
VB.NET: ListView Checkbox ALWAYS in first column

Hi, I have a listview with checkbox property set to true, and I also allow column reordering. The problem is that when someone moves the first column to some other position, the checkboxes remain in that column and move with it to the new position - so eg. they can be in the middle of the listview. I would like to have the checkboxes A...

Bound value for IValueConverter resets to default

I have bound a flagged enum to a bunch of checkboxes by using a value converter that works as described in the solution to this question. This works fine when I'm working with a flag that hasn't been set to anything. However, in the non-trivial use case that the flag is actually set to some data, on load the checkboxes are bound correct...

Checkboxs: ticking me off!

Hi, this is a small, but very annoying, glitch in my form. I have a checkbox, that if clicked displays others checkboxes and input fields for the user to add more information. If this trigger checkbox is unclicked, the extra options dissapear. However (the plot thickens), if another checkbox is checked in the form, the trigger checkbox...

HTML.CheckBox persisting state after POST - Refresh ModelState?

I have a form that's made up of many items (think order items on an amazon order). Each row has a checkbox associated with them so the user can select many items and click 'remove'. The form is built up a bit like this; <% for (int i = 0; i < Model.OrderItems.Count; i++) { %> <tr> <td><%= Html.Hidden(String.Format("OrderItems[{0}]...

How do I retrieve the values of checkboxes when the Id values are dynamically generated

I am dynamically naming a set of checkboxes based on certain files names (user is selecting file to include for some processing). Is there a way I can retrieve the files names or do I need to save them to a session object of some sort and then use the retrieved values (from the session object) to retrieve the values of the checkboxes. ...

Issues with Checkbox list losing Attrubutes on a postback

I have a Datalist which renders a list of checkboxes and value attributes on each of them, when another control fires a postback the value attribute is lost on each of the checkboxes HELP!!!! ...

Post the checkboxes that are unchecked

I've got a load of checkboxes that are by default checked. My users will probably uncheck a few of the checkboxes (if any) and leave the rest of them checked. Is there any way to get the checkboxes that are NOT checked in a form post, rather than the ones that are checked? ...

treeview checkbox menus

well, I am trying to write parallel checkbox menus in html, but somehow my logic is not helping. May be some of you experts can just help me a bit. This is how I want my menus to look [] Menu 1 [] Menu 2 [] Item 1 [] Item 5 [] Item 2 [] Item 4 Item 1, 2 are under Menu 1 and 5...

Troubleshooting a Dreamweaver Form with checkboxes

Hi guys, I am trying to build a page with a form for a friends hockey blog. He was hoping to have a contest that allows his users to submit their selections for Team Canada's Olympic roster. I attempted to create this form with checkboxes in Macromedia. It basically seems to work, and when I add formmail information the results are succ...

how to get current row of input control like textbox within html table

i am getting all checkboxes that are in an html table using this code and i need to find the current row in the table from the current checkbox. var checkboxes = $("form :checkbox"); for (i = 0; i <= checkboxes.length; i++) { var checkbox = checkboxes[i]; ///need to get current r...

C# ListView with CheckBoxes, automatic checkbox checked when multi select rows

I'm using a ListView control with multirow and fullrow select on. When I'm selecting multiple rows at once, some of my rows magically become checked. This happens when dragging the mouse over and also when selecting one, and shift clicking another. See image describing issue here: What in the grapefruit is going on? Anyone? ...

jQuery - How to use Each() Method to loop through and alter all checked boxes on a page load

Hi, I'm loading a web page that has a series of 20+ checkboxes. The page is being loaded with data from a database, so that some of the checkboxes will be checked, and textareas connected to those checkboxes will have some text in them. What I think I want to do is: 1) iterate through all the chekboxes and find the ones that are checked ...

Check Checkboxes loaded from JQuery Load

Hi, I am loading a set of checkboxes into a div using Jquery and the load function. My code is $("#cb-list").load(''); where returns html for a bunch of checkboxes e.g. <input type="checkbox" value="sddfdsf" name="cb[]" id="a1" /> <input type="checkbox" value="sddfdsf" name="cb[]" id="b2" /> I want t...

jquery get array checkbox

I have in my document 2 checkbox arrays. One is engines[] and one is searchId[]. $("input:checkbox[@name='searchId[]']:checked").each(function() i use this to capture all the values from the searchId[] checkboxes (only if checked). $("input:checkbox[@name='engines[]']:checked").each(function() same thing for engines the problem is tha...

Problems with checkboxes in Datagrids

Hello, I am having some trouble with CheckBoxes in a DataGrid. The CheckBoxes are not bound to the entities that are populating the datagrid because there isn't a property on the entities for it. Basically what I am trying to do is when I check a CheckBox I add the ID of the item in that row to a list to be returned. The problem I am ha...

How do I get an array of check boxes in haml?

Hi, I have an array of strings, called @theModels, in a routine implemented as part of a Sinatra server. These models are options for the user to select, and are obtained by the back end (the idea being, as new models are added, then the front end code should not change). I'm using haml to render html. How can I enumerate each eleme...

Show the checkboxes selected on the page load in mvc?

Hello All, I am having a page in mvc in which I am having a list of checkboxes that I created one by one,now I want to show some of the checkboxes checked if their value is present in the database,Please tell what shall I do. My code is as follows: <% if (ViewData["chkLinks"] != null) ...

Django model form using forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField

Hi - I have a ModelForm in my Django app that uses a forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField, which displays as a forms.CheckboxSelectMultiple widget on the form. This ModelForm is used to select/de-select values for a many-to-many relation. Here's the problem: when you uncheck all of the checkboxes and save the form, it doesn't save. If you un...

Word VBA checkboxes with link to image that needs to be built up

Hi, I am having problems with a table containing checkboxes in Word. I am working with a table containing 10 checkboxes. Next to this table, there is an image. When the user checks one of the checkboxes, something has to be added to the image, i.e. the image is further completed. However, the order of checking the checkboxes is not fix...

Silverlight3 bind checkbox list to a datagrid

I have a enum, like public enum TestType { Red = 1, Blue = 2, Green = 3, Black = 4 } I want to attach those values to a datagrid as checkboxes in silverlight 3. (I would like to bind to a listview, but its not exists in silverlight) Manage to get the enums to a ObservableCollection, any help to b...