up at the beginning of a query on a datetime field sorted by oldest to newest, although the date was newer than all of the other records. On closer inspection...

Form won't submit properly in IE

Hi! My simple donation form submits properly except for Internet Explorer. I'm sure it has to do with issues with change() and focus() or blur(), but all my hundreds of attempts so far have failed me. I tried using .click() instead of change() as mentioned in this post:

Validating Login / Changing User settings / Php Mysql

Hi everyone, my questions are about login, and changing already saved data. (Q1) 'Till now I've only saved input in the tables of the database (registration steps), now I need to check if the input (login steps), are the same of my table in database, in fact I have 3 types of users, then I'll have to check 3 kind of tables. Then if the ...

Visual Studio 2010 on seleccion change event in add-in.

Is it possible to subscribe to selection change event in visual studio 2010 add in, or any other way to detect that event? this is what i need to do: User click anywhere in a c# code file. I need to know where the user is: Property,Function,Class,Delegate,etc. Ideas? thanks. ...

How do I find the text changes in TFS history?

I'm wondering how I search history for any changeset that contains a change (diff) between the file and it's previous version with the word "foobar" in it. In other words, and more specifically, I want to find the changeset that removed a subscription to an event. Clearly the change won't be in the class raising the event, and because t...

How to change JAR icon on mac?

Hi, I have a JAR file on my mac called Test.jar, and the file works perfectly fine when I click on it. All it does is it just opens a small window, and displays "Test", so it's a simple application (I am new to Java programming). My question is how do I change the icon of the jar file to a different icon of my choice? I have yet to figu...

Capture client side text change event for asp:TextBox

I have a form that contains a TextBox. A pop up window will return a value and put it into the TextBox. when this happens, i need to populate another control. I tried tried "OnChange" but it was not triggered . How this can be achieved? ...

Cross-browser JavaScript input live change/paste detection

Is there a cross-browser way to detect live changes to an input field? By live, I mean not when the field loses focus, and not on the next keypress, and so on. Immediately or something like it. Using combinations of jQuery and .change(), .keyup(), .bind('paste') and so on I can get working live change detection in some browsers, but no...

Android: onSizeChanged, an example?

I want to use onSizeChange to detect the height difference in a LinearLayout when the soft keyboard comes on screen. I want to issue fullScroll(View.FOCUS_DOWN); at that point. An example would be greatly appreciated. ...

android chage style dinamically

Hi everybody! I've describe properties of my objects (nevermind what is the objects) in styles.xml. I would like to change these properties dinamically in styles.xml. Anybody know how can I do that? ...

Can Subversion report the percentage of code changed over time?

I would like to know on a line by line basis, what percentage of source code within a subversion repository has been modified between two commits. For example. say revision 2100 has 150,000 lines of code -- but revision 2600 has 165,000 lines of code where 8,000 lines of the original 150,000 code where modified. I would report this as ...

Free tool to watch directory and show changes in files

Im looking for a tool that will watch directory(with sub-dirs) and give me the list of files that has changed and what has changed in them. Ive found some tools that show me files that has changed, but that is not enough for me. P.S. I dont want to write it if someone has already written it. P.S.2. Feel free to close this question if y...

Make this reflection method call typesafe

class CustomerMessage { private string name; private Dictionary<MethodBase, object> changeTrackingMethods = new Dictionary<MethodBase, object>(); public int Id { get; set; } public string Name { get { return; } set { = value; this.PropertyChang...

Flex - cancel a change event on a Tree

Hello there, Brief details: I'm using Flex 3.5. I have a Tree component that's used as a navigation menu between different 'pages'. When the user clicks a certain option in the menu, I switch the 'page' by switching between State components in my application. The thing is that when the user indeed clicks an option in the menu, I want t...

[MFC] CMFCRibbonColorButton how to get the color

Dear All, I would like to access to the user selected color in a color pallete added to a Ribbon bar. By now I have created the Ribbon button, added it to the panel, added an event to handle the "click" on that button and overwritten the OnEraseBkgnd(CDC* pDC) in my view class. I present some code snippets. I at this stage I am not abl...

.val() doesn't trigger .change() in jquery

Hello, I am trying to trigger .change() on a text box when I change it's value simply with a button but it doesn't work. Check link below. If you type something in textbox then click somewhere else .change() triggers but if you click only button, it changes textbox value but .change() doesn't trigger. :( why?

How to discover if an Ext.FormPanel is changed

Hi, i've some Ext.FormPanel and i want to enable the "Save" button only when the user changes the values inside the form. How can i discover that the user changed some fields ? I've tried with form.on("change"), SelectionMode but without any success. Thanks ...

Force orientation on iPad - javascript

I'm building an app in the browser for the iPad and was wondering if it's possible to lock the orientation of the viewport? I've checked apple's documentation and the only thing I've found says orientation is read only :

jquery change css of every fourth item?

Hi all I was wondering if it was possible for jquery to change the css of every 4th item (div) inside another div? I've had a look around but can't seem to get it working.. Any help would be appreciated :) Cheers ...