
Getting innerHTML text from selected checkboxes in Prototype

Hi, I need to get the text from the selected checkboxes in a form. Ifhe form is: <form action="save" method="post" name="reunform" id="reunform" > <div id="listad"> <ul id="litemsd"> <li class="litemd"><input type="checkbox" name="d1" />Number One</li> <li class="litemd"><input type="checkbox" name="d2" />Numer Two</li> <li ...

How to pass a checkbox array from form to results page.

Im trying to build a page that will allow a user to select a maximum of 8 out of 20 checkboxes, in a specific order, on a single form. Im trying to make a page that will only be viewable if the right sequence of checkboxes are clicked, a neat way to let only those who have the checkbox sequence in on a certain part of my website. What ...

Checkboxlist in asp mvc

Ive got 3 tables, projects, devices and projectdevice (table that links the 2 for a many to many relation). A device is connected to an account and in the account management the device can be connected to a project. I want to do this by using checkboxes. When creating or editing a project there should be a list of all devices and the pos...

jQuery access input field by name[value][id]

I have some HTML code like this: <input id="fieldname-1" name="field_name[value][1]" value="1" type="checkbox" /> <input id="fieldname-2" name="field_name[value][2]" value="2" type="checkbox" /> <input id="fieldname-3" name="field_name[value][3]" value="3" type="checkbox" /> I want to access this with jQuery like: $('input[field_name...

CheckedListBox - How to programmatically ensure that one and only one item can be checked at any given time?

Hello Coders, I want to use a CheckedListBox in an application where each item in the ListBox is the name of a folder on my hard drive and for the purpose of reading and writing text files to and from each of these folders I want to ensure that one and only one item (a folder) can be selected at any one time in the CheckedListBox How c...

Is there a way to do a check for checkboxes which aren't selected using jQuery

Basically I have code that checks if any checkboxes with a given class are selected. If one of those isn't, another checkbox doesn't get selected (parent). Logic for each checkbox { if this isn't checked then uncheck checkbox A if all siblings aren't checked uncheck checkbox A // recursion for grandparents as well. } Is there a Any()...

Set checked boxes for a checkBox-list dialog

I've got a dialog which shows a list of checkBoxes. I'd like to set different boxes checked each time the dialog is showed. But that only works the first time.. I want it work every time the dialog is showed! It would be great if anyone can help... This is my code: @Override protected Dialog onCreateDialog(int id) { switch (id) { ...

How to enable Multiple Selection on dojox TreeGrid ?

Hi I am looking for TreeGrid which enables multiple Selection using CheckBoxes. I saw the Dojox TreeGrid looks promising but lacks the Multiple Selection capabilities. I saw a Tree with checkboxes at: But I haven't figure out is there easy way to enable the same on TreeGrid ? thx tsema...