
Accessing AJAXed elements via jQuery and changing their parent

Im trying to get ajaxed content to alter their parent. How can I do this with jQuery, I can't seem to get the syntax right. <div id="menu"> <a href="#" id="show_names">Show Names</a> </div> <!-- AJAXED CONTENT --> <div id="content"> <a href="#" id="person">Janice</a> <a href="#" id="person">Steve</a> </div> <!-- AJAXED ...

Runtime.exec causes duplicate JVM to hang indefinitely until killed (Solaris 10)

All, We are running a J2EE application on WebLogic server 9.2 MP2 with a jrockit 64-bit JVM (27.3.1) on Solaris 10. We call use runtime.exec to call an executable called jfmerge to create PDF documents. We have found that in Solaris, when runtime.exec is called, a duplicate JVM is temporarily spawned to kick off the jfmerge process. ...

Show child element above parent element using CSS

I have two divs, one nested inside of the other. The parent element has a defined width/height. How can I show the child div above the parent (outside of it) using only CSS? EDIT: Sorry, maybe I should clarify that I mean "above" as along the z axis. And yes, I already tried z-index. My problem is that when the child element is larger ...

advanced selection problem

Okay... how do I select a element's parent's child with specyfied class name..? ...

How to add some custom CSS for the last child only if visible with Jquery?

Hi Guys, I am allowing users to make parts of a list hidden/visible etc. Now here is my list: Basic list, but the very end list item has some custom CSS "border-bottom: none" - just to make it a bit more nicer looking. <ul> <li class="item">Item</li> <li class="widget">widget</li> <li class="item">Item</li> <...

Bind child object property with in rdlc (Report)

I have a custom object say "objMain" in which i have few properties and also the property of object type (i.e. like a child object). objMain has these properties: 1. Name [type: string] 2. Description [type: string] 3. StartDate [type: datetime] 4. ObjSubject [type: object] - this is of custom type ObjAddress has these properties 1. S...

changing the color of MDI child windows under Windows 7

I have an MDI application written in C++ that looks great under Windows XP. All of the MDI child windows end up looking like their parent window. Nice. However, under Windows 7 (and probably Vista), the parent windows have aero glass, and the child windows are this hideous unchangeable baby blue color (same as the Windows 7 Basic them...

Nhibernate - why is it trying to insert existing parent row when inserting child

I don't understand why NHibernate is trying to insert the parent object - when the row already exists in the db - when I'm inserting the child row. Parent mapping: <hibernate-mapping xmlns="urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2" auto-import="true"> <class name="ReportDistribution.Client.ReportMgr.Model.ClientReport, ReportDistribution.Client.Repo...

NHibernate Get Collection of object A based on aggregates roots id

Class A { Guid ID{get;} ISet<B> ClassBs {get;} } repository public IList<B> GetAsBs(A a) { ICriteria ACriteria = Session.CreateCriteria(typeof(A)); ICriteria BCriteria = ACriteria.CreateCriteria("ClassBs"); A.Add(Restrictions.Eq("ID", a.ID)); return BCriteria.List<B>(); } I can accomplish this in HQL np but want to use criteria i am ...

Replace data of the node child

I have an xml file (Student.xml) like this <student> <studentinfo> <name> <first>John</first> <last>Doe</last> </name> <gender>male</gender> </studentinfo> </student> and my php code <?php $dom = new DOMDocument; $dom->load('Student.xml'); $student = $dom->documentElement; ...

How to Minimize Child Dialog to task bar.

MFC Dialog Application: From Parent Dialog, launched the Child Dialog. In the child dialog property "Minimize" button is checked. If click the "Minimize" button the child dialog minimize to the left corner of the screen instead of "Task Bar" how to solve this??? ...

jQuery - Best way to determine a child element inside list item

From the following HTML I need to figure out which List tag has class active and further on for the active List I need to find the relevant value <li class="active"> <a href="value1" class="Tab1">Services</a> </li> <li><a href="value2" class="Tab2">Create Account</a> </li> <li><a href="value3" class="Tab3">Modif...

shared resource between child thread & parent thread

hi all, I have met a problem with Textbox can't be updated. "Main Thread" runs on Page_load. It calls child thread, which change the text of textbox, recursively. Here is my code serverSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp); //Assign the any IP of the machine and list...

Applying WPF styles to Child Items

Hi There Lets say I have a grid, within my grid I have a number of controls. Instead of setting the margin for each of these controls, I wish to create a style to set the margin for ANY control I drop into a grid. Is this possible? I was hoping that the following would work: <Window.Resources> <Style x:Key="DefaultMargins"> ...

Hiding some attributes i.e. textboxes, labels in parent form

m using a MDI child form and want it to display when a button from its parent form is clicked, at the same time i want that when the child form appears it should be placed such that some of the attributes of the parent form i.e. picture box is shown while others as labels and textboxes are hidden. Is this possible and how? ...

Only select a single element that is inside the same element | jQuery selectors

So i have a unordered list, each item in the list has a button that is suppose to toggle the post comment textarea. Unfortunately with my first attempt when u click on one Post Comment button all textareas open, then i tried to use this to make sure only one element is selected. Here is the code: <ul class="todosDisplay"> <li><span>Con...

linked report from a chart- SSRS

Hi, I am displaying a table in an SSRS report. What I want to do is, if I click on one of the columns in this chart, it opens another report by passing parameters from parent report to child report. How can I achieve this? Regards Manjot ...

resizing a child makes other child images to scale?

Hello I have this crazy situation when a child I modify height over the edge of it's parent, force another child of same parent display it's inside images scaled. If resized child don't pass the design time height of parent, no scale occur. Thumbs are loaded at runtime and simple added to a mc that is added to brother of resized mc. ...

Retrieving one element and filter by another

Having tried and failed to modify the XSL from here: I'm posting here to ask if anyone could please help. I've basically got the same data structure (mine is actually an RSS feed of products) as in the above post, but I want to list the Description elements un...

What modern version of LOGO should I use to teach a child programming

I remember way back when that the programming language LOGO was widely used for teaching about computers in primary schools, back before PC's arrived on the scene and turned the computer lessons into "how to write a word document". I would like to know what kinds of LOGO implementations are out there, for either of the main 3 operating ...