
Flash plugin which allows image upload from clipboard to server

Hi I want to embed a flash to my site, that allows the user to paste an image which is in clipboard, and this images will then be uploaded to the server. Is there a script that can do that? i googled for about an hour now, but didn't find anything that fits my needs. the best thing would be if you also coul crop your image when its up...

JavaScript get clipboard data on paste event (Cross browser)

Is there any way for detecting the paste event AND getting the pasted data? Let's say at least for MSIE and Gecko. MSIE has clipboardData.getData() but I did not find something similar for Mozilla/Gecko. I need this for cleaning text (removing all HTML) before it gets pasted into a rich text editor. Cleaning it afterwards works quite...

.NET - A way to add my own clipboard format to existing formats

I have a Excel addin that displays some structures on the worksheet. Users can copy the structures and paste them in another worksheet or another application which is handled by the Clipboard formats. When a user copies the structure, I convert the structure into a specific format and put it on the clipboard using the DataObject::SetData...

Clipboard Copy-Paste doesn't work in a service on Win Server 2008/Vista 64bit

Update: This issue has been resolved. you can read about the solution in here: Thanks everyone! Hi, I am trying to use Clipboard API (in Delphi) to extract images from Word documents. my code works OK in Windows...

Clipboard Copy-Paste doesn't work on Win Server 2008/Vista 64bit

Hi, I am trying to use Clipboard API (in Delphi) to extract images from Word documents. my code works OK in Windows XP/2003 but in windows 2008 64 bit it doesn't work. in win 2008 i get an error saying that Clipboard.Formats is empty and doesn't contain any format. The image seems to be copied to the Clipboard (i can see it in the clip...

How to monitor clipboard content changes in C#?

Hi, I want to have this feature in my C# program: When the user do Ctrl+C or Copy anywhere (i.e. when the clipboard content changes), my program will get notified, and check whether the content met certain criteria, if so, become the active program, and process the content, etc. I can get the contents out from System.Windows.Forms.Clip...

How to check Data Set In The Clipboard

Im copying data (text) to a clipboard but the data that I'm copying to the clipboard has a length of 30,500,000. This text is stored in a StringBuilder. These are may codes: StringBuilder sbText = new StringBuilder(); // Append text to sbText here!!! Clipboard.SetDataObject(sbText.ToString()); // In this line...

How do I save a copy of the clipboard and then revert back to it?

I'm reading words in a text box by simulating the key presses required to highligh and copy the text. When I'm done, I want the clipboard to be exactly how I found it. I was hoping I'd be able to do something like this: IDataObject clipboardBackup = Clipboard.GetDataObject(); Clipboard.Clear(); //Save other things into the clipboard he...

How does a CRichEditCtrl know a paste operation has been performed?

It has methods like CRichEditCtrl::Copy(), CRichEditCtrl::Paste() which you can call, but I can't spot any messages the control is sent by Windows telling it to perform a paste operation. Does anyone know if such a thing exists? Or does CRichEditCtrl do something lower-level like monitoring WM_CHAR events? If so can I reuse any internal ...

How do I get the selected text from the focused window using native Win32 API?

My app. will be running on the system try monitoring for a hotkey; when the user selects some text in any window and presses a hotkey, how do I obtain the selected text, when I get the WM_HOTKEY message? To capture the text on to the clipboard, I tried sending Ctrl + C using keybd_event() and SendInput() to the active window (GetActiveW...

Does MFC provide a quick way to throw text on the clipboard?

The add-to-clip-board code we have in our code base is quite low-level - allocating global memory and so on. For the simple case I just want to put some plain text on the clipboard, are there any routines which can wrap all that stuff? An example is that CRichEditCtrl has Copy() & Cut() methods which automatically put the current select...

.NET DataGrid Copy/Paste

I have a datagrid in C# Project. What I am trying to do is copy data from datagrid and then paste in file. Then edit content and insert back to datagrid from clipboard. I can copy data from datagrid into clipboard but I can not insert/replace text from clipboard into datagrid. How can I insert data from clipboard into datagrid? Sample...

OS independent clipboard copy/paste text in C

Hi. I'm working on a project that's supposed to work on both Windows and Linux (with an unofficial Mac port as well) that emulates a true colour system console. My problem is that recently there appeared a request for textfield support (yes, console-based) and it would be cool to add the possibility of copying text to clipboard and past...

Running into a .NET COMException with MS Office Interop

I am trying to work with the Windows clipboard and Office Interop in an ASP.NET web application. Everything works well on my local machine running XP (i have created a Windows application first which ran perfectly well on local machine). Then I have executed it on a server running Windows Server 2003 and it worked there as well. Then I...

Script in IE to Insert Text at Cursor (in or out of IE)

I need to take text already obtained and stored in a variable and place it in another window: IE or any other windows application. Context: An asynchronous application is running in IE, most likely in the background, and when an event fires in the application, certain text needs to be inserted wherever the cursor/carrot is. I am no...

Check Clipboard for Copied texts.

I want to add an Cut/Copy/Paste ContextMenuStrip in a RichTextBox, but the problem is, I want to enable or disable the Paste button with respect to the current condition of the windows clipboard.. I mean, if any text is copied already, then that button should be Enabled, otherwise disabled. Any idea how I can accomplish that? ...

How to get a clipboard paste notification and provide my own data?

For a small utility I am writing (.NET, C#), I want to monitor clipboard copy operations and clipboard paste operations. My idea is to provide my own data when pasting into an arbitrary application. The monitoring of a copy operation can be easily done by using a clipboard viewer. Something that seems much more advanced to me is to wr...

Serbian characters clipboard problem

Hi, One of my clients needs to post Serbian (cyrillic) text into WordPress weblog by copying it from the MS Word document into WordPress rich text editor. For some reason, all cyrillic characters are converted into their latin equivalents when we paste it into rich editor. The same problem occurs when we try to paste the text into Notepa...

Copy Image to Clipboard from Browser in Javascript?

Is it possible to copy an image to the clipboard in javascript? I know how to copy text, but can you copy images? Is it a security limitation? ...

Unable to use SendKeys or SendMessage for programmatically pasting non-text objects

I am using the RegisterHotKey Win32 API to listen to the Ctrl_V key combination and using the WndProc method to handle this hot key notification. Now, even if I don't perform any operations in this method apart from calling base.WndProc(ref mesg), the Paste operation doesnt seem to be getting passed onto Windows and hence, paste is not w...