
Adding WARs to Java's classpath

I have two wars, foo.war and bar.war. foo uses classes from bar. I'm trying to start foo, and add to Java's classpath bar.war, but java throws a ClassNotFoundException. If I rename bar.war to bar.jar and edit its directory structure to look like a jar, it works. Java's documentation on the -CP switch does not mention war files: -clas...

eclipse plug-in dependencies and classnotfoundexception

Hi, I am new to Eclipse RCP plugin development and I have the following problem: I am trying to instantiate a MessageConsole object in my plugin. I create the appropriate dependency for org.eclipse.ui.console in MANIFEST.MF, build the plugin, and then load the plugin inside the same Eclipse application (I export the plugin as a zip, s...

JavaMail ClassNotFound

I've run in to a strange error with the javamail 1.4.2 api and jdk/jre 1.6.0u16. I've placed the unzipped javamail-1.4.2 folder (along with the MySQL Connector-J 5.1.7 also needed) in both the jdk and jre folders as in the %classpath% below. .;"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0-16\jre\lib\ext\mysql-connector-java-5.1.7-bin";"C:\Progra...

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: DataSource in Glassfish

I'm getting a weird problem in GlassFish 2.1 - I'm a beginner with this container and I'm having trouble pinning this down. I have a new install of GlassFish 2.1 with a JDBC connection pool defined called testDerbyPool. I then have a resource defined called jdbc/testDerbyPool pointing at that pool. The resource type is javax.sql.DataSou...

Class not found exception??

Ok, I am very confused. Yesterday it worked just fine. Today suddenly I start getting an error. The main frame opens just fine and the first few buttons work. Just the last three suddenly do not work. I get the following error when I try to click those buttons (which should open new windows) Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0...

JAVA Newbie Alert: Trying to run Java class and getting ClassNotFoundException

Java newbie. I am trying to run a java main class from cmd line and getting back ClassNotFoundException: java -cp class c:\development\eclipse\workspace\Library-Manager-Server\bin\demo\rmi\librarymanager\server\LibraryManagerServer"C:\Development\Eclipse\Workspace\Library-Manager-Server\security.policy" -Djav...

Running Java program from Python

I've looked here, here, here, and here. While informative they just didn't quite have enough for me to discover the root of my problem. My code isn't contained within a JAR file and the customer has requested we do not ship it as such. I built the application in Eclipse and from there it runs fine. I've set up a script that will modi...

Local Tomcat Environment Not Starting

I'm attempting to get a local Tomcat environment running and am consistently encountering the following error: Can't load log handler "" java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: at

Linux org.GNOME.Accessibility.JavaBridge$AccessQueue throws java.lang.ClassNotFoundException after the class has been previously loaded

I am running java with an agent. When my application does not use GUI (swing) it runs fine under both JREs mentioned below. When it does use GUI (swing), when using JRE: HotSpot (TM) 64 Bits Server VM (build 1.6.0-b105, mixed mode) it runs fine. But with JRE: /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk, it produces exception java.lang.NoClassDefFoun...

Quartz Scheduler - NoClassDefFoundError

I am using Quratz 1.6.3 API in a Maven project. This is the error message I get when I run it: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/collections/SetUtils at org.quartz.JobDetail.( ..... commons.collections 3.2 dependency is included in the project's pom.xml file. What could be the reason for this error? ...

RMI ClassNotFoundException

Hi, I have an RMI program which runs fine on my computer, but when I run it on my schools computer I get a ClassNotFoundException for my class that is extending Remote. I've looked at some similar questions, my errors are almost identical, but the solutions offered there are not working for me. I can't pass arguments to RMI registry be...

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException using google commons

I have two classes inside a package. Both call a method from another class, one works perfectly fine and the other gives the error java.lang.ClassNotFoundException and the error java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/google/common/base/Predicate The class path should be the same for both as they are in he same package so I can't figure o...

JSR-75 specific code on non JSR-75 devices?

What I'm trying to do I'm coding a J2ME midlet, and I want to use JSR-75 to write files. I also want to be able to run my app on device that don't have support for JSR-75. How I'm doing it I found a website that explains how to do this (forgot the URL, sorry): Create a public abstract class ("Service") that exposes all functionality...

Dynamically class creating by using Java Reflection, java.lang.ClassNotFoundException

I want to use reflection in java, I want to do that third class will read the name of the class as String from console. Upon reading the name of the class, it will automatically and dynamically (!) generate that class and call its writeout method. If that class is not read from input, it will not be initialized. I wrote that codes but ...

Third party class not loading in 'using'. Where are additional classes installed?

I have a third party library installed, but the accompanying namespace isn't found. The type or namespace name 'Maverick' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) Fair enough, VS 2010 can't find it. But where does my system look for third party libraries? Can I modify the list of locations? ...

Custom ArrayList serialization

Hi, I was trying to serialize an ArrayList which contains custom objects. I'm serializing it in a Servlet (server side), and deserialize at the client side. (using ObjectOutputStream and ObjectInputStream) It worked fine, when I work with ArrayList<String>. But when I tried it with ArrayList<MyObject> I couldn't get any results in th...

ClassNotFoundException Android

Hey y'all, So I ran into a problem today while working on my Android program. I have a class that turns that an XML string into a Java object (third party) and it works fine in as a regular java project but on Android I get this weird error: 06-21 22:44:26.402: DEBUG/App(259): java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.package.mycode.Class ...

HttpClient NoClassDefFoundError

I am trying to run a sample application from HttpClient 4.0.1. It is the file from the examples section. I put in these files in the classpath: apache-mime4j-0.6.jar;commons-codec-1.3.jar;commons-logging-1.1.1.jar;httpclient-4.0.1.jar;httpcore-4.0.1.jar;httpmime-4.0.1.jar and the file compiles correctl...