
Feed Reader: Should It Always Be Client Side?

Should a browser based Feed Reader always use something on the client side, like Javascript? UPDATE: I mean, specifically, for the Parsing of RSS. If you can offload it to the browser, it seems almost irresponsible to make your server do the work. Still, there are plenty of advantages in my particular situation to doing it server side....

Is a client-server setup a good way to move data between machines?

I need to move some data from one machine to another. Is it a good idea to write a client server app using sockets in Perl to do the transfer? Will I have problems if one side is written in Java? I mean, should I be aware of any issues I might face when I try to attempt the above? ...

Implementing authentication in an webpage through WinForms app

and here comes the situation... A customer has installed my super dooper winforms application. The username and password are authenticated on the app startup with my MSSQL server. I would like to redirect the user in my webpage and have him as "logged-in" when he clicks the "Update subscription" button within my app (without the need o...

How do I prevent non-legit client apps from using my server?

I’m currently writing a pair of client/server applications. I was recently posed with the question of “how do I prevent someone from writing their own client application and using our server?” I really didn’t have an answer to that question because all of the secure communication stuff I have done to date is to ensure the communication...

Comment my MMO client<>server movement handling.

I'm working on a basic 2D flash MMO. The first alpha will contain the basics: players can move around. This is, I think, also the most important part to be highly optimized. As movement happens all the time and costs a lot of bandwidth. This is how my current system works: All movement is calculated by the client When a client changes...

How can I use Java WebService to push data to client

I have some CMS. and have a requirement that these CMS can send article together whenever needed. I think I can use WebService to solve my problem by do following: 1/ CMS-01 invoke WS by sending data(article and received CMS(s)) when it want to send an article 2/Webservice receive data and push to other CMS(s) which CMS-01 have selected....

to implement online converting engine from browser to web server

Hello im looking for common way to build the right client server architecture when my goal is : the browser submit data to the web server -> the web server response with converted pdf file based on that data now my question is this : where to implement this convention engine ( that is static lib ) as web server plug in (apache, ligh...

Abstraction and client/server architecture questions for Python game program

Here is where I am at presently. I am designing a card game with the aim of utilizing major components for future work. The part that is hanging me up is creating a layer of abstraction between the server and the client(s). A server is started, and then one or more clients can connect (locally or remotely). I am designing a thick client ...

Multiple replies from server for one client request

This may be a dumb question - and the title may need to be improved... I think my requirement is pretty simple: I want to send a request for data from a client to a server program, and the server (not the client) should respond with something like "Received your request - working on it". The client then does other work. Then when the...

SQLite for client-server

Hi, I've seen a couple of SQLite performance questions here on Stackoverflow, but the focus was on websites, and I'm considering using this DB in a client-server scenario: I expect 1-10 clients for one server for now, could go up to 50 or more in the future. slightly more reads than writes the DB would sit behind a server process (i.e...

how is the DOM constructed in the browser (IE or FF) or how javascript traps object hierarchy

Would some please send me the link for any articles , which explains , how DOM is constructed in the browser after the response is received from server ...

In a multitier application should a client be allowed to send its own linq expressions to the server?

The rationale: HQL and NH criteria are NHibernate specific constructs and as such they are server side DAL implementation details. I do not want them to "leak" to the client side. So, our client side provides LINQ expressions for the server to process. Seems legitimate to me, some, however, think otherwise and so I would like to know ...

Generating server and client proxys from wsdl files

Dear all, I'm encountering a problem generating my client and server code from wsdl. I've been provided a set of wsdl and xsd files to communicate with an external application. I need to implement some of them as web services and use the others to generate a proxy to communicate with that external application. They all use a common heade...

running rmi client server in a different process... unbound exception

i need to write a RMI client/server application that the server is running in a different process. when i am running my code in the same process everything is working fine, but when trying to run the server code in a new Process using ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder( "java", "-cp",...

Three-way authentication/handing an authenticated client off to a different server?

Hi, I'm interested in creating a sort of hand-off authentication method, where there's a client and two servers (let's call them Alice, Bob and Carmen Sandiego, respectively). Alice is a client (in a browser) somewhere on the 'net, possibly behind a NAT that gives a different IP for outgoing requests to different addresses (I know there...

Combining properties made available via webservices profile service aspnet

I really wasn't sure what the title for my question could be, so sorry if it's a bit vague. I'm working on an application that uses client application services for authentication/profile management etc. In web.config for my website, I have the following profile properties like this: <properties> <add name="FirstName" type="string" ...

Client/server architecture for mobile device (Win CE)

I am trying to rearchitecture a program which runs on Win CE 5.0 devices, using Compact Framework. Right now the application communicates directly with the database, pulling down data, making changes, and sending those back to the database. Each client is responsible for retrieving updates via polling the database. I want to develop som...

What is the recommended method of testing a JSON client-server api?

Edit #2: Does anyone have a good method of testing the "middle" of a client-server application where we can intercept requests and responses, fake the client or server as needed, and which provides self-documentation of the api? Cucumber might be a good solution in many cases, but it's not quite what I'm looking for. And this middle la...

No response from sever on external IP in client-server IM app.

Hey guys, I'm following a tutorial @ to try and gather the basics of networking. For those not wanting to hit the jump, it's a quick tut demonstrating how to program a simple client-server-model chat application. When I try and run the code in the...

Are there any open standards for server failover?

Hi, I'm building a client-server application and I am looking at adding failover to the client so that when a server is down it will try to connect to another available server. Are there any standards or specifications covering server failover? I'd rather adopt an existing standard than implement my own mechanism. ...