
How to stop streamed Comet communications being buffered in the browser

I'm trying to push packets of data from my HTTP server to a browser, using a Comet "forever iframe" and feeding it script tags from the server using the Transfer-Encoding: chunked header. What I'm finding is that my script tags aren't being interpreted right away, and I have to send a number of chunks before the browser starts to respon...

Using chunked encoding in a POST request to an asmx web service on IIS 6 generates a 404

Hi, I'm using a CXF client to communicate with a .net web service running on IIS 6. This request (anonymised): POST /EngineWebService_v1/EngineWebService_v1.asmx HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8 SOAPAction: "http://.../Report" Accept: */* User-Agent: Apache CXF 2.2.5 Cache-Control: no-cache Pragma: no-cache Host: uat9.gti...

Enable Chunked Transfer Encoding in ASP.NET

I have an ASP.NET 3.5 website residing on IIS7. I am using dynamic compression and wanted to see if I can enable chunked encoding. Is there some setting on IIS or web config that enables it? ...

Nginx proxy http PUT chunked to apache

Nginx doesn't support chunked requests so i'm tryping to proxy my PUT request to apache, but it seems nginx blocks and sends 411 error even when proxying. Any way I can get nginx to send those requests to apache untouched, as is? ...

Chunked responses in libevent2

Hi I am trying to do a chunked response (of large files) in libevent this way:: evhttp_send_reply_start(request, HTTP_OK, "OK"); int fd = open("filename", O_RDONLY); size_t fileSize = <get_file_size>; struct evbuffer *databuff = NULL; for (off_t offset = 0;offset < fileSize;) { databuff = evbuffer_new(); size_t bytesLeft = f...

How to make PHP generate Chunked response

I googled for this problem but there is no answer for it. I want my PHP script to generate HTTP response in chunked( How to do it? Update: I figured it out. I have to specify Transfer-encoding header and flush it. header("Transfer-encoding: chunked"); flush(); The flush is ne...

Win32: What is the status of chunked encoding support in WinHttpReadData?

The documentation for WinHttpReadData says, regarding HTTP's chunked transfer coding: Starting in Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008, WinHttp enables applications to perform chunked transfer encoding on data sent to the server. When the Transfer-Encoding header is present on the WinHttp response, WinHttpReadData strips the chunki...

Apache deflate with chucked encoding

I'm expiriencing some problem with one of my data source services. As it says in HTTP response headers it's running on Apache-Coyote/1.1. Server gives responses with Transfer-Encoding: chunked, here sample response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1 Content-Type: text/xml;charset=utf-8 Transfer-Encoding: chunked Date: Tue, 30 Ma...

Tomcat gzip while chunked issue

I'm expiriencing some problem with one of my data source services. As it says in HTTP response headers it's running on Apache-Coyote/1.1. Server gives responses with Transfer-Encoding: chunked, here sample response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1 Content-Type: text/xml;charset=utf-8 Transfer-Encoding: chunked Content-Encoding...

How can I set Transfer-Encoding to chunked, explicitly or explicitly, in an ASP.NET response?

Can I simply set the Transfer-Encoding header? Will calling Response.Flush() at some point cause this to occur implicitly? EDIT No, I Cannot call Response.Headers.Add("Transfer-Encoding","anything"); That throws. any other input? Related: Enable Chunked Transfer Encoding in ASP.NET ...

PHP File Serving Script: Unreliable Downloads?

This post started as a question on ServerFault ( ) but I determined that our php script was the culprit. So I'm issuing an updated question here about what I believe is the actual issue. I am using a php script to verify permissions and then serve up a file for use...

Using both chunked transfer encoding and gzip

I recently started using gzip on my site and it worked like a charm on all browsers except Opera which gives an error saying it can not decompress the content due to damaged data. From what I can gather from testing and googling it might be a problem with using both gzip and chunked transfer encoding. The fact that there is no error when...

Can SVG render partially if gzipped and chunk-transferred?

Hi - I have some large, dynamically generated SVGs that are being served over a relatively slow internet connection. I'm trying to optimize them to be viewable as fast as possible. If I set the server to Content-Encoding: gzip and Transfer-Encoding: chunked, will any SVG viewers take advantage of that and render it partially, as it is...

HTTP Data chunks over multiple packets?

What is the correct way for a HTTP server to send data over multiple packets? For example I want to transfer a file, the first packet I send is: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-type: application/force-download Content-Type: application/download Content-Type: application/octet-stream Content-Description: File Transfer Content-disposition: attac...

Enabling nginx Chunked Transfer Encoding

It looks like nginx 0.8.35 may support chunked transfer encoding: Changes with nginx 0.8.35 01 Apr 2010 *) Change: now the charset filter runs before the SSI filter. *) Feature: the "chunked_transfer_encoding" directive. This is great, because I'm trying to get push git changes through an n...

CURL vs fsockopen chunking

This may seem kind of weird.. but I need to evaluate/parse chunks being sent over HTTP with PHP. It's of note to say that the HTTP stream may never end. Is there any way I can parse chunks as I get them with CURL? Or do I have to resort to some home-brewed fsockopen() solution? ...

How to hide "page loading"/"transferring data" indicators and spinners caused by loading a (hidden) iframe

Is there any way to suppress the spinners and "transferring data" indicators that browsers show when a web page is loading? I'm loading a document into a hidden iframe that will take a long time (10's of minutes). I don't want/need the user to be aware of this - it's just confusing to them to have the page look like it's still loading....

What's the best way to implement HTTP Post chunked request on iPhone?

There's a really old thread from 2008 that mentioned NSUrlConnection is quite buggy and leaks a lot. Is this still the case? Is there any Cocoa Touch class that already implements the chunked upload or am I better off using the CF classes? ...

Chunked http decoding in java ?

I am decoding http packets. And I faced a problem that chunk problem. When I get a http packet it has a header and body. When transefer-encoding is chunked I don't know what to do ? Is there a useful API or class for dechunk the data in JAVA ? And if someone , experienced about http decoding , please show me a way how to do this ? ...

Can you explain chunked encoding?

header("Transfer-Encoding: chunked"); echo"32 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 0 "; flush();exit; When requested with Firefox, 32 and 0 are missing. Why? ...