
JQGrid Programatically Select Grid Row

I have a JQGrid with loadonce:true(so it's all client side) and paging enabled(with, say 20 pages). I would like to specify a row(programatically, without user input) and have my grid navigate to the corresponding page to select the specified row. Is this possible with the current JQGrid? I've looked into search and filter, but that j...

GWT/Javascript client side password encryption

I'm implementing authorization in my gwt app, and at the moment it's done in the following fashion: The user signs up by putting his credentials in a form, and I send them in clear text to the server The server code hashes the received password using BCrypt and puts the hash in a database When the user wishes to log in, his password is...

Javascript Click handler only if ASP.NET client-side validation succeeds

So basically I want to add a javascript function to a button's Click event and I only want it to execute if the form passes ASP.NET client-side validation. The easiest conceptual way I can think of is to just run the validation within my function just return if it doesn't pass, but I'm not sure how to call ASP.NET's validators from ja...

Any recommendations for writing a GUI client from a CLI client?

I'm looking for writing a GUI client for a existing application in my job, this application is CLI and because this is not widely used. This is the first time I'm writing something similar, the I ask you for recommendations, books, techniques, methodologies, advices. My first approach is to create the interface and to make calls to the ...

Getting Clients OS/Browser Details

Ok so I say a a site awhile back and I can't remember it for the life of me. It seemed fairly new but it was a site that you're client could go to, they'd enter your email and submit and it would send all their CPU details including which OS they have which browser and version they're running, etc. If anyone has any ideas what this site ...

local file system access via HTML5 and PHP5

I want to enhance my browser-based web application with functionality that needs to read the absolute path of the files being uploaded and used for some processing, I have used HTML5 File API and PHP POST Upload method to support the upload functionality. Question: Direct or work around method of reading the absolute path (client-side) ...

automated measurement of browser-side performance times

We are doing a series of client-side performance tests for a large website and we primarily use Fiddler and DynaTrace for our measurements. But we've run into 2 major issues: The clients are intent on measuring the asynchronous part of the page load (Stuff that gets kicked in after document.ready). Using fiddler, its hard to tell which... mvc 2 client side validation missing ValidationRules on custom attribute

Hi all, Can't seem to get checkbox to be validate on client-side using mvc 2. Here is my code. Model [Serializable] public class RegistrationModel { bool termsAndCondition = false; [RequiredToBeTrue(ErrorMessage = "Need terms and service")] public bool TermsAndConditions { get { re...

How fast is client side javascript versus server side Java?

I am wondering how fast client side javascript is compared to server side Java in terms of raw computational power. For instance, sorting. Should it all be done server side if possible? And how about iterating through a collection? ...

Javascript self contained sandbox events and client side stack

Hi , I'm in the process of moving a JSF heavy web application to a REST and mainly JS module application . I've watched "scalable javascript application architecture" by Nicholas Zakas on yui theater (excellent video) and implemented much of the talk with good success but i have some questions : I found the lecture a little confus...

Create a file in memory for user to download, not through server

Is there any way I can create a text file on the client side and prompt the user to download it, without any interaction with the server? I know I can't write directly to their machine (security and all), but can I create and prompt them to save it? ...

Is there a client side event that occurs on a user control when its parent submits to the server?

Is there a client side event that occurs on a user control when its parent submits to the server? ...

100% clientside jquery shoppingcart

I know clientside webcarts could be modified by the visitor, in my application that is OK. The only webacart without serverside logic and validation I have found is simplecart-js. However it is not using jquery. Can anyone suggest a jquery cart with the same functionalities, or even more basic? I assume it would make use of the ezcookie...

RegisterClientScriptBlock confusion

My master web page contain JS code to override standard alerts with custom jQuery dialog boxes. <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> window.alert=function(alertMessage) { $.msgbox(alertMessage, {type: "info"}); } </script> In default.aspx web page onLoad method I am tr...

Validate form client-side, server-side or both in Ajax form?

I'm developing this app which as a very basic Ajax form and I'm currently validating the form input through jQuery with it's default validation plugin. I'm wondering if I should also do server-side validation after submitting the form or just ignore and assume everything is right since the client-side validation was successful? There's...

What options do I have for a Simple Datastore Webservice?

Hi folks, I have a simple web based app that's going to run on an iPad. What I need is a way to store user inputs: email and lat/lng from a Google Map. I don't really have access to a serverside setup at the moment. It needs to be fairly secure as I can't give out the users email obviously. I would like to be able to post from my web a...

client-side values of dynamic control on postback

My custom control contains a repeater that adds a dynamic control into a placeholder on ItemDatabound. I'm having an issue accessing the updated value of the dynamic control, I am already taking care of rebuilding the dynamic controls on Load but I first need to get to the changes made by the user. I'm just having some trouble understan...

How can i re-direct to the main window after logging into a website from a popup window

I have an website StartPage that does not require signing-in, in order to view it. On this StartPage, there is a Login linkbutton that when clicked opens a small Login popup page. Unfortunately, after the user has entered their loin credentials and clicks login, the destination page loads in the same popup window which is not my ...

ASP.NET Javascript Error on Input

My ASP.NET page has an <asp:TextBox /> whose text input is encoded via HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(); The page also contains validators such as <asp:RequiredFieldValidator /> and <asp:CustomValidator /> as well as several AJAX toolkit <toolkit:ValidatorCalloutExtender /> If the user inputs </ as the text in the textbox, a Javascript error ...

About password hashing system on client side (javascript, silverlight and android)

Hi everybody, When I want to put in place a login system, I always compare the md5 of the given password with its value in the users table on the server side. However, a friend of mine told me that a "clear" password could be sniffed by a network software. So my question is : Is it a good idea to hash the password on the client side? ...