
Get html from clipboard in javascript

I need to implement task which is quite common feature for RichTextEditors - take HTML from clipboard. Can anyone help with guide on how to solve this task? It has to be cross platform (IE, FF, Chrome, Opera). I just started from this code: <script type="text/javascript"> $('.historyText').live('input paste', function(e) { ...

Need Help Setting an Image with Transparent Background to Clipboard

I need help setting a transparent image to the clipboard. I keep getting "handle is invalid". Basically, I need a "second set of eyes" to look over the following code. (The complete working project at This is an image Debug Visualizer class library, but I made the included project to run as an exe...

How to copy image of a chart from Silverlight application to clipboard?

I have a Silverlight 3.0 applications with some custom graphics and some charts. I need to find the best way to transfer these graphics to a PowerPoint presentation. I've read that Silverlight 4.0 offers a Clipboard API, but there is only support for Unicode-text, not images. Is there a way to achieve this task without forcing users t...

Is it possible to copy, paste, open new window in javascript?

At the moment to get to an external link from our intranet, we have to copy the link, and paste the link into a new window. Is there any way we can achieve this in a single function in javascript? Thanks UPDATE: When users login from outside the network, urls are changed. This is what we need to code for. I think I the following is app...

WPF Validation of clipboard Data

Hello normal validation is always related to some control, but in my case there is no control to fire validation when its content changes and to show errortemplate to the user. because the data to be validated is in the cipboard. when the user presses "PASTE" button viewmodel processes the data and finds it to be invalid. but what is th...

How to copy a string to Clipboard with utf-16 encoding in WPF app

My understanding is that string in .net is utf-16 by default. But when I copy my string to Clipboard, it is changed to sjis encoding (my OS is Japanese). Here is what I am doing: string myStringToCopy = "Some text Here"; System.Windows.DataFormat myDataFormat = DataFormats.GetDataFormat("MyFormat-V1"); Clipboard.SetData(myDataFormat...

Provide "Paste Link" Functionality in C# Winforms App

I would like to add Copy-Paste Link functionality to an application. The application replaces a complex Excel workbook. I would like to be able to copy tables, text, and charts from the application and use Paste Link in MS Word. For the uninitiated: With Excel, when you use Paste Link for the tables, text, charts, etc. the items updat...

How to programmatically cut/copy/get files to/from Windows clipboard in a systam standard compliand form?

How to put a cut/copy reference to specific files and/or folders into Windows clipboard so that when I open standard Windows Explorer window, go to somewhere and press Ctrl+V - the files are pasted? If I copy or cut some files/folders in Windows Explorer, how do I get this info (full names and whether they were cut or copied) in my Prog...

Outlook addin crashing windows explorer

Hi, i am building an outlook addin that utilizes the windows clipboard for temporary storage. When i make a call to Clipboard.Clear() at the end of the process, Windows Explorer crashes and needs to restart. Does anyone know why this may be? It ONLY happens on a 64bit OS, not 32bit.. ...

Handle clipboard copy on UserControl.

Hi, I have complex UserControl (grid, edit controls for grid, etc...) and I want handle CTRL+C keyboard shortcut, however I don't want disable a native functions by edit controls (textboxes, comboboxes, etc...). If the CTRL+C is not handled by other inner controls I want handle it by myself (copy whole row(s) from grid, etc...). I trie...

Accessing Excel formulas from clipboard in HTML / JavaScript

E.g. I got a cell with the formula LEN(A3). Pasting it to an HTML text area or an text editor will just paste the value. Is there a way to access the formula in a cell from the clipboard instead of the actual value? ...

copy an element as HTML to clipboard

I've managed to write some jQuery to find an element and copy it's html to the clipboard (ie only). The problem is that when I paste this into a rich text box area in sharepoint it pastes the HTML as text only. How do i replicate the user action of highlighting a link on a page and pressing copy. When I do this manually and then paste...

Show image from clipboard to defalut imageviewer of windows using

I am using below function to make a image of current form and set it in clipboard Image bit = new Bitmap(this.Width, this.Height); Graphics gs = Graphics.FromImage(bit); gs.CopyFromScreen(this.Location, new Point(0, 0), bit.Size); Guid guid = System.Guid.NewGuid(); string FileName = guid.ToString(); //Copy that image in the clipbaord. I...

VBA: Read file from clipboard

I'm trying to load a file in a VBA macro that has been copied from, say, an Explorer window. I can easily get the data from the clipboard using DataObject::GetFromClipboard, but the VBA interface to DataObject doesn't seem to have methods for working with any other formats than plain text. There are only GetText and SetText methods. I...

Web: Copy to clipboard (custom..)

Hey, I know the best and easiest way to copy text to a clipboard that is both cross browser and simple is to use Flash, which is fine with me! I have come across this awesome plugin called clippy but the problem is you have to embed the image or object onto the page. I wanted to have a link that when clicked would do the copying. Any i...

How can I paste an image from the clipboard into a web form?

I found this question, but the question is about how to get an image from the clip board into a wyziwyg editor! My question is "How can I paste an image from the clipboard into a field (what field is not that big issue as long as it works)", and then sent to the server. Jira has this functionality, so it should be possible! Any ideas ...

Microsoft Expression Web 3 clipboard bug

There seems to be a rather annoying bug in MS Expression Web 3 (or perhaps an incompatibility with something else I have installed). Quite often HTML code editor would refuse to copy things into clipboard. You select some text, press Ctrl-C, Ctrl-Insert or use context menu and nothing happens. Then in 10..15 seconds it would start worki...

locking the clipboard c#

Hi, I was wondering if there is anyway to lock and unlock the clipboard from c#. Basically, I'd be writing something into it and I do not want anyone else to write to it before i pick up my stuff. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks ...

ThreadStateException when using QueueUserWorkItem in a Timer

I have a ThreadStateException in my WinForms application. Step to reproduce: Create simple winforms app Add a Timer In click event, do : timer1.Interval = 1000; timer1.Tick += timer1_Tick; timer1.Start(); with void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(delegate { StringCollection pa...

How to make a simple clipboard monitor in python

Hi! I was wondering how to make a simple Clipboard Monitor in python, for GUI I'm using PyGTK. I found gtk.clipboard class and all that but I couldn't find any solution to get the "signals" to trigger the event when the clipboard content has changed :( Any ideas? Thanks you! :) ...