
Security implications of Clojure keyword creation from user data?

Suppose that I take a user-supplied string, userstring, and call (keyword userstring) on it. Are there any security concerns about doing this? And if so, what would be the best way to mitigate them? ...

Insertions into Zipper trees on XML files in Clojure

I'm confused as how to idiomatically change a xml tree accessed through clojure.contrib's zip-filter.xml. Should be trying to do this at all, or is there a better way? Say that I have some dummy xml file "itemdb.xml" like this: <itemlist> <item id="1"> <name>John</name> <desc>Works near here.</desc> </item> <item id="2">...

How roughen (as opposed to flatten) a list in a functional style?

For instance, I have a list (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11), and want to roughen it by 3 elements (or another length) to get ((1 2 3) (4 5 6) (7 8 9) (10 11)). What pretty code could I use for this? Thanks. ...

Finding vars from dynamically created namespaces in clojure

The following test fails: (ns clojure_refactoring.rename-fn-test (:use clojure.test)) (deftest test-fn-location (in-ns 'refactoring-test-fn-rename) (clojure.core/refer-clojure) (defn a [b] (inc b)) (in-ns 'clojure_refactoring.rename-fn-test) (is (not= (find-var 'refactoring-test-fn-rename/a) nil)) (remove-ns 'refa...

Learning functional/clojure programming - practical excersises?

I'm learning functional programming with Clojure. What practical excersises can you recommend? Online repositories with solutions would be perfect. One idea I can think of is going through all the popular algorithms on sorting, trees, graphs etc. and implementing them in Clojure myself. While it could work, it may be pretty steep and I'...

Mutation Problem - Clojure

having trouble changing an element of my function represented as a list. code for random function: (defn makerandomtree-10 [pc maxdepth maxwidth fpx ppx] (if-let [output (if (and (< (rand) fpx) (> maxdepth 0)) (let [head (nth operations (rand-int (count operations))) children (doall (loop[function (list) width...

Problem with Clojure function

Hi, everyone, I've started working yesterday on the Euler Project in Clojure and I have a problem with one of my solutions I cannot figure out. I have this function: (defn find-max-palindrom-in-range [beg end] (reduce max (loop [n beg result []] (if (>= n end) result (recur (inc n) ...

"reduce" or "apply" using logical functions in Clojure

I cannot use logical functions on a range of booleans in Clojure (1.2). Neither of the following works due to logical functions being macros: (reduce and [... sequence of bools ...]) (apply or [... sequence of bools ...]) The error message says that I "can't take value of a macro: #'clojure.core/and". How to apply these logical functi...

type inference still need enhance,any better suggestion for this example?

for instance in Clojure: user=> (map #(* % 2) (concat [1.1 3] [5 7])) (2.2 6 10 14) but in Scala: scala> List(1.1,3) ::: List(5, 7) map (_ * 2) <console>:6: error: value * is not a member of AnyVal List(1.1,3) ::: List(5, 7) map (_ * 2) ^ Here ::: obtain a list of type List,oops then ...

Escape/sanitize user input in Clojure/Compojure

I am using Clojure/Ring/Compojure-0.4/Enlive stack to build a web application. Are there functions in this stack that would either strip HTML or HTML-encode (i.e. <a> to &lt;a&gt;) user-supplied strings in order to prevent XSS attacks? ...

How Can I Output an HTML Comment in Compojure/Hiccup?

I'd like my program to output the following HTML: <!--[if lt IE 8]><link rel="stylesheet" href="../blueprint/ie.css" type="text/css" media="screen, projection"><![endif]--> Is there a way to output html comment literals with Hiccup? ...

Could not locate compojure in classpath

I am trying the various Getting started examples and I can get a basic hello world example working with basic HTML in the route as such (ns hello-world (:use compojure.core ring.adapter.jetty) (:require [compojure.route :as route])) (defroutes example (GET "/" [] "<h1>Hello World Wide Web!</h1>")) (run-jetty example {:port 8080}...

How to do animation using swing and clojure ?

I'm trying to animate a chess piece in a board. First I created a java.util.Timer object that "scheduleAtFixedRate" a TimerTask implemented as a proxy function. So I kept a record of the piece to move (piece-moving-record) and when it's apropriate (when the user move the piece using the mouse) the TimerTask proxy function should be test ...

Clojure load files

I'm trying to set up a simple clojure project, and I'm not sure how to load files between the project. I'm sure that the answer is in the documentation, but I can't find a simple answer any where and I'm not sure where to look. Essentially, my directory looks like this: Clojure/ clojure/ clojure.jar other clojure fi...

Clojure deployment?

What is the easiest way to make a clojure app into an executable like does for ruby? (exe and app files too) ...

Good concurrency example of Java vs. Clojure

Clojure is said to be a language that makes multi-thread programming easier. From the website: Clojure simplifies multi-threaded programming in several ways. Now I'm looking for a non-trivial problem solved in Java and in Clojure so I can compare/contrast their simplicity. Anyone? ...

Tips for Html parsing and web driving with clojure?

I want to automate filling in data on a website using clojure. For this I want to query elements of webpages and create http requests. I have been looking at using HttpUnit and So far neither approach feels right. Are there alternative libraries to aid with this task? thanks ...

macro how deal with sql like fn use map

hi, everyone i want use one macro to handle with seq paramter, but i do not know how! eg: (defmacro create-table-def [s] `(let [ks# (keys (struct-map ~s)) sql# (map (fn [p#] (str (name p#) " varchar(20) ")) ks#)] (str "create-table " '~s " ( " (apply str (interleave seq# ", ")) " ) ") )) i have multiple p...

Avoiding symbol capture when using macros to generate functions (or other macros)

I'm a bit confused as to exactly when symbol capture will occur with clojure macros. Suppose that I have a macro which defines a function from keywords. In this trivial example, (defmacro foo [keywd1 keywd2] `(defn ~(symbol (name keywd1)) [~(symbol (name keywd2))] (* 2 ~(symbol (name keywd2))))) I call (foo :bar ...

Clojure for a lisp illiterate

I am a lifelong object-oriented programmer. My job is primarily java development, but I have experience in a number of languages. Ruby gave me my first real taste of functional programming. I loved the features Ruby borrowed from the functional paradigm such as closures and continuations. Eventually, I graduated to Scala. This has be...