
How do I change a variable based on a checkbox during validation

I've successfully pulled the checked value from a radio button group with jQuery 1.4 using the following code: var myFirstVar = $("input[name='myFirstVar']:checked").val(); How would I alter this code to find out whether a check-box was checked, and to change the value of the var based on whether it is checked or not. I tried many th...

When exactly are PHP-MySQL variable assignments made?

[Status: learner] Using checkboxes, the user selects rows from a displayed HTML table. I then want to insert the date and the unique row id ("select_id") of the selected ('ticked') rows into a different table. Maybe I'm off-base, but it seems to me that the first block of code does not work. The second block of code does work. If I'...

JQuery hide() and checkbox selecting

I've got some strange behaviour happening I can't work out. I've written some code to add some functionality to a list containing labels and checkboxes. If the user has javascript enabled, I want the checkboxes to be hidden and for the labels to become clickable and change their appearance to indicate whether or not they have been select...

Using checkboxes

Good evening. I am relatively new to programming and have spent untold hours trying to resolve by issue with checkboxes. What I am trying to figure out is how to code the following: I want the user of my form to be able to select anywhere from 1 - 4 events and be able to store in a mysql database what those selections are. For insta...

rails checkbox has_many is hunted

check_box is hunted in rails; but I would like to select some objects and save the relationship to the database anyways. When I debug the code all I see is the value='on' instead of the value I want to save. Any Help or tutorial would be appreciated. ... dynamic checkboxes

OK, I hope this hasn't been asked anywhere before (my searching suggests not - but I know thats not a guarentee!!), if it has, please point me to it etc?? My problem is basically this... I have an page which a user types in a "search" box, the code behind functions/subs etc produce a list of users matching the search criteria. ...

Zend: How to populate data to checkboxes?

I am working on zend. I have a form with some checkboxes. I want to get data from database and populate this data to this form. If '1' is stored in table field then tick the check box otherwise leave it alone. In textboxes and dropdowns, data is easily populated but how to check a checkbox in action. I am creating checkboxes and textbox...

Databound Checkbox list with textboxes in a webform

Hi all, I'm having trouble coming up with a solution for the following problem and i was wondering if someone here would help me out. I need to pull a list of supplies from a db table and list them along with two textboxes (one for quantity, and another for manufacturer) so the list would look something like this. checkbox for supply...

Rails: HABTM records not being deleted appropriately

I'm doing maintenance work on an existing rails site and have run into a strange bug. There are a few different models involved here: Registrations, Business Categories, and Services. Registrations HABTM Business Categories and Services, each of which HABTM Registrations. The appropriate non-primary-keyed join tables exist for each of ...

jquery add to an array on click?

I'm confused regarding each() and .each()... I think I need to use both, but I'm not sure how... Basically, I have a series of checkboxes and when they're checked, I want to get the id of the closest table row and add it to an array that I can then serialize and pass to a function. So, the html looks like this: <tr id="t1"><td><in...

Jquery CheckBox Selection/Deselection optimally given X checkboxes

Hi guys, I have suppose say 'X' check-boxes(any input elements) in a Form and "M" option selection indexes ("M" less than equal to "X"). then how do i select the "M" option indexes/values and deselect the rest of check-boxes optimally? i.e.Suppose I have 10 Checkboxes and 5 Option Indices(eg: 1,2,4,5,8) then i have to select checkboxes...

How to edit boolean in a DataGridCheckBoxColumn in Silverlight 3

Hello, I have a datagrid with some TextColumn and one DataGridCheckBoxColumn. I bind it with à itemsource that contaned à boolean and i can see that my checkboxes or checked or not by the boolean everything is OK at this point. but the checkboxs cells are in ReadOnly even if i assigne IsReadOnly = False. I cant find the right and clean...

Getting multiple checkboxes from FormCollection element

Given multiple HTML checkboxes: <input type="checkbox" name="catIDs" value="1" /> <input type="checkbox" name="catIDs" value="2" /> ... <input type="checkbox" name="catIDs" value="100" /> How do I retrive an array of integers from a FormCollection in an action: public ActionResult Edit(FormCollection form) { int [] catIDs = (IEnu...

How do I disable backspace when input checkboxes are focused on in jQuery?

How do I disable the backspace button when input checkboxes are focused on in jQuery? When checkboxes are focused on and I press backspace (keycode=8) the browser thinks I'm trying to go back a page and uses backspace as a history.go(-1) command. ADDITION DETAILS--- I've added this--to no avail: $("div#types input").focus(function(){ ...

Inserting checkbox values

hey i have registration form that has checkboxes along with other fields. i cant insert the selected checkbox values into the data base. i have made one field in the database for storing all checked values. this is the code for checkbox part in the form: <pre><input type="checkbox" name="expertise[]" value="Websites,IT and Software"> We...

jquery filter .not()

I have a form with image thumbnails to select with checkboxes for downloading. I want an array with the images in jQuery for an Ajax call. 2 questions: - On the top of the table there is a checkbox to toggle all checkboxes that I want to exclude from the mapping. I had a look at jQuery's .not() but I can't implement it with the :checkbo...

Form in wordpress isn't reading all checkboxes on first submit

When submitting forms on a wordpress page with multiple checkboxes, on the first submit, when I print_r($_POST), the checkbox array shows two items without their values. Occasionally it works. Here's the code: <form action="<?php echo htmlentities($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); ?>" id="assessment-form" method="post"> <ul> <li> ...

[Ruby on Rails] Data Structure

I am building a online form, with about 20 multiple choice checkboxes. I can get the nested data with this command. raise params.to_yaml I need to store these data and call them again later. I want to sort out which user chose which specific checkbox, i.e. who chose checkbox no.2? What's the best way to store these data in database...

Better way to make ASP.Net MVC checkboxes keep state?

I have the following situation: I have a class Product that can have a confirmation from various Stations. So I have a ViewModel that holds the Product information, and a list of stations, and all the ProductStationConfirmations. public class ProductViewModel { public Product Product { get; private set; } public List<Station> Stati...

PHP/Javascript limiting amount of checkboxes

Hi everyone Im trying to limit the amount of checkboxes that can be checked, in this case only 3 can be checked. When using plain HTML this works fine. The code can be seen below. HTML example <td ><input type=checkbox name=ckb value=2 onclick='chkcontrol()';></td><td>Perl</td> Javascript Function <script type="text/javascript"> ...