
return list from view to controller via viewmodel

I have a controller that takes in a viewmodel and submitbutton public ActionResult AddLocation(AddLocationViewModel viewModel, string submitButton) My view is bound to the viewmodel. The viewmodel contains a list objects used to create an html table with checkboxes. Is there a way to access the selected "rows" through the viewmodel in ...

How do I fire a click event with a checkbox in jquery using the validator

Hi guys, How do I trigger validation (using the validate plugin) from a group of checkboxes using jQuery, without using the name of the checkbox (this is controlled by the serverside app)? The validation message is currently displayed only once -(when you press the submit button) and I need it to be fired everytime a checkbox gets trigg...

How can I serialize the values of checked checkboxes in an iFrame into a hidden form field on clicking a button?

I have an iFrame like so: <iframe width="100%" frameborder="0" height="470" allowtransparency="true" name="productframe" id="productframe" style="border-bottom:1px solid #eee"></iframe> The iframe contains several line items drawn from a sql server db, and I can check any of the checkboxes I want to perform a task with - in this case ...

how to get values from a group ofcheckboxes?

Hi everyone, i am trying to get values of checkboxes to insert them later on in database. It is ok that unchecked checkboxes will not be sent to my servlet but the problem that i have when cheking more than one checkboxe it returns just the first I'am doing like that im my JSP: <td><input type=checkbox id=\""+i+"\" name=cbo value=<%=obj...

jQuery show based on checkbox value at page load.

I have an ASP MVC web app and on one of the pages there is a set of Main checkboxes with sub-checkboxes underneath them. The sub-checkboxes should only show up when the corresponding main checkbox is checked. I have the following code that works just fine as long as none of the checkboxes are checked when the page loads. $("input[id$=Su...

set/unset checkboxes in JSF

Hello, i've got one problem with checkboxes in JSF. I want them to behave dependently on each other, e.g., when i check a box which belongs to some object that has children then all checkboxes that belong to these children components must be checked either. And also when i uncheck one of child's checkbox the parent should be unchecked to...

jQuery ui checkboxes drive me crazy

Hello, I'm using a form with checkboxes from jQuery UI and I'm having some problems with them : here is my code : php <input type="checkbox" id="check'. $empl->getAttr('id') .'" class="intervenants" /><label for="check'. $empl->getAttr('id') .'">'.$empl->getAttr('nom').'</label>'; javascript $('.intervenants').each(function() { ...

change available checkboxes after select[html] changed - Zend Framework

Hi, Could you please help me rosolve my troubling matter. I used Zend_Form to create what I needed. However as I have relations many to many i decided to present multiple choices via checkboxes. Unfortunately range of these checkboxes depends on select field available in form. I would like to change visible/availabe checkboxes dependi...

Checkbox Images in List

It seems like it should be a simple concept. I need a vertical list. This list has an image with a checkbox and pathname of that image underneath it. The user should be able to check the checkboxes of the images they want to appear in their "shopping cart". The images, checkbox label, and list are populated by an XmlList. How can I do th...

jQuery checkboxes for multiple e-Mails

I'm working on a form for new students planning to attend a university and have checkboxes beneath fields such as Father Personal E-Mail, Father Business, Mother Personal, Mother Business, etc. I've been using code that can send to one address at a time, if ($('#sendFatherPersonalEMail:checked').val() !== null) { //Father Personal ...

whenever I add a newly created row to my dataset the check boxes' check state is still indeterminate

ok, I have an issue with my checkboxes, here's the code: if me.BLD_RElectricalPermitBindingSource.Count = 0 then Dim NewRow as DataRow = dsBuildingPermits.BLD_RElectricalPermit.NewRow newRow("MasterPermitKey") = ugProjectNumbers.ActiveRow.Cells("MasterPermitKey").Value //After this line hits it should add the new row to the BLD...

ASP.NET MVC 2 - Checkboxes

I'm using string[] roles = Roles.GetAllRoles() to get a string[] of all the ASP.NET membership roles for my application. I'm sending the roles to my view in ViewData and using a foreach to create a set of Checkboxes using <%: Html.CheckBox("RoleCheckBox") %>. There are 3 roles and my view does render 3 checkboxes. When I do a View/Sou...

Web app that contains a check-list based task management UI?

I'm looking to develop my own task application so I'm trying to study the UI of any possible in-browser apps that have some sort of functionality which has an ordered list where items can be tagged as "done" and they either get color-highlighted or move into a "DONE" column. By the way, the area would be a tinyMCE or similar editable ar...

Control third check box based on the state of the first two using jquery

I have three check boxes and need to disable the third if either and/or of the other two are checked. I'm sure there's a easier way than what I have currently. It's turning into what I believe is a mess and I'm hoping that someone with more jquery knowledge can shine the light here. Here's my simple html form: <html> <head> <scri...

PHP/Codeigniter processing a list with javascript

I have a list of items that the user can select. I want it to be more user friendly than standard checkboxes so I have seperate div's each with a unique id. When user clicks an item, I use javascript to display a tick on top of that item and change the style to show that it is highlighted. Im trying to work out how I can pass the list ...

jquery check checkboxes based on php array

Hi All I have a php array containing the mysql values of checkboxes, which has been selected previously. I am trying to do an edit page of sorts which will show the already selected checkboxes, but seem to be having issues with it. I've tried different ways but can't seem to get it working. Here's my php array of previously selected ch...

Why are my checkboxes not binding to my View Model?

I have a view model for a business. This model conatains a view model for address, contact details and also an IEnumerable. I use editor templates to display the checkboxes. The problem is when I'm on the edit action and post the form the categories come back as null. I have read a few similar questions but havent found a solution that ...

What is the best way to insert many checkbox inputs into database?

Greetings, I have a form which it has almost 150 checkbox, but they are not in one place, the form is divided into divisions and each division has blocks, the checkboxes are put in these blocks depending on their group where you can find four checkbox in this place and eight in other and 30 in some other and so go on. So I made a two t...

ASP.NET MVC2 - Dynamic list of checkboxes and model binding

I'm trying to create a view that contains a list of checkboxes that is dynamically created from a database, and then retrieve the list of selected ones when the form is posted back. My EF model contains a class: public class ItemIWouldLikeACheckboxFor { public int Id { get; set; } public string Description { get; set; } } I...

VBA Excel: Too many checkboxes on worksheet, code doesn't work

Hi everyone, I'm currently working on an MS Excel worksheet which contains 1277 checkboxes, spread over 96 rows. In this sheet, there is a column in which the total of the checked checkboxes is placed. The idea is that when a checkbox is ticked, the total sum in this control column is added by one. The code for this works fine, because...