
Spring 3 on GlassFish 2.1 java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: APPLICATION_CONTEXT_ID_PREFIX

I am trying to deploy a spring 3 application on GlassFish v2.1 and am getting the following error: APPLICATION_CONTEXT_ID_PREFIX at org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.createWebApplicationContext( I found advice on the spring forum which says t...

Java NoClassDefFoundError when the jar clearly has it

I have a simple class that imports another class from another jar. Everything compiles great, but trying to run it... $ jar tvf ../../pig-2.1.jar | grep TupleFact 1641 Mon Feb 02 17:56:32 UTC 2009 org/apache/pig/data/DefaultTupleFactory.class 2289 Mon Feb 02 17:56:30 UTC 2009 org/apache/pig/data/TupleFactory.class $ javac ../src/Conver...

import javax.comm*; error

do i need to install netbeans 6.8 for serial port support? import javax.comm*; gives an error in my netbeans 5.5.1 ... what could be the actual problem? i downloaded comm api jar folder from : where to add this one so that import javax.comm.* won't give any error ...

where to update classpath variable

where to update the classspath ?? i downloaded CommAPI so that import javax.comm.*; should not give error. ...

Is `java -cp` simply an abbreviation for `java -classpath`?

On the commandline is java -cp simply an abbreviation for java -classpath? (I seem to remember they may have different behaviour but can't find explicit documentation). UPDATE Thanks (@AlBlue) for confirming that my memory was in fact correct and that they used to be different. ...

Maven Eclipse plugin and classpath issues in Eclipse

I am using Eclipse 3.51, Maven 2.0.9, Java 1.4, with the Maven Eclipse plugin 2.7 with WTP 2.0 (not m2Eclipse). I have a flat multi module project that is set up as follows (module Parent with the parent pom, module A and B is dependent on C). Importing the four modules in for the first time will show compile errors as expected since I...

Setting up java classpath and java_home correctly in Ubuntu

I am getting the error Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: When I try and run a compiled class on Ubuntu. I am using a very simple Helloworld example, and the millions of responses which already exist on the internet suggest that my CLASSPATH and JAVA_HOME variables have been incorrectly set. However, I hav...

Castor compilation problem

I got "cannot access org.exolab.castor.core.exceptions.CastorException" from the compiler when I try to use Marshal and unmarshal. I used Castor 1.3 try { Writer writer = new FileWriter("out.xml"); Marshaller.marshal(person, writer); Reader reader = new FileReader("out.xml"); metaType = (Person) Unma...

classpath problem

Hi, I'm trying to compile the Servlet class in Tomcat's webappps/Email/src/Mail folder, but I'm getting compile time errors: ./Email/src/Mail/ package javax.mail does not exist import javax.servlet.http.*; ./Email/src/Mail/ javax.servlet does not exist import javax.servlet.*; ./Email/src/Mail/Mail.j...

How should I set CLASSPATH?

I did this before: CLASSPATH=".:/home/phoenies/jdk1.6.0_17/lib/tools.jar:/home/phoenies/jdk1.6.0_17/lib/dt.jar" But today an article says I should do this: CLASSPATH=".:/home/phoenies/jdk1.6.0_17/lib" If I do so, will it search all the jar files in lib? So it's probably a shorter way? ...

Control the classpath ordering of jars in WEB-INF/lib on Tomcat 5?

I have a legacy web app running in Tomcat 5.0. This web app has two jars in WEB-INF/lib, let's say Foo-2.0.jar and Bar-2.0.jar. Bar-2.0.jar actually includes a Foo-1.0.jar inside of it. Bar is also a dead project, meaning no upgrading, no source, but still important to the application. The latest release of this application requires Fo...

Launching Java Subprocess using parent process Classpath

I want to launch a java subprocess, with the same java classpath and dynamically loaded classes as the current java process. The following is not enough, because it doesn't include any dynamically loaded classes: String classpath = System.getProperty("java.class.path"); Currently I'm searching for each needed class with the code below...

How to pick CXF over Metro on Glassfish

Hello all, I'm having the following problem (reported there by someone else) when running my webapp under Glassfish, while under Jetty it works fine.. javax/xml/ws/spi/Provider mentions creating a META-INF/services/ resource, but this is already supplied with CXF and creating an additional resource file does no...

How to access external JAR files from JavaScript using Rhino and Eclipse?

Hi, I'm using Mozilla Rhino to write a JavaScript server application. I would like to include the HttpClient classes in my project to easily access the web, but I can't figure out how to configure my Eclipse project to get Rhino to load the HttpClient JAR file. I have added js.jar (from Rhino) and httpclient-4.0.1.jar to my project's b...

How to configure .dll file in Java?

I am using Jacob jar file in my java application. This Jacob jar file comes with a .dll file. I have added Jacob jar file to my classpath. But when I execute my application a runtime error occurs as "couldn't load jacob-1.15-M3-x86.dll file" How can I load this .dll file? Edited:=====================================================...

Unbound classpath container in Eclipse

I have checked out a project using Subversive for Eclipse and I am getting the following errors: The project cannot be built until build path errors are resolved Unbound classpath container: 'JRE System Library[jdk1.5.0_08]' I'm assuming the first error will be resolved as soon as the second one is. I think I need to install jdk1.5.0_...

How to Create a runnable jar that uses external jar files in dynamic locations.

Hi, I've programmed an application that take about 300 kilobytes. The jar files that it uses (library) take about 10 megz. These library jar files are used in other applications I wrote and so I would like to have them located in an external central location (Meaning - A path on some hard drive in the same computer). Hopefully, the pat...

Running jar, setting classpath

Hi guys, I've got a project I've made with Maven. I compile a JAR, with "mvn package", and now I want to run it, preferably without setting some insane classpath, as it depends on Spring and half the internet or something. Is there any way I can run it easily? Something like "mvn run" would be great, or an option to throw in all depende...

Setting Java Classpath to Load a Class File

I'm new to Java, and I'm unsure how to access a class file located in a specific directory from a separate program jar. For example, I have an third party jar file located in /, which is supposed to load MyClass located in /mylib/MyClass.class, so I tried running: java -jar mainprog.jar -classpath "/mylib" MyClass but I'm getting the...

Flash Dependency Checking?

So I've been working on some Flash stuff for a client, and we're recently moving everything into a svn repo, so I need to get all of the class files to be included in the repo. The issue I'm having is that I usually am the only one working on flash stuff, and this project is a little old, so I'm not absolutely sure which class files are...