
Flex: Menubar, menu click

I do not know why but I see that itemclick event on a menubar do not fired unless you click a sub item. What is the clean way to handle clicks on menuitems which are on the top level and do not have sub menu items. For example I want to fire an event whenever MenuItem B is clicked. <?xml version="1.0"?> <!-- menus/MenuBarControl.mxml ...

silverlight button onClick event

Hi, Might be this question a blunder :(... I have a a button in silverlight application... <Button Height="25" Width="100" Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="0" Click="Button_Click"/> I read that silverlight need WCF to interact with server side... So is it like to access my "Button_Click" event I need WCF ? ...

Combine hover and click functions (jQuery) ?

Can hover and click functions be combined into one, so for example: click: $('#target').click(function() { // common operation }); hover: $('#target').hover(function () { // common operation }); can they be combined into one function? Thanks! ...

Jquery toggle function that doesn't return false?

Hi, Is it possible to stop the automatic preventDefault() from applying in a simple Jquery toggle function? $(".mydiv").toggle( function () { $(this).addClass("blue"); }, function () { $(this).removeClass("blue"); } ); The above prevents elements inside the div from responding normally to the click. I...

jQuery live() ... have to click twice to activate links?

I have the following bit of code, simply: $(function() { $('a.add-photos-link').live('click', function(e) { $(this).colorbox({ overlayClose: false, onComplete: function() { $('#add_photos').submit(function(e) { // more stuff to do e.preventDefault(); }); } }); e.prevent...

How can i check if key is pressed during click event with jquery?

Hi, I would like to catch a click event with jquery and be able to tell if a key was pressed at the same time so i can fork within the callback function based on the keypress. for example: $("button").click(function() { if([KEYPRESSED WHILE CLICKED]) { do something... } else { do something different... } })...

How could I click in a control and drag (not Drag and Drop) out of it but still follow the event as long as the button is clicked?

Hello, I would like to allow the user to click within my UserControl and drag left/right to zoom in/out but I'd like the dragging not to be restricted to the actual control's boundaries. What sort of event or strategy would be the right way to track the mouse position outside the control and the form until the mouse click is released ? ...

click() not behaving like user click

I have searched for a solution to this for the last several hours but to no avail. When I click on a button that has a return false in OnClientClick, no postback occurs to the server. When I use jquery to trigger the click function of the button, OnClientClick fires first, but regardless of the return value, a postback occurs. Here's a s...

After append() how to bind a click event to just added element

I have this code $(".delete2").click(function() { $('#load2').fadeIn(); } I have dynamically added item via this return addSubcategory = function(){ sucategorynameval = $("#sucategoryname").val(); categoryId = $("#addcategoryid").val(); $.get("process-add-subcat.php", { "action": "add_subcategory", ...

jquery prevent focus on click

I have this sample code: $myTrigger .click(function(e){ alert('click'); }) .focus(function(e){ alert('focus'); $(this).click() }) The intent is that I want something to happen when you click on $myTrigger. If, on the other hand, you tab onto it via the keyboard (ie, focus) I want the exact sa...

jquery listener don't "listen" to events on DOM elements dinamically created

Hi, i have a listener like this: $('.delete').click(function() { ...some stuff }); also, on the same page, another script dinamically add elements to the DOM in this way: $('#list').append('<tr><td><a class="delete" href="#">delete</a></td></tr>'); my problem is that the listener doesn't "listen" to these dinamically created ele...

How to wait for the user to select one of the datagridview rows?

I have a datagridview populated with some Names, I want to perform a check of all the Name in another database with the Names in datagridview and add the Surnames to the adjacent cell when a match is found, this I am achieving by string compare method. My Problem is that due to typing inconsistencies & at times with two people having sa...

Javascript click function

I've got some code which works fine in IE but unfortunately not in Google Chrome/Firefox. It relies upon calling a click() event on a button from javascript. Reading around it seems that this is an IE specific extension (doh). Is there any way I can do a similar thing in chrome + firefox? To clarify, it's executing the click event on a ...

jQuery: Triggering a click on an img not working

I'm testing in Chrome. I have a bunch of 'add item' icons on screen that the user can click in order to add that one item to the database. I also have a button at the botton of that list, which should add the whole list of items. It seems to me that the easiest way to do this is to trigger the 'click' event for all these icons (the re...

jQuery - Need help stopping animation on click command.

With a few of your help I was able to get the jquery I wanted to work flawlessly, except for one thing.. the animation doesn't stop when i click on the buttons. Scenario: I have an Image, and 3 buttons underneath labeled "1","2", and "3". The jquery will automate the click function every 4500ms and switch from 1 to 2, then 2 to 3 and co...

Click ID and open URL?

Hi Guys, I am trying to click on a #ID and open a URL - but [as a newbie] - I can't seem to get it. I am using $('#Test').click(function() { OpenUrl('some url'); return false; }); ...

Biggest z-index but still "transparent"?

Hello Is there a way to click through element, even if it's on top of the others. I have a link under one div, and the div must be where it is, but link should of course be clickable. Solutions? Even jQuery is okay, if impossible with CSS. Martti Laine EDIT: I cannot add link higher, because the div here is a kind of overlay/glare. ...

Handle Windows Mobile Click event so that it doesn't "queue" while my program is blocking

I've written a simple application for WinMo 6.x to entertain my daughter. It holds a set of animal image to animal noise pairs and randomly displays one of the images. When the image is clicked the animal noise plays and the two year old is distracted :-) and then the next image is displayed. However, since she tends to bash at the scre...

jquery livequery event triggered on EVERYTHING, not just selected element.

I am attempting to use livequery. I unfortunately am stuck using jquery 1.2.6. This is my code: $(document).ready(function() { $('a.sort').livequery('click', function(event) { alert('hello'); }); }); If I click ANYWHERE in the document, I get the alert 'hello'. What exactly is wrong there? Is it some bug with jQ1.2...

External click tracking links through img tags

Anyone know a good external link tracking script ? IE. to catch links and referrer stats through a posted img tag, even if there's no actual IMG. I know how PHP works in this matter, but I'd hate to code it from scratch. ...