
Sql Get all children of a parent

Lets say I have an Areas Table ( id, parentId, name, path ). Given an Id, I'd like to get all childrens (children of children included, recursively) of the given area. I do store in the path the path from the parents to the child. Example: 1 NULL New York /1/ 2 1 BRONX /1/2/ 3 1 MANH /1/3/ 4 3 UpWest /1/3/4/ 5 3 ...

CSS Parent-Child height

hi, I have some problem with these code snippets: CSS: #wrapper{ width: 600px; background: gray; } #left{ float: left; width: 150px; height: 80px; background: red; } #right{ float: left; width: 450px; height: 150px; background: yellow; } HTML: <div id="wrapper"> <div id="left"></div> ...

Clearcase UCM - Cross delivering vs. delivering upwards?

We have two Clearcase UCM streams in a hierarchy at the same level (i.e. same parent stream). If the two child streams are both rebased to the same parent baseline, does that mean that Delivering the activities of both streams up to the parent (one, then the other) Would be equivalent to: Delivering the activities of one child str...

how handle all the child window messages with parent window handlers

how handle all the child window messages with parent window handlers ...

Xpath - How to select parent based on attribute of child?

How do you select a parent based on the attribute of a child? I want to select a div: //*[@id='outer']/div/div/div/div that has a child with the 'a href' attribute equal to '': //*[@id='outer']/div/div/div/div/a[@href=''] ...

Inject XML into a node using a string

I am rebuilding a nodes children by saving them out to an array as strings, trashing them in the XML, inserting a new child node into the array as a string... now I want to loop through the array and write them back out to the original node. The problem is I can't find anything on how to add a child node using a string. See below for ...

Debug, what's wrong with "$('#q li:last').remove();"

I want to remove the last <li></li>, below is the code: <div id="q"> <ul><li> <table><tr><td>Question 1</td><td><input type="text" name="question1" size="60" /></td></tr> <tr><td>Answer:</td><td><input type="text" name="answer1" size="8" /></td></tr> </li></ul> </div> <input class="btn" id="addquestion" type="button" v...

Redirect window of command line tool to your app (Windows)

Hello, is there a way (on Windows XP+) to redirect the output of a window created by a process created with e.g. CreateProcess to a window of your own program? I'd like to make a nicer GUI for ffplay.exe which is an open source video player. It is a command line tool, which opens a simple window in which it plays back the video. Can I ...

Win32 CreateWindow() call hangs in child thread?

I'm working on a portability layer for OpenGL (abstracts the glX and wgl stuff for Linux and Windows)... Anyhow, it has a method for creating a Window... If you don't pass in a parent, you get a real window with a frame... If you pass in a parent, you get a borderless, frameless window... This works fine, as long as I do it all on 1 thr...

Get the last children from database

My situation: Table A ( ID Parent_Id TimeStamp ) The root has Parent_Id null and children has Id of its father. I simple want to get all LAST children of every Table A. Father and Children I don't want. (except last one). Is it possible to build a SQL to get this? PS: I'm on sql anywhere 11. Maybe an ansi sql can solve this, i'm no...

How do I set a the attribute of a parent element to be the attribute of a child?

I think this should be a rather simple thing to do, but I'm completely hangin' here! I'm really not sure how much more descriptive I can be here, the title pretty much explains it all. It's a fairly odd situation because my google skills have completely failed me, and I know the solution is probably so simple to implement. Would anyone ...

Mysql Foreach Child show Max() and Min() in a single line.

Is it possible to use a select statement so that it returns Max and min columns of a child row foreach Parent record? So foreach parent record that has MANY child records I want to see the Max and Min of those child records for any given column. How can I do this within a single select statement? It should read something like: Return ...

jQuery use child click/attribute in parent

Why this does not work in IE/Chrome but works in FF/Opera? I want to make the div around anchor clickable, so that when you click div, it behaves the same as if you would click the anchor itself. <script src="jquery-1.3.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> function bindOnClickPostBack() { $("....

Adding a block of XML as child of a SimpleXMLElement object

Hey all, I have this SimpleXMLElement object with a XML setup similar to the following... $xml <<< EOX <books> <book> <name>ABCD</name> </book> </books> EOX; $sx = new SimpleXMLElement( $xml ); Now I have a class named Book that contains info. about each book. The same class can also spit out the book info. in XML...

JQuery: Given a Parent Element, Testing for Certain Child Elements

NOTE: QUESTION HAS BEEN EDITED FROM ORIGINAL FOR CLARITY Hi all, I have the following code: <table id="myTable"> <th>Date</th> <th>Action</th> </table> and var $table = $('#myTable'); There is a condition in my JS where I will be appending table rows (<tr>) to this table, but I want to write a function to check to see if ...

Silverlight: Add same UserControl to more than one Canvas

I have a bunch of UserControls ('MyUserControl') that I want to have a user manually add to one or more Canvases. One instance of a UserControl cannot be a child element of more than one container (otherwise a 'System.InvalidOperationException: Element is already the child of another element.' is thrown). Is there a way to do this witho...

divert child controls

Hi Folks, I am trying to create an custom control that acts as a hosting container for any other controls, similar to the existing ‘Panel’ control. Basically, I need to build a web control that groups a bunch of other controls. It will consist of a header and a body pane, similar to a normal window in desktop application. The hea...

wxwidgets resize sizers after hiding/showing child controls

Hello, I have an wxWindow. Inside there I've got a wxBoxSize (Vertical). The sizer has 3 child controls. I want to be able to hide one of the three child controls, and have the sizer and its parent automaticly resize. For example when I hide one child control of the sizer, the window decreases by 200 pixels. Right now my method of sho...

Persisting child deletes via NHibernate and WCF

Hi, We want to use NHibernate behind our WCF service but we are having problems persisting child record deletes to the database. We use DTO's between the service and client which have IList<> as the child collection type. When we populate a DTO using NHibernate it sets the child collection to be a type of Bag. However, when this is s...

Java: How to write method to accept child without casting to parent?

Not sure how to title this... So I've got three child classes of Event: WeightEvent, TimedEvent, RepEvent. Through whatever means, I get an object of one of the children. Now I want to send that child event to a method in another object so it can pull the data from it with the getSavedEvents() method. The method only exists in the child...