
Decoding chunked HTTP with Actionscript

I have successfully connected to an HTTP server with ActionScript 3 over sockets. The only problem is, the server is sending chunked HTTP. Is there a generic function in any other language I can look at that clearly shows how to decode the chunking? I'm pretty sure there are no ActionScript libraries around for this. ...

WCF Chunking / Streaming

Hi, I'm using WCF and want to upload a large file from the client to the server. I have investigated and decided to follow the chunking approach outlined at However, this approach (just like streaming) restricts the contract to limited method signitures: [OperationContract(IsOneWay...

Large File uploading to MVC

I need a way to upload large files (600 mb to 4 gb) in an mvc website. Currently I am using swfupload; it works well enough, but it is a huge hit on the webserver because it sends it in one big upload, plus I have to set it in the web.config to allow that huge of a file, which is a huge security risk. In the past when I was doin...

F# array_chunk for Sequence

I'm having some trouble making a sequence. Basically I need to chop a sequence into a sequence of arrays. Seq.windowed almost does it but I don't want duplicate elements. I can get what I want by reading everything into an array first but I'd rather use a sequence. let array_chunk s (a:int[]) = Array.init (a.Length / s) (fun i ->...

What is the best way to chop a string into chunks of a given length in Ruby?

I have been looking for an elegant and efficient way to chunk a string into substrings of a given length in Ruby. So far, the best I could come up with is this: def chunk(string, size) (0..(string.length-1)/size).map{|i|string[i*size,size]} end >> chunk("abcdef",3) => ["abc", "def"] >> chunk("abcde",3) => ["abc", "de"] >> chunk("abc...

WCF chunk data with stream

HI, I neet to pass chunk data from WCF service to client. I have a table with 16 million records, and so, when the client requests data from that table i open a datareader to that table and serialize and send every record to client,here is my method signature.. public AsyncResult FindAsync(AsyncRequest request) where AsyncResult and A...

cancel stream request from WCF server to client

Hi, I posted about stream request here [wcf-chunk-data-with-stream]: I solved that task but now when i close request in client part server continue to send data. is it possible to cancel stream request from WCF server to client? ...

Viewstate hidden field so big it makes everything crash

For some reason the viewstate of my application became gigantic (around 14 million characters). It adds around 1 minute of loading time. If the page finally loads (which is not often), the server crashes every time someone send a form because "Post size exceeded allowed limits. " It appeared suddenly. I didn't add any fields, just some ...

What is the default chunker for NLTK toolkit in Python?

I am using their default POS tagging and default tokenization..and it seems sufficient. I'd like their default chunker too. I am reading the NLTK toolkit book, but it does not seem like they have a default chunker? ...

How to return a byte[] doing chunking using remoting over http in C#?

In .Net remoting over http, we return a byte[] back to the client by doing a SerilizationInfo.AddValue(SerializationInfoValueName, ((MemoryStream)writer.BaseStream).GetBuffer(), typeof(byte[])) call. However, sometimes the byte[] size gets too big and causes an OutOfMemory exception. The only remedy seems to be utilize some form of chu...

WCF chunking/streaming - make it transparent for client

While developing WCF service i've faced problem of transferring large data as method params (> 4 Mb of raw size, not considering transfer/message overhead). The solution for this problem is to use chunking or streaming, but all the samples i've seen assume client is aware of used method and uses available block size for sending/receivin...

How to Migrate EML data in chuck to Google Apps Mail using Google API ver 2 ?

Hi, I am migrating EML mails to Google Apps. When i try to Migrate a EML file with two attachment 2.1 MB and 1.96 MB. It is throwing exception: "The request was aborted: The request was canceled." I am using below code: MailItemEntry[] entries = new MailItemEntry[1]; String msg = File.ReadAllText(EmlPath); entries[0] = new MailItemE...

How to best transfer large payloads of data using wsHttp with WCF with message security

I have a case where I need to transfer large amounts of serialized object graphs (via NetDataContractSerializer) using WCF using wsHttp. I'm using message security and would like to continue to do so. Using this setup I would like to transfer serialized object graph which can sometimes approach around 300MB or so but when I try to do so ...

How do I avoid Clojure's chunking behavior for lazy seqs that I want to short circuit?

I have a long, lazy sequence that I want to reduce and test lazily. As soon as two sequential elements are not = (or some other predicate) to each other, I want to stop consuming the list, which is expensive to produce. Yes, this sounds like take-while, but read further. I wanted to write something simple and elegant like this (pretendi...

Are there any libraries or samples for non-duplex WCF chunking?

I'm looking for a way of implementing a file transfer service over HTTPS which uses chunking to cope with intermittent connectivity loss and to reduce the large timeouts required by using Streaming. Because the client may be behind firewalls, the Chunking Channel sample on MSDN isn't suitable. There is an old discussion about this on th...

Appending to Informix BLOB without running out of memory

Hi SO, I'm writing a c# app that inserts a large (1GB+) amount of data into a BLOB in an informix database. However, many times the file is too large and the process runs out of memory. I have implemented the WCF Chunking Channel to mitigate this, but I need to put these chunks into the BLOB without consuming memory to store them all....

Is WCF Chunking Ready For Production Use?

Does anyone know what the status of WCF Chunking? Is it good for production use? Does anyone have any experience using the new WCF Chunking Channel in production? I've downloaded the sample but it seems the API is not ready yet. Does anyone have any good alternatives to WCF chunkin...

How to calculate the optimum chunk size for uploading large files

Is there such a thing as an optimum chunk size for processing large files? I have an upload service (WCF) which is used to accept file uploads ranging from several hundred megabytes. I've experimented with 4KB, 8KB through to 1MB chunk sizes. Bigger chunk sizes is good for performance (faster processing) but it comes at the cost of me...

Is the callback from WCF to ASP.NET possible?

I have a Web service hosted in IIS in different box and WCF service hosted in Windows service, in a different box.(N-tier approach). Here, Web service is a client for WCF service. The request to upload the file comes to the IIS hosted Web service, and this IIS hosted Web service in return calls the WCF service and does the actual upload....