
Simulate button click c#

Hey, I am trying to make a simulation of a button click for a password form, basically the form1 loads and shows form2 as a dialogue, and if it does not give back DialogResult.OK, then it closes the application. So far I have in the button: if (txtpass.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("You need to enter a pass...

C# WPF Controls within Controls and distinguishing LeftClick events!

I have UserControls within UserControls in WPF. This makes a tree structure starting from the root node. I want to register for the event MouseLeftClickDown in all the UserControls. Left Clicking on a child control causes the event to fire for that control and all the parent controls that contain that child. When I click a child, I do...

How do I handle click event in Spark List control in Flex 4

I have a s:List component. I want to handle a click event to know what list item is selected. I don't see Click event in s:List. Any workarounds? Thanks. ...

How to make div clickable using internal href but not overide other internal hrefs

I have a div with 3 internal hrefs. I need to make the div clickable and have it inherit one of the internal hrefs. Not a problem... however this then causes the JS to overide the other links inside the div, the ones I'm not inheriting for the parent div. Here's my code: <script> $(document).ready(function(){ $("#Products div.product...

Click and type (WinForms)

Hello All I was using an Adobe product (If I remember correctly, it was a PDF Creator) the other day, and they have this cool feature where you can literally click anywhere inside the window and just start typing. And the text will appear as you type, whereever you clicked. Can somebody please point me in the right direction where I ca...

Toggle (click) and bind event (on document)

Hi, I have a button <a> that should toggle a drop-down Then it should also bind (once) a click event to the document that when clicked it should slide it up. I started with this HTML and JS... Any suggestions how to make this work? HTML <a class="a" href="#">continue shopping</a> <div class="b"> <a href="#">contin...

jquery rollovers and active states

Hi there. I apologise for any stupid questions/coding, I'm very new to jquery! I'm trying to create a menu for a one-page site that has rollovers and an active state. HTML: <ul id="menu"> <li><a class="rollover" href="#"><img class="folio" src="images/folio3.png" /></a></li> <li><a class="rollover" href="#"><img class="services" src="...

keeping screen static when click link

Hi I was wondering if anyone know how to keep the screen in a static position with jquery when a link which has a "#" href is clicked? Regards, Phil ...

Android: long click on the child views of a ExpandableListView?

ExpandableListView has a setOnChildClickListener method, but lacks of setOnChild*Long*ClickListener method. When I added setOnLongClickListener() on child view in getChildView(), whole sublist became completely unclickable (despite of parentView.setOnChildClickListener() present and working before). How can I enable long clicks on chil...

Iphone darkens div on click

When you have a div with a click handler attached, the iphone darkens the div as a click indicator, when the div is clicked. Example: view on mobile safari My question is, how do I turn this behavior off? This is probably useful for most iphone users, but in some types of rich media applications, this is bad. ...

Vaadin vs Apache Click which one to choose for my webapp development

Vaadin and Apache Click seem to be equally good, which one should I choose for developing my web application. Or rather, what are the Pros and Cons of each framework. ...

Shift + Click of Linkbutton in Firefox opens new window instead of firing OnClick

I used C# to build a gallery of photos. Users can hold down shift and click to select multiple photos at once. I used the System.Windows.Forms.Control.ModifierKeys property to determine whether shift is being pressed in the OnClick event of a link button, but find that it only works in IE. In Firefox, Shift + Click opens a new window and...

Making a dynamically-created label in Flex/ArcGIS a clickable hyperlink

I have an ArcGIS map created with Flex. The labels created dynamically are the towns on the map. We have some PDF files that have some information about the towns on the map. Is there a way to make those town labels clickable so that they can display the PDF information on a new page? ...

Use VBA code to click on a button on webpage

I am editing a vba program and want to code the vba to click on a button in a webpage. The html for the button is: <input type=image src="/lihtml/test_button3.gif" align=left alt=File_Certificate_Go> I imagine I would have to set a variable to getElementBy??? and then, but I can't figure out how exactly to get the eleme...

Making a table row (tr) clickable with jQuery (with an a href link, and hover!?)

Just a (hopefully) quick question, I have the following HTML code: <tr> <td><img src="img/icons/file_pdf.png"></td> <td><a href="../upload/1267473577.pdf">Bulletin 1st March 2010</a></td> <td>(01/03/10)</td> </tr> Ideally I'd like a way to grab the a href link using jQuery and make it so that no matter where you click on that parti...

RadioButton click on another form

We have a legacy program with a GUI that we want to use under control of a C# program to compute some values. We can successfully enter values in the numerical input controls, press the compute button, and read the produced answers from text display boxes. But we can't seem to control a pair of radio buttons . Calling CheckRadioButton...

How to simulate a html page link click with Java ?

There is a link on a html page with the following text <Html> ... <script type="text/JavaScript"> function createCookie(name,value,days) { if (days) { var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime()+(days*24*60*60*1000)); var expires = "; expires="+date.toGMTString(); } else var expires = ""; d...

After drawing circles on C# form how can i know on what circle i clicked?

I have to represent graphically an oriented graph like in the image below. i have a C# form, when i click with the mouse on it i have to draw a node. If i click somewhere on the form where is not already a node drawn it means i cliked with the intetion of drawing a node, if it is a node there i must select it and memorize it. On the n...

How do I overwrite old jQuery click event

Hey Everyone, I just came across this weird problem that is happening in IE. In the html I am adding an onclick event to an element that calls a function to change a page like this, onclick="changePage(1, 2);" Inside the changePage function I am changing the currentPageNum, and nextPageNum of the forward and backwards buttons when th...

8086 assembly right mouse click interrupts

Hi guys I am working on a project in 8086 assembly on windows machine and I need to know which mouse button has been clicked. What are the interrupts for this? or how do I go about finding this out? Thanks ...