
Powerpoint chart created in Aspose is not very clear.

Hi, I am using Aspose for reading a powerpoint as a tempate and creating a new powerpoint as a report. In the template power point I read the chart and populate the data for the chart. But in the report powerpoint, thechart is fuzzy and is not very clear. But when I edit the chart and save it( I donot change any values or properties )...

Create excel chart using Apache POI

Hi, I need to create excel sheet from my Java code which contains charts like Bar chart, Line Chart etc using the Apache POI library. Is it possible? I am not able to find any useful code example for the same. Is there any other alternative for this apart from POI library for Java? Thanks in advance, Abhinav Mishra ...

A "Google wonder wheel" or "visualthesaurus" like diagram control for .net?

Hi Guys, I'm looking for a graph control that works just like Google wonder wheel or Thinkmap visual thesaurus. I don't know what do these types of diagrams called. Any help would be appreciated. I have a series of non-hierarchical related data entities (should be shown as big and small circles) and I want to show their relation (lines ...

Can I turn a Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Chart object into a Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel.Chart object?

Basically I've coded an Excel 2007 project in VB.NET 2010 that allows you to create charts with a fair amount of interactivity. I want the user to be able to save and reopen this workbook and still have that interactivity in any already-created charts, so they don't have to re-create them. When I create the charts, I use Sheet1.Controls...

IPhone Development - Chart From Google API

Hi all, I'm trying to use the Google API to put some graphics in my application but it's not workig. I tested the code for other images on internet and it worked. Code: - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; UIImage *myimage = [UIImage imageWithData: [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL: [NSURL URLWithString: @"http://chart....

Graphing / Visualising XML file structure.

I'm doing some research with large XML based datasets, and I wanted a simple way to get my head around the (vague and almost obfuscated) data structures but graphing the xml nodes. I was going to write a perl script that would re-parse the xml into a GraphViz Dot compatible file, but before I dive into that; anyone got any better ideas?...

Modifying a chart in powerpoint manually

I have a .net 2.0 application running in IIS, I need to create a single PPTX file containing a chart which I will have to edit dynamically. I thought the easiest way is to edit the pptx file manually, however editing the inner xlsx file manually does not show the proper data when opening it in powerpoint.(Perhaps the data is cached some...

MS Chart Control Two Y Axis

I'm building a chart to show items by volume by category. So far I've been succcessful in showing items by volume as it's a simple x/y chart, however I'd like to show y2 and I know MS Chart Controls has a built in AxisY2 however when I try anything with it the Chart get's all funky. Here's what I'm looking for (in ascii art): item1 |[...

ColumnSeries Style and Layout WPF Chart Control

I'm using a chart and column series in the WPF toolkit to display a value for each month of the year. Everything is working good and the chart loads except it looks like junk since the series labels on the X axis are all overlapping and I cannot figure out how to get the sizing correct. When using the lineseries the chart seems to size...

.Net DataVisualization.Charting Formatting values on Y-Axis

Does anybody know how to format and control the values shown on the Y-Axis of a .Net 4 DataVisualization.Charting chart? I have values on the Y-Axis and dates on the X-Axis. The values on the Y-Axis are showing multiple decimal points and I want to apply a custom formatter to them so that I can show them in any format I want. So for exa...

Setting label and value of the chart

I'm creating pie charts using JFreeChart, and I want to set the value and the label seperately like in iReport, how can I do this? In other words, I want the chart to show different results on the pie than in the legend. ...

Graph.Chart interop in Word

I'm having massive problems when trying to update a chart through MSWord interop. All I want to do is set the values on a chart in a word document so the graph can update to values in my app. I've done the following (after importing Microsoft.Office.Interop.Graph.dll): InlineShape chartShape = WordDocument.InlineShapes[...

Making a Flex chart with an interactive legend

Hello, I currently need help with making a chart in Flex with multiple series and a chart legend which is an interactive legend where upon selecting an item in the legend (which corresponds with a series in the chart) that specific series in the chart will slideDown or Up depending on whether it was just de-selected from the legend or ...

adding series to chart control in runtime (because of postback problem)

after the postback the chart control's values is changing its design time values. even when i write page load actions in (!isPostBack) scope , the values resets. so i defined a "my series" static ArrayList and in runtime i added each series of chart to that ArrayList. And in the page load event i added each element of ArrayList to Chart ...

looking for stock charting component

hello, i am writing a financial WPF desktop application and i am looking for a component that would allow me to display (and print) OHLC, candlestick, and possibly other types of financial charts. I need to be able to embed custom graphics into the chart, i mean graphics such as extra lines, additional charts, etc. the component needs t...

free organization chart component for

i need a "free" organization chart component for any ideas plz ? ...

How can I stream a .net chart as a PNG? (Parameter is not valid)

I have a generic handler in that builds a chart and then returns a png as a result. Relevant code on /GetChart.ashx (which is actually called as /GetChart.ashx?report=1): AssetChart.RenderType = RenderType.BinaryStreaming Dim mstream As New MemoryStream() AssetChart.SaveImage(mstream, ChartImageFormat.Png) Dim byteArray As Byte...

PHP or Python for creating webcharts after calculations?

Is it a good idea to code such a script in Python and in which language is handy for fast performance and useful libraries/frameworks for charts?(charts would be created after calculating an expression which is input from the user) EDIT:It's a web server-side script ...

High performance chart for lots of data in javascript

I need a high performance charting component. The underlying technology used is not specific; could be javascript, flash or java for what it's worth. I need to solve these issues: 1. I need to decide on the right kind of chart for this kind of data: 001. testA 002,003 002. testB 003,004 003. testC 004 004. testD Currently, I'm thi...

Changing Default Colors of WPFToolkit Chart Control

Does anyone know how to or found any good examples of explicitly setting the color of the data points series when using the WPFToolkit chart control? I would like to set this as a style in my XAML. ...