
How to import CKEditor trhrough jQuery Ajax?

Hello, I'm making a simple data grid aplication and when I click a row in a table, I want to be able to import a textarea box with CKEditor on it. Now when I import the .php page, nothing shows up. As for every other html part, that was imported, the already running JS on the page isn't refering to the imported html. For the other cod...

flickr plugin for CKEditor / CKFinder

I've done a google search and can't seem to find one anyone know if one exists or not ? Hopefully it would allow the user to select a photo from flicker to put into the ckeditor area with the correct url .. and for bonus it would be cool if they could browse for an image that would get posted to flicker and be put in editor with the cor...

CKEditor add more symbols

Hello! How can I add more "custom" symbols in the Insert Special Character panel please? Thank you. ...

I Need Help Modifying CKEditor's Default Image Property Paths

I am using CKEditor with Drupal 6.19. I have tried my installation with both CKFinder and IMCE. When an image is inserted from the image browser into the Image Properties window, CKEditor gets a url similar to: /sites/ I want CKEditor to simply have: /files/images/my_image.jpg file structure of my...

Load CKeditor and Jquery on demand

I currently use CKEditor on my website, however not every time users access the page CKEditor is needed. The flow is the following: user enters the page and see all the articles there; if users wants to edit the article he ou she opens editor and does that. Cureently CKEditor is loaded in the hidden div and not used 60% of time. Is there...

CKEditor Default File Path

Using CKEditor (combined with KCFinder for file upload), when I use the browse button and retrieve my file I get the path: "/demo/cms/uploads/images/image.jpg" Which is the path to the image, however if I then move the file around within the editor, the automatically path changes to: "uploads/images/image.jpg" Which won't work from...

CKEditor: Access CKEditor from Custom File Browser even after browsing to a new page in popup

Hi all, I'm creating a custom file browser for CKEditor. In the popup window that CKEditor launches, the user can select a file... at which time the following code is run: funcNum, url ); This works great when the user stays on the same page that was originally launched by the CKEditor. The ...

ajaxfilemanager selecting image by doubleclick problem

Hello, I am using ajaxfilemanager and when I select an image by doubleclicking on it, the selectFile function from form.js is called twice. My selectFile function is: function selectFile(url) { url = url.replace(window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.hostname +"/", ""); window.opener.addImageToList(elementId, url);...

Is there a way to override CKEditor's config file for each instance of the editor?

I have a global size and height set CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config ) { config.height = '400px'; config.width = '600px'; ... And I would like to change this height and width for only one instance of the editor on a seperate page. Has anyone else accomplished this? ...

Integrating CKEditor in ASP.NET MVC 2?

I want to use CKEditor for a comment field in my ASP.NET MVC 2 application, but can't get it to work. Here is what I have: The textarea where I try to integrate the editor: <div class="editor-field"> <%: Html.TextAreaFor(model => model.Comment, new { @class = "textarea", @id="Editor1" })%> <%: Html.ValidationMessage...

How do I setup CKEditor to work with MVC 2.0?

I can't seem to find a step by step tutorial of how to get this up and running. Any help? Thanks! ...

What is the file contents.css in CKeditor?

CKeditor's installation instructions tell me to just unzip the whole distribution file on my webserver's production directory. But it is full of files I definitely don't want there, like source code, examples, and even server-side code in PHP. I got rid of most of these files but there is one I'm not sure about: contents.css. I can see ...

CKEditor change names and tags in Formatting drop down

Hello! Where from can I edit the names and tags inserted when selecting an option from the Formatting drop-down in CKEDitor? Thank you. ...

difference between ckeditor entermode div and entermode p

Hi, I noticed that CkEditor has problems with using entermode br ( mainly slowness after typing text for a long time ). So i'm looking into the other entermodes ( p and div ) . I see that entermode p is adviced by CkEditor. However , this introcudes margins below the content , which is not desired ( as the users are not used to typin...

"A potentially dangerous Request.Form..." error in MVC 2.0

ValidateInputAttribute, ValidateInput, httpRuntime requestValidationMode="2.0" in web.config (system.web) all do not fix, also the "ValidateRequest="false"" in my view. I'm using MVC 2, Visual Studio 2010, .NET 4.0, and I'm still getting the following error: A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client (Body=...

ASP.NET MVC 2 and CKEditor input validation

I need to configure both mvc and ckeditor to work properly with validation. At first, I got an error about the Form.Request is dangerous because it contained html elements. I changed that, now my output in mvc is not correct. Here is my code: CKeditor config: config.htmlEncodeOutput = true; ASP.NET Textarea: <%: Html.TextAreaFor(mo...

check the data of ckeditor is null or not

I'm using the ckeditor 3.4 as text editor for my website, and want to validate the data at client side first, before submitting the data to server. I can get the data of editor by using this code: var editorData = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.getData(); but having trouble to validate data. The problem is: - The data should be invalid i...

Creating a foreign language on-screen keyboard for CKEditor

I am using CKEditor as a rich text WYSIWYG Javascript editor. I would like to add an on-screen keyboard so that they can easily enter text from non-English alphabets. I was planning on finding a JavaScript on-screen keyboard and adding a custom button with a CKEditor plug-in to trigger it. I've found a couple of JavaScript on-screen...

uninitialized constant Ckeditor::PLUGIN_CONTROLLER_PATH

I've try to use ckeditor in my apps. I followed instruction how to install it, but when I came to this step $ rails generate ckeditor:base I got this error message, uninitialized constant Ckeditor::PLUGIN_CONTROLLER_PATH, and I didn't know to solve it. Does any body know how to solve it? please. ...

CKEditor RTL issue

I've added language:'ar', contentsLangDirection:'rtl', contentsLanguage:'ar' options to my CKEditor instance being initialized using the JQuery adapter. But the text is still left aligned. It declares the <html> tag with dir='rtl' and lang='ar', but on each <p> tag, it has an inline text-align: left style. How do I get rid of that styl...