
Databound WPF CheckBox eating exceptions on value set

I have a databound WPF CheckBox control that appears to be eating exceptions thrown by the corresponding property setter when the value is toggled in the UI. I know this can happen if I provide a ExceptionValidationRule on the Binding instance, but I double checked that the ValidationRules for the Binding instance has count zero. I als...

Problem getting checkboxes to work in ASP.NET

I am working with an old web application developed in VB.NET 1.1 framework. I am having an issue with checkboxes. I have the following code for my checkbox: <asp:TemplateColumn HeaderText="Reviewed"> <ItemStyle HorizontalAlign="Center" VerticalAlign="Middle" /> <ItemTemplate> <asp:checkbox ID="chkAppRev" Runat="server" OnCheckedCh...

QTP: Getting the value of a checkbox

I want to know that how many checkboxes are present on the home page of and also I want to check the checkbox is checked or not ..... My code is.... Set obj= Description.Create() obj("name").value="PersistentCookie" obj("html tag").value="INPUT" obj("type").value="checkbox" Set a = Browser("name:=Gmail.*","title:=Gmail.*...

Dynamically Added CheckBox Column is Disabled in GridView

I'm dynamically adding a Boolean column to a DataSet. The DataSet's table is the DataSource for a GridView, which AutoGenerates the columns. Issue: The checkboxes for this dynamically generated column are all disabled. How can I enable them? ds.Tables["Transactions"].Columns.Add("Retry", typeof(System.Boolean)); ds.Tables["Transactions...

How to cancel a routed event?

I have a WPF application, where when a user unchecks a checkbox, the application will prompt to confirm. If the user chooses not to continue (cancel) is selected, i want to cancel the uncheck event. In another word, i want the checkbox to remain checked. How can i do that in WPF? Thanks in advance. ...

Select All Checkbox in XAML using trigger?

Hi. I'd like to implement a select all checkbox in xaml. I have several (templated) checkboxes in a listview. Then I have a checkbox outside of the listview, which I want to have a "select all"-behaviour. I could easily solve the problem in my ViewModel, however, I think it would be more elegant to do this in xaml, since the select all ...

Checkbox and JQUERY: "is checked" always FALSE

The code is below and checkbox is always FALSE. But on page it is different. It doesn't get checked or unchecked. <script type="text/javascript"> $('.cbOzelHastaAdi').unbind('click'); $('.cbOzelHastaAdi').click( function() { var parentDiv = $(this).parent().get(0); var cbs = $(parentDiv).find('table input:checkbox'); if(...

Creating the checkbox dynamically using javascript?

I am trying to create a checkbox dynamically using following html/javascript. Any ideas why it doesnt work? <html> <head> </head> <body> <div id="cb"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> var cbh = document.getElementById('cb'); var val = '1'; var cap = 'Jan'; var cb = document.createElement('input'); cb.type = 'ch...

JQUERY find top parent and get divs in it except this

Hi, 1) when i clicked to any checkbox, a) i want to select radio in the same div b) unselect the other radios with their checkboxes. 2) When i click to radio, a) select all checkboxes in the same div. b) uncheck the other radios 3) is there any way to get parents without its first parent div? How can i do that? <div cl...

WPF -- simple checkbox binding question

Hello, While it is trivial to store a checkbox's checked state in a variable using the checkbox's Click event, how would I do it via databinding? All the examples I have found have the UI updated from some datasource, or bind one control to another; I want to update a member variable when the checkbox is clicked. TIA for any pointers....

Select all checkboxes

In my Rails app I've created a set of checkboxes as follows: <div class="form_row"> <label for="features[]">Features:</label> <% ['scenarios', 'news', 'role_profiles', 'private_messages', 'chatrooms', 'forums', 'polls'].each do |feature| %> <br><%= check_box_tag 'features[]', feature, (@features || {}).include?(feature) %...

ASP.NET MVC - Checkbox text attribute

I'm drawing some checkboxes in a loop and i want to set the text attribute based on the objects that I'm iteration with the loop. I've something like this: <asp:CheckBox ID="CheckBox1" runat="server" Text="<%= Html.Encode(item.nome) %>" Checked="true"/> The problem is that the Html.Encode(item.nome...

Set the checked property using a compare statement (MVC)

I'm looking for a way to set the checked property based on an integer (not boolean in this case) inside an MVC view. Is it possible to express this inside the view alone? (with our without an html helper is fine w/ me) ...

Custom list clicking with checkboxes in Android

I've populated a ListActivity from a cursor using SimpleCursorAdapter that starts another activity when one of the list items have been clicked. I'm also using ViewBinder to do some custom transformation of the data. I want to add a checkbox to each row in the list so I've changed the view and added a CheckBox with gravity right. Addi...

Check checkbox checked property using jQuery

I need to check the checked property of a checkbox and perform the action based on the checked property using jQuery. For example, if the age checkbox is checked, then I need to show a textbox to enter age, else hide the textbox. But the following code gives false as by default: if ($('#isAgeSelected').attr('checked')) { $("#txtAg...

Bulk Editing of A GridView in ASP.Net

What is the best way to achieve bulk editing of a grid view in I don't want the user to have to click edit on each individual row to change it. It would be much better if they could make all the changes and then submit them in one go. What I want is something like Item1 x x x x Item2 x x x x Item3 ...

How can you create a user orderable list box in c#?

How would I got about creating a user orderable list of check boxes in c#? The user needs to select which files out of a list they want to pass to another application and the order matters so I was looking for a method of accomplishing this using Up/Down arrow type interface on the side Any ideas on how I should go about this? Cheers ...

How to trace an unobtrusive onclick using Firebug

I'm working with the jqGrid 3.5 a lot as of recent, but I have noticed that when I add a checkbox input dynamically it can't be clicked (but it doesn't appear to be disabled). So I'm trying to search through the massive js dependencies that are part of the control but can't seem to find anything "not allowing" my checkbox to toggle. My...

onCheckedChanged event of checkbox within a gridview

Hi All, I have a checkbox control in the gridview with Autopost back = true Code: ' runat="server" AutoPostBack="True" OnCheckedChanged="chkJobID_CheckedChanged" /> Now, when i check the checkbox the 'OnCheckedChanged' fires and add the jobID to the array, but when i uncheck the checkbox then it doesnt fires....

MS Access checkbox validation

Hi Guys I have a question on checkboxes in acess 2003 I have 4 checkboxes on my form and one of these boxes, i want to restrict so only users supplied with the correct password eg (report1) can check that box. I have a small textbox to the side of the checkbox labelled manager password. I am not sure how to set this validation in acces...