
Android LinearLayout Visibility issues with Animation

Hello, I am trying to swap two LinearLayouts by setting their visibility properties to "VISIBLE" and "GONE" respectively. I am also using an animation while the layouts are being swapped. The animation completes successfully and I see the correct layout. However, the previous Layout which has its visibility property set to "GONE" still ...

Adobe Flex:change the text in <mx:text> with a click effect

I am new to flex, how do you change the text inside of a text control when a user has clicked a button. I could not find a way to do this. I used an event handler to input a .xml to a string and then to the text control. This doesn't seem to work. Any suggestions? ...

Inline-editing: onBlur prevents onClick from being triggered (jQuery)

Hello StackOverflow community! I'm currently working on my own jQuery plugin for inline-editing as those that already exist don't fit my needs. Anyway, I'd like to give the user the following (boolean) options concerning the way editing is supposed to work: submit_button reset_on_blur Let's say the user would like to have a submit ...

Enable/Disable WPF buttons depending on the number of clicks

I have two buttons 'btnPrev' and 'btnNext' What I want to do is to be able to determine the number of clicks of the button so that I could enable and disable them. The process is almost similar to 'paging' method. Initial state: btnPrev - disabled, btnNext - enabled 1st Click (btnNext): btnPrev - enabled, btnNext - enabled 2nd Click (...

Registering a Named Function as a Listener with Jquery

I'm new to javascript/jquery and I've done some poking around the web, but I can't figure out why the following is invalid: var toggleSection = function(sectionName) { // Do some Jquery work to toggle stuff based on sectionName string // (concatenate sectionName with other text to form selectors) }; $('#togglecont1').click(toggleSection...

Click behaviour - Difference in IE and FF ?!

Hey folks, i just came to the conclusion that a project i am currently working on might have a "logical" error in functionality. Currently I'am using server technology with PHP/MySQL and JQuery. Within the page there's a normal link reference with tag <a href="contentpage?page=xxx">next step</a> The pain point now seems to be the g...

Click event keeps firing

I have absolutely no idea why this is happening but the following code seems to be executed a huge amount of times in all browsers. $('#save_albums').click(function(){ for(var i = 1; i <= 5; i++){ html = $('#your_albums ol li').eq(i).html(); alert(html); } }); Looks fairly innocent to me... Here's the code in ...

is there any column click event in ext js ?

I am using Ext.grid.gridpanel.As in rowclick event, we can handle row click of grid..Is there any event to handle column click of grid? i want to select a particular column of grid. ...

How to make this jquery function reusable?

Hai this is my jquery function, function getRecordspage(curPage, pagSize) { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "Default.aspx/GetRecords", data: "{'currentPage':" + curPage + ",'pagesize':" + pagSize + "}", contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", dataType: "json", success: function(jso...

SWT: problems with clicking button after using setEnabled() on Linux

Hi, I have a strange case with SWT and Button after using setEnabled() - seems if I disable and enable button at least once - I cannot properly click with mouse on it anymore... Already minify code to very basic: import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import; import; i...

remove cssclass from one anchor and assign to another in jquery...

Here are my anchors, <a ID="lnkbtn0" class="page-numbers" href="#">1</a> <a ID="lnkbtn1" class="page-numbers" href="#">2</a> <a ID="lnkbtn2" class="page-numbers" href="#">3</a> <a ID="lnkbtn3" class="page-numbers" href="#">4</a> And my click function i am adding a cssclass to show that it is the current anchor $("").cli...

jquery anchor click doesn't seem to work....

Here is function , <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { getRecordspage(1, 5); $("").click(function() { alert(1); getRecordspage($(this).text(), 5); return false; }); }); And in my page i am appending anchors dynamically to th...

Click in a image/function with javascript on Greasemonkey ?

How can I click in a image/function with javascript? Something like: document.getElementById("check-in-banner").click(); the source of the part is <a id="check-in-button" href="#"> Thank you very much ...

IE6 forces two clicks to trigger Javascript event

I have a web form that has 2 radio buttons, depending on which one is clicked it displays a hidden element This works fine in all browsers except for IE6, which, after I click on the radio button, I have to click again (anywhere on the window) and then the element is displayed...has anyone had behavior like this before? I tried to not...

jQuery: click handler is not invoked when link is opened in new tab/window

Hi! I have noticed when user clicks on a link with, say middle button, or shift/ctrl+left button, click handler attached to hyperlink is not called. I have seen solutions to track mousedown event, but what I'd like is to track exact event of following a link. Are there any suggestions? Thanks ...

How do you simulate typing using jQuery?

Like how the click() can be used to trigger a click event on an element, is there any way to simulate the typing of a string? ...

C# - Remove the "click" sound from Winform WebBrowser?

Hello. Does anyone know how to remove the "click" sound you get when navigating to another page, when using a WebBrowser on a WinForm? I would have thought they would have included an option to choose weither you want it enabled, but they didn't. Thanks for the help! ...

Why won't .attr('checked','checked') set?

I have the following snippet of code (I'm using jQuery 1.4.2): $.post('/Ads/GetAdStatsRow/', { 'ad_id': id }, function(result) { $('#edit_ads_form tbody').prepend(result); $(result).find(' input').attr('checked','checked').click(); }); Assume that the post works correctly and returns a correct pre-built <tr> with s...

Synthetic click doesn't switch application's menu bar (Mac OS X)

Hi. I'm developing some sort of air mouse application for iPhone platform. This applications connects to one computer service which generates mouse events on Mac OS X. I'm generating this events with CGEventCreateMouseEvent() and CGEventPost(). But I've encountered one problem. Let's say you are using Safari and then you click on free de...

How to get the clicked element in a dynamically built JQuery Treeview?

I have a product database with several product categories. Each category has a number of sub-categories, which has sub-sub-categories, which has... Well, quite some levels deep. The tree is too huge to load at once, so I need to built it dynamically as users select specific product categories. Here's a snapshot of the product tree. Initi...