
putting a stream in the clipboard

Lets begin with the final goal - I need to able to paste a file into the local file system, that is obtained from a web response stream. I think that the best course of action is to somehow put something inside the clipboard that will notify me when the pasting action occurs, so I can then run the async request, wait for the response, a...

Copy text from Vim 7.2 running in xterm to windows clipboard

I'm using Vim 7.2 , compiled with +xterm_clipboard , in a xterm through putty . I've put set clipboard=unnamed in .vimrc , and from what i've read in other threads , this should put all yanks/deletes to the system clipboard. However , when I'm trying to paste whatever i've yanked to a MS app like notepad, its not working. When I select ...

How does Copy Paste of formatted text work?

I'm confused about what implements the functionality of copy and paste. This is exactly what I'm confused with: When I copy formatted text from MS Word (which uses a different markup language than HTML) and paste into an RTF editor in a web browser like gmail or the formatting i...

How to share clipboard between tmux/vim and osx

I found solution for iterm+vim here -> Now i use fakeclip, and it work in vim directly, but not when i use tmux to split terminal window. ...

How to copy textarea to clipboard for Firefox (see the copy button) ?

I wonder how the can use the auto copy function. Please help me! ...

Copy/Paste in JavaScript?

I know this question was asked like a million times by now, but I couldn't really find a good up-to-date solution. I've implemented my own menu to provide the user the ability to Cut, Copy and Paste into my WebApp. But I'm not sure how to actually work with the clipboard on Firefox, IE, Safari/Chrome. Thank you for your help. ...

How to copy bitmap to clipboard using the win32 API?

How do I copy a buffer that would save to a ".BMP" file to the clipboard using the win32 API? I.e., I have a raw buffer of a Windows V3 Bitmap (including the header) that I can literally write() to a file and will result in a valid .BMP file, but I want to copy it to the clipboard instead. On OS X, in plain C, the code would look someth...

How to paste HTML to clipboard with GTK+

How do I paste HTML to the clipboard so that it is recognized as HTML in applications such as Open Office and MS Word? It is possible when using gtkhtml or gecko if you've already rendered it, but I need a straight GTK+ solution. ...

how does clipboard work in windows

what is its data structure? is it xml based? how can it distinguish different content types? text, image, files... ...

How can I disable clear of clipboard on exit of PyQt4 application?

I have a simple PyQt4 application (see the code below) that reveals next problem: if I select the text from QLineEdit and copy it to clipboard then I can paste it to another application only while my application is running. It seems that on exit PyQt application clears the clipboard so I can't paste the text after the application is clos...

Handling spreadsheet data through the clipboard in GTK

Hi, I'm using a GtkSheet widget in PyGTK to power my application's spreadsheet, and it gives me an API to pull and push data out of cells. (I looked at using GtkTreeView, but it seemed to be too much work) What I don't understand is how to intercept paste requests (via ie. CTRL+V) so that I can process them rather than passing it throu...

set clipboard content in any browser

I need to set my user's clipboard when they trigger an event on my webpage. I realize each browser has a different way to do this, so do you know of a library or code snippet that will achieve this cross-browser? ...

How to add extra info to copied web text

Some websites now use a javascript service from Tynt that appends text to copied content. If you copy text from a site using this and then paste you get a link to the original content at the bottom of the text. Tynt also tracks this as it happens. It's a neat trick well done. Their script for doing this is impressive - rather than try...

copy image to clipboard and let it be pasted as file (

I have a picture box and if I use Clipboard.SetImage(PictureBox.image) Then I can only paste the image into things like Paint and MS word. I can't paste it as a file into a folder/desktop. So how can I copy the image to to the clipboard and if gets pasted to a folder then it becomes a file? ...

OutOfMemoryException with Clipboard.GetData and PRTSC

Hi all, I'm using : SendKeys.SendWait("+{PRTSC}"); InteropBitmap interopBitmap = System.Windows.Clipboard.GetData(System.Windows.DataFormats.Bitmap) as InteropBitmap; On my computer, everything is ok. On another computer, I get an OutOfMemoryException. Why ? How to solve it ? Thanks in advance for your answer ...

jQuery Clipboard Copy

I need Clipboard Copy functionality, even i m taking help from link but it is not working fine. <li> <label class="FieldName"> Url: </label> <a id="url" href="<%=Model.FinalPacketUrl %>" target="_blank"> <%=Model.FinalUrl %></a> </li> <li> <label class="FieldNa...

Copy to clipboard not working on FireFox

I had implemented copy to clipboard functionality. It is working fine with all version on IE but not working in FireFox. Please help me solve out this problem. Detail are <script src="../../Scripts/JQPlugins/jquery.clipboard.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="../../Scripts/JQPlugins/jquery.clipboard.pack.js" type="text/j...

Copy and paste problems with Word 2010 and Windows 7

I have a program which is able to exchange data with MS Office applications, via the clipboard. This works fine in Office 2007 and Windows Vista/XP, but fails with Office 2010/Windows 7 IDataObject *d = NULL; HRESULT hr = ::OleGetClipboard(&d); if (hr == S_OK) { FORMATETC formatEtc; formatEtc.cfFormat =...

Cut files to clipboard in C#

Hi, I'm looking for a way to programmatically cut a file to the clipboard, e. g. some call to a function in C# that does the same as selecting a file in the Windows Explorer and pressing Ctrl+X So after running the program and pressing Ctrl+V in some other folder on the hard drive, the original file would be MOVED to the new folder. By l...

Intercept pasting to a (rich) edit control

I want to override the default behavior when text is pasted into a rich edit control. Specifically, I want to paste plain-text, not formatted rich-text. I guess that boils down to getting the data as a different clipboard format, but I don't know how to intercept the default behavior first. For reference, I basically have: class MyDial...