
Client side Callback in GWT

I'm trying to create a logger for a GWT application as an exercise to evaluate GWT. What I specifically want to do is have it so that I can post messages to a client side label at any point from the server side. So, if some interesting stuff has happened on the server the client can be updated. My First question is, is this possible, I ...

Is a Session ID generated on the Server-side or Client-side?

This web page states that a session ID is generated on the ServerSide. If this is the case, then how does a server know it's still the same client on the 2nd request response cycle? Surely the SessionId would be generated on the ClientSide so that the client would be sure of passing the ...

Asp.Net Rating Control

Hi, I can't get the ASP.NET Rating control's selected value(Current Value) in javascript. I am using Rating control in datagrid and do you know how I can get the CurrentValue of ASP.NET Rating in javascript? ...

Reporting Services Client side

I need to compose a report using multiple subreports, "chained" together at runtime in a C# Forms project. The subreports each represent a subtest of a product, and the data needs special formatting to make sense to the report users ( Special graphs, sensible column names with/without engineering details etc ) I Imagine that every Subr...

What would cause ASP.NET validators not to trigger on a deployed site?

Locally it works, I know its the "it works on my machine" syndrome but i cant see why. Simple web page, fields, required field validators, such as <asp:textbox id="tbEmail" runat="server" CssClass="field"></asp:textbox> <asp:requiredfieldvalidator id="Requiredfieldvalidator2" runat="server" Display="Dynamic" ControlToValid...

Ruby: client-side or server-side?

Is Ruby client- or server-side? ...

Print directly from browser without print popup window

Hi Everyone, As it said in the subject I've to create a feature for a web-based application that will allow users to send print directly without prompting any dialog boxe just make the print i.e click and print, simple! but not for me :(. Please, suggest what would be the best option and how should I write it up (technology). Suggest...

Client Side Validation for different control events

Hi, I have a custom validator attached to a textbox control as follows <td align="center" width="10px"> <asp:CustomValidator ID="validateDateText" ControlToValidate="dateTextBox" runat="server" OnServerValidate="ValidateDate" ClientValidationFunction="Validate_Date" EnableClientScript="true" Width="10px" CssCl...

Implementing custom logging of WCF messages client-side

A collegue of mine needs to implement custom logging of WCF messages, for debugging purposes, but also for traceability (logged data will be saved for future reference and verification). Examples like this one, Capture XML In WCF Service, shows how to do this for the host, but he needs it for the client application. Can anyone help me/...

EnableClientValidation on Master Page

I'm trying out ASP.NET MVC 2 Preview and when I use client side validation it all works if the following: <% Html.EnableClientValidation() %> Is used on a content page. If it is on a Master Page - client side validation fails. Is it just me or is this by design? If so - why? ...

Client Side javascript call from ASP control throws "Too many characters in character literal" error!

I have a javascript to enable text boxes when called, I want to trigger this code when a user picks value "Custom" from a dropdownlist, so that I can display/Hide these new textboxes. <asp:DropDownList ID="DateRangeDropDownList" runat="server" Enabled="False" **OnSelectedIndexChanged="EnableTextBoxes('SomeValue');"**> ...

Server side control hidden - possible to read values client side?

Hi, A quick question. I've got two textboxes running server side and have their visibility turned off. I'm using a couple of ASP.NET controls which require the textboxes to exist. However, I am filling them from the code behind and would not like the user to see this. Can the user turn the visibility on and see the values entered in t...

xVal Client Side validation

I am using xVal for validation in my Asp.Net MVC 1.0 project. I am running into an issue where the default DataType validation and error message is being thrown and overriding my custom RegEx error validation and message. Here is my model with the property I want to force validation on: [Required(ErrorMessage = "Year Published is re...

Using Excel.Application in ASP where Excel is installed on Client Machines instead of the Server.

Hi, I have a server with an asp page on it that generates a report in Excel, using the Excel.Application object. Normally, Excel would have to be installed on the server to work. I was wondering, however, if it is possible to utilise the excel install on client machines to do this instead, as I can't install Excel on the server? Thanks...

Discussion - Allowing / blocking user access to pages / Client Side Validation (Client Side Only!) - Javascript / Jquery

TLDR Using plain HTML / Javascript (Client Side) I want to prevent viewing of certain pages. The user will have to type a username and password and depending on that they get access to different pages. Answers can NOT include server side whatsoever It does not matter if they can break it easily. There is no sensitive information etc....

Excel Interop - Alter HTML imagedata Source From Client Side

Hi, any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated. I've create a report from excel using PublishObjects.Add using Excel Interop, and i output the data without any problems. My question is - Is it possible to access the v:imagedata tag from the client side using javascript or jquery? While the image is loading i would like to put...

Client side validation of list in ASP.Net MVC 2

Hi all, I've used stackoverflow many a time to solve my problems (code related!) but this is the first time I've needed to post a question cause I cannot work out whats wrong. When I enable client side validation on a view that allows editing of a collection of objects which use DataAnnotations for validation the following exception is...

Impact of web platform on GUI

Hi all Web based systems (Client Side GUI only) are known to be platform independent, But, are they development-platform independent too?? To the best i know, Client Side GUI will always be built using HTML and JavaScript/VBScript or Java or etc which are supported by all OSs and Browsers to make it independent. I am concerned about the...

How to fix HTML from WCF-webservice in AJAX Client Side-templates

I have a problem with my templates, when I return HTML, it's encoded by default, and I cannot find a way to "fix" it. I want to replace NewLines (\u000a) with a straight <br />, but I always end up with &amp;lt;br&amp;gt; I've tried to fix it with this function: function cleanNewLines(text) { return $("<div>" + text.replace(/\u000a...

fail-safe mailto setup

I find that (spamprotected) mailto tags are relevant because its convenient for the user (just one click) and they have a record of the sent email. I don't like the alternatives; plaintext(needs to be copy pasted), or phpform that send a copy to the user for archive (incoming, should be outgoing) Also I like the fact that an email sent ...