
A read-only CheckBox in C# WPF

Hi everyone, I am having a tricky problem, I want some slightly unusual behaviour from a checkbox and can't seem to figure it out. Any suggestions would be most welcome. The behaviour I want is: The CheckBox is enabled and ready for the user to click, IsChecked represents a bound boolean value stored in a data structure The user clic...

ASP.NET CheckBox state and PostBack

I have a simple task - to change page link on checkbox state change - but I'm new to ASP.NET and have some trouble. I can do the same using HtmlControl and JavaScript: <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> function checkbox_onChanged(checked) { if (checked) { document.location = '?type=request_in&show=all'; ...

Triggering a checkbox value changed event in DataGridView C#.NET

Hi I have a grid view that has a check box cloumn, and I want to trigger a drawing even as soon as the value of the cell is toggled. I tried the ValueChaged and the CellEndEdit and BeginEdit, and chose the selection mode as CellSelect. As for the The first 2 events, the event was triggered upon the finishing of the edit mode, like movin... mvc checkbox inconsistency

I'm using an checkbox on an ASP.NET MVC form like so: <%=Html.CheckBox("AgreeToRules", Model.AgreeToRules)%> The AgreeToRules property on the model is a boolean value. During testing, this all worked fine. However, now that we've gone live with this app, I'm seeing a relatively small but significant number of errors with the following...

How to select items from multiple pages using PHP, HTML, etc?

On a site that I'm working on, I'm displaying results from a database query. Each page shows 15 results, so if there are 45 results returned from the query, they will be displayed on 3 separate pages, each containing 15 results. I want the user to be able to select any number of items from the first page, then switch to the other pages ...

Attach a * to my DIv on click of the checkBox in JQuery

Hi, I m new to JQUery..If i checked the checkBox as Required ,i need to get a * to a div. <label class='Label3'>Options <input id='option1' class='checkbox' type='checkbox'></input><label class='choice' for='checkbox'>Required</label> <input id='option2' class='checkbox' type='checkbox'></input><label class='choice' fo...

Use a checkbox to toggle the display of a page element (IE7 problems!)

When users check the "My shipping address and billing address are the same" checkbox, I want to hide the shipping address form. This code works well in everything except IE: $("#order_shipping_same_as_billing").change(function() { $("fieldset.shipping").toggle("blind", { 'direction' : 'vertical' }, 50); }); IE doesn't register the...

How do I edit multiple records in one Ruby on Rails form?

I'm making a simple to-do list application to teach myself Ruby on Rails, however I've run into a problem. I have a simple form that lists to-do items with a check box to the left of them, and an "Update" button at the bottom, as so: [ ] Do the dishes [ ] Take out the garbage [ ] Take over the world ( Update ) Each to-do item is a sepa... MVC checkbox headache!

I have seen lots of questions relating to this topic. I am using MVC 1.0 Problem area If I use <%= Html.CheckBox("Status", true) %> Then why It renders like <input checked="checked" id="Status" name="Status" type="checkbox" value="true" /><input name="Status" type="hidden" value="false" /> I put this in foreach loop and ...

ReadOnlyCheckBox ControlTemplate

Hi, I've been trying to create my generic ReadOnlyCheckBox style/template but I'm having a problem with the binding to the data. In the example here: you bind directly to the data from the ControlTemplate definition, but of course this is not really what I want, a...

jquery checkbox alert

I've inherited the following checkbox: <td><div class="text_note"><label for="terms" class="text button_action"> <input type="checkbox" name="terms" id="terms" onClick="checkCheckBox(this, 'inf_terms', true)"> &nbsp;I understand and agree to the Terms &amp; Conditions. </label>&nbsp;<span id="inf_terms">&nbsp;</span></div></td> I need...

check box in multiple rows

hai all, I am developing an appliaction for mac os in xcode.I need to add check boxes in the rows of a table view.Is it posiible to do that. or is there any other way to do this... ...

ModalPopUpExtender with checkbox validation

I have an AJAX Application that I have been working on. At this point in the development - I have a modalpopupextender with a warning message and an OK and Cancel button. I have just been tasked with changing this to be three checkboxes and having the OK button disabled until all three boxes have been checked. I'm having a difficult t...

CheckBox in tableview

Hai all , I am developing a mac application in xcode.I need to add come checkboxes into the rows of a table dynamically.Is there any way to do that ..Looking for a perfect solution.... ...

Checkin Related Checkbox In The Nested Datagrid

I have a nested datagrid seen below. When I click lnkSec, I want checkboxes of dgrIslem datagrid to be checked. How can I do it with javascript or Jquery? <asp:datagrid id="dgrMenu" runat="server" Width="100%" GridLines="Horizontal" ShowHeader="False" Height="8px" BorderWidth="1px" BorderColor="Gainsboro" CellPadding="0" AutoGenerateC...

A Selection Problem About Jquery

In the code below, when I click lnkSecc, I want checkboxes under the first div coming after lnkSecc which id is Grup to be selected. How can I do it? <td>Sipariş</td><td> <a href="#" id="lnkSecc" onclick="javascript:SelectSubCheckboxes(this);" >Seç/Kaldır</a> </td><td> <div id="Grup"> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" rules="all"...

How do I set a unique ID for checkboxes in a multi-record Rails form?

I've set up a Rails form roughly following the instructions in this Railscast. Here's the code for the form: <% form_tag complete_todos_path, :method => :put do %> <ul> <div id="incomplete_todos"> <% @incomplete_todos.each do |todo| %> <%= render :partial => todo %> <% end %> </div> </ul> <%= submit_tag...

Dynamically disable/enable checkboxlist items

i have a CheckBoxList with a list of services that the user can execute... some of this services can't be executed with some of the others, some services can only be executed alone etc.. All this rules are stored in my database. Is there anyway for me to disable/enable (make unclikable) checkboxlist items that can't be executed togethe...

Proper submission of forms with autogenerated controls

Based on: Let's consider following example. View: <% using(Html.BeginForm("Retrieve", "Home")) %> <% { %> <%foreach (var app in newApps) { %> <tr> <td><%=Html.CheckBox(""+app.ApplicationId )%></td> </tr> ...

How to design a table to store checkboxes in form?

Hi my user says he needs to mark several checkboxes in a form (form1) and then get report based on values stored in those checkboxes.for example, image that there are 5 checkboxes in form.3 of them belong to a category named "Econimics", and remaining 2 checkboxes belong to another category named others. Now, my question is: how shoul...