
What is the Python code to split up a string so that it prints out normally in an 80-character window without wrapping?

When I run my program (which decrypts a paragraph from a certain document), I have: W E T H E P E O P L E O F T H E U N I T E D S T A T E S I N O R D E R T O F O R M A M O R E P E R F E C T U N I O N E S T A B L I S H J U S T I C E I N S U R E D O M E S T I C T R A N Q U I L I T Y P R O V I D E F O R T H E C O M M O N D E F E N S E P R ...

Mixing data types results in heart output

I was fooling around with one of the sample programs in the K&R, and found that this #include <stdio.h> main() { double nc; for (nc = 0; getchar() != EOF; ++nc) ; printf("%lf\n", nc ); putchar(nc); } produces output that is 3.000000 (which I totally expected) then a new line with a heart on it (which I totall...

What is vertical tab, form feeds and backspace character? How to use them in JavaScript?

Hi guys, I want to know what is vertical tab, form feeds and backspace character and how to use them in JavaScript? Or is there any chance I have to(should) use them? ...

Extract Text based on Character - Flex

I'm using an auto complete component and a labelFunction so that user have the ability to search by their name or id. Once the search is completed I'd like to extract the data to a query. The only problem is that I only need the name or id for the query not both, so I'd like to pull from just the id variable... Currently if the user ty...

How to replace special characters with their equivalent (such as " á " for " a") in C#?

Hi. I need to get the Portuguese text content out of an Excel file and create an xml which is going to be used by an application that doesn't support characters such as "ç", "á", "é", and others. And I can't just remove the characters, but replace them with their equivalent ("c", "a", "e", for example). I assume there's a better way to...

xslt disable-output-escaping turns non-latin characters into question marks "...???????????..."

Hi, I'm using xslt do display Solr response in html, my xsl file is in UTF-8 and non-latin characters (arabic) are nicely displayed, the problem is that when I use disable-output-escaping="yes" to parse html tag, the non-latin chars become a series of question marks ????????? Any clue ? Thanks in advance ...

Help with char input and printing in C++

Hello guys, i want to read characters from the console and print them one after another only if they have a certain value. Well i tried using something like this: char c; while (c != '\n') { c = getch(); if (printable(c)) cout << c; // where printable is a function which checks // if ...

oracle sql converter CharacterConverter12Byte problem in jdbc

I was working on a simple GUI script yesterday using jdbc in eclipse. When I went to run the program, I got a pop up screen asking me about character conversion in jdbc. I had no idea what this was and neither did my professor (no surprise there). Now every time I run a program, even one that doesn't use SQL I get the same error. 0 - ...

How to change value of character in Javascript?

I have this code here, {foreach from=$cart.cartItems item="item" name="cart"} <div id="cart2Produkt"> <p>{if $item.Product.ID} <a href="{productUrl product=$item.Product}" data-tooltip="sticky1">{$item.Product.name_lang|truncate:20}</a> {else} <span>{$item.Product.name_lang...

Java: How to get Unicode name of a character (or its type category)?

Hello, everyone! The Character class in Java defines methods which check a given char argument for equality with certain Unicode chars or for belonging to some type category. These chars and type categories are named. As stated in given javadoc, examples for named chars are HORIZONTAL TABULATION, FORM FEED, ...; example for named type ...

R: How to separate character output in a loop?

I'm blanking on the best way to paste a list of strings together to go into an SQL statement... I'm having trouble with the separator bar | printing at the beginning when I don't want it to: foo = "blah" paste_all_together = NULL for (n in 1:4) { paste_together = paste(foo ,sep = "") paste_all_together = paste(paste_all_tog...

Weird character at start of json content type

Hi, I'm trying to return json content read from MySQL server. This is supposed to be easy but, there is a 'weird' character that keeps appearing at start of the content. I have two pages for returning content: this test.php is from a script written by Timothy Groves, which conver...

Character encoding for US Census Cartographic Boundary Files

I'm trying to import the US Census cartographic boundary files (available here: ) into a GeoDjango application. However, python is complaining about UnicodeDecodeErrors (for example, for the non-ascii characters in Puerto Rico). The shapefile description file (*.dbf) doesn't specify what...

How can I add an en dash to a plot in R?

I'm creating a plot in R, and need to add an en dash to some axis labels, as opposed to your everyday hyphen. axis(1, at=c(0:2), labels=c("0-10","11-30","31-70")) I'm running R version 2.8.1 on Linux. ...

Using C# to detect whether a filename character is considered international

I've written a small console application (source below) to locate and optionally rename files containing international characters, as they are a source of constant pain with most source control systems (some background on this below). The code I'm using has a simple dictionary with characters to look for and replace (and nukes every othe...

iPhone Chinese simplified to traditional character conversion

Is there a way to convert Chinese simplified characters to traditional characters in Cocoa/Objective-C? On the .NET platform you can include a VB dll in your projects that gives you access to a function for an easy conversion. Is there anything I can use in Cocoa/Objective-C that will allow me to do the same? I want to go between simplif...

getc Vs getchar Vs Scanf for reading a character from stdin

Of the below three functions: getc getchar & scanf which is the best one for reading a character from stdin and why? Are there any known disadvantages or limitations for any of these functions which makes one better than the other? ...

Character encoding issues when generating MD5 hash cross-platform

This is a general question about character encoding when using MD5 libraries in various languages. My concern is: suppose I generate an MD5 hash using a native Python string object, like this: message = "hello world" m = md5() m.update(message) Then I take a hex version of that MD5 hash using: m.hexdigest() and send the message & M...

Trouble Percent-Encoding Spaces in Java

Hi Everyone, I am using the class from W3C ( Currently, it will encode any blank spaces ' ' into plus signs '+'. I am having difficulty modifying the code to percent-encode the blank space into '%20'. Unfortunately, I am not too familiar with hex. Can anyone help me out...

PHP: Cyrillic characters not displayed correctly

Recently I switched hosting from one provider to the other and I have problems displaying Cyrillic characters. The characters which are read from the database are displayed correctly, but characters which are hardcoded in the php file aren't (they are displayed as question marks). The files which contain the php source code are saved in...