
freeware .net map component?

I'm looking for a .NET chart component that can display a world map, with the option to shade different countries. Are there any freeware products that do this? This needs to be "offline" so any Google type API will not be possible. ...

How do I copy a chart image to the clipboard using C#2010?

I am learning C# as I write a program which interfaces with a spectrometer. I have figured out how to get a spectrum from the spectrometer and plot it on an MS chart. How do I copy the image of the chart into the clipboard so that it can be pasted into other programs? I'm using Visual Studio C# 2010. I have found the chart.SaveImage ...

can ChartArea gridlines be made invisible?

I'm using Microsoft Chart Controls to generate charts from text file data. I centainly won't object to specific answers ;) but mostly a yea or nay will steer me right. Can the chartarea gridlines, axis, etc be made invisible? Can the column chart type be made to hug the leftmost side of the chart area. thanks ...

Flex AlivePDF export charts. Charts being clipped.

I am trying to use AlivePDF to save a chart into a .pdf file. However, when I try to save my chart, it ends up clipping half of the chart in the pdf so it isn't even fully visible. It seems that the screencapture that AlivePDF took to generate my pdf was too small. I am trying to get a chart from a sample to work with sample code for ...

.NET Chart Control Parallel Performance

I am using the .NET Chart Control library that comes with .NET 4.0 Beta 2 to create and save images to disk on a background thread. I am not showing the chart on the screen, however, simply creating a chart, saving it to disk, and destroying it. Something like this: public void GeneratePlot(IList<DataPoint> series, Stream outputStream...

JavaScript charts - dynamically adding data points

I am trying to dynamically add data points to jqplot as a result of AJAX received data, but I do not see a way to accomplish this. Is this not possible? If it isn't, what other packages are available that can accomplish the same basic graphing plus allow for dynamic data? ...

Bold points in Microsoft Chart control

I'm using microsoft Chart control in my web form. I want points(0, 0) should be bold on the chart. My code is as follows: DataTable dt = collection.ToDataTable(); // Chart1.Series[0].Points.DataBind(collection, "Price", "OverallQuality", "Label=HotelName"); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { ...

Best charts for reporting with flash for php code

Any libraries for a basic chart reporting with flash and php code based on parameters we pass, I know there is open flash chart, seems to be a slightly difficult to get that going. Do you have any other alternative flash charts to suggest for a php code ...

BIRT - How to add a dynamic marker?

I have one dataset and create from this set an area chart. In this case no problem. But now I have the requirement to add dynamic markers to the chart. So, this is the example: Data Set: date | workload | type The report renders a chart, which displays the date on the x-Axis and the workload on the y-Axis. The Type shows the different...

How to remove a YUI Chart from a page

I need to create and remove YUI charts from a page. To remove, I am doing $('.chart').remove() to get rid of the containing DIV. However, this raises a null reference exception in this script: try { document.getElementById("yuiswf1").SetReturnValue(_flash_toXML(YAHOO.widget.SWF.eventHandler("yuiswf1",({category:"info",message:"resize...

Need core plot with coloured vertical line at each data x coordinate, with height data y coordinate

Hello, I would like to use core plot to chart my data as follows: for each data point (x,y), draw a vertical line starting at (x,0) and running to (x,y). The data are medication doses, mapped against time of dose. Any help would be greatly appreciated! ...

How to use radius style in Flex plot charting

When I use radius property in Flex plot chart It causes a warning says radius has been deprecated, please use radius style There's no online documents about this warning. How Can I use radius style ? Thanks. ...

gwt-RPC problem! what is the best practice on using gwt-RPC?

Dear all, I want draw a chart based on the date retrieve from the database by using RPC. But everytime I fail to get the result. My rpc function is working. I think is the sequence of the process. below is my class: public class TrafficPattern_1 extends GChart { TrafficPattern_1() { final DBServiceAsync dbService...

What effects drawing charts/diagrams from $_SESSION data under php5, which worked under php4?

Hello, I have a script generating 3 diagrams from $_SESSION variables which work fine under php4 with register_globals = off, but when I parse the same script as php5 I get no diagram. The diagrams a drawn from GD libary and it works, if I set the data into an Array (manually filled) within the script file. But I need a way to get it w...

Python win32com: Excel set chart type to Line

This VBA macro works: Sub Draw_Graph() Columns("A:B").Select ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddChart.Select ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=ActiveSheet.Range("$A:$B") ActiveChart.ChartType = xlLine End Sub This Python (near) Equivalent almost works: from win32com import client excel=client.Dispatch("Excel.Application") excel.V...

How to set a viewable area for a WPF Line Series Chart

Hi I'm using the .NET Data Visualization Toolkit to create charts in WPF. My application basically adds a new value to the chart every second and redraw the chart. The problem is that I only want to display 100 points on the x-axis at any given time but the chart seems to redraw itself with all the values. Is there a way to display a ...

Can I able to display the pie chart in .ascx control?

I am trying to display a Dojo pie chart in .ascx control. I am using this code to display <script type="text/javascript"> dojo.require("dojox.charting.Chart2D"); var chart1; dojo.addOnLoad(function() { chart1 = new dojox.charting.Chart2D("simplechart"); chart1.addPlot("default", { type: "Pie", ...

Stacked Area Histogram in R

I ran a Pig job on a Hadoop cluster that crunched a bunch of data down into something R can handle to do a cohort analysis. I have the following script, and as of the second to last line I have the data in the format: > names(data) [1] "VisitWeek" "ThingAge" "MyMetric" VisitWeek is a Date. ThingAge and MyMetric are integers. The...

How can I get a static X Axis in SSRS?

I've got a pretty simple need for a graph, or at least I thought it was. We have a number of time based products and I'd like to have a chart that goes: <1 Hour 45 Mins 30 mins 15min OnTime But not all products have files arriving in every timeframe, so may appear as: 45mins 15mins As you can imaging this makes reporti...

How to insert an excel chart into Word using AddOLEObject

I'm trying to create a linked OLE Object in a Word document using VB.Net. Existing code uses InlineShapes.AddOLEObject(FileName:="abc.xlsx", LinkToFile:=True, Range:=Some Word Range) to insert a worksheet into a Word document. I need more control than this. To select a range of cells I've found that extra information after the filename...