I a profiling my iPhone application on target, and according to Instruments 65% of the time is spent in mach_msg_trap.
I have a background thread that runs-forever and send results back to the main thread using performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:waitUntilDone:, aproximately every 2 seconds. I am not waiting until done.
// Fredrik
I'm trying to create a "page curl" animation of an image in my iPhone application. I t UIViewAnimationTransitionCurlUp, and it's undocumented Core Animation siblings, however the image I need to animate is a transparent PNG, with "uneven" (some alpha pixels) outlines. When using the aforementioned pre-made transition, those alpha pi...
Just put a background image on a button. The looks fine in IB but when I build and run the project in Simulator the bg is noticeably lighter. Anyone know why could be?
Hello all,
I have a simple question, that in a class I have a variable with property retain
//Classs ArrayClass has this array
@property(nonatomic, retain) NSMutableArray *array;
Now when I do
self.array = [SomeClass getArray];
I need to release the array...
Now If I have object of ArrayClass and when I do
arrayClassObj.array = ...
I'm having trouble implementing a virtual D-pad in an EAGLView (OpenGL ES). I thought this would be simple but it is not. It is not so straightforward to determine whether a touch is on a certain portion of the D-Pad at any given time. Does anyone know of some good (relevant, please) resources online or could maybe post some source?
Hi Everyone:
I am attempting to call presentModalViewController on a UIViewController in order to bring up a Address Book "view", however I am running into a bit of a problem. The UIViewController that "controls" the app simply draws a view to the screen and then lets the view do all of the handling of user interaction, etc. But now, ...
Any (supported) way of doing this? IIRC it usually switches over by itself to a white color at some point when using a "darker than X" tintColor, but we seem to be just on the edge with our scheme.
I would like to add the current version into the "about" section of my app.
As seen in this attached screenshot Apple offers versioning.
How do you display these settings in your app?
What is the simplest way to add UIToolBar to UITableViewController? I'm depending on edit functionality, so I can't change UITableViewController to UIViewController easily.
So, UITableView supports essentially "infinite" scrolling. There' may be a limit but that sucker can scroll for a looonnnggg time. I would like to mimic this behavior with a UIScrollView but there are two fundamental impediments:
1) scrollView.contentSize is fixed at creation time.
2) zooming can blow any lazy-loading scheme all to hell...
In my app I want the user to choose (picker) what sound to play from the default audio files that come standard with the iPhone (Marimba, Alarm, etc...). And then play it when needed.
Thanks in advance!
Hey, i am using this code to animate something
CATransition *animation = [CATransition animation];
[animation setDuration:0.45f];
[animation setType:kCATransitionPush];
[animation setSubtype:kCATransitionFromRight];
[animation setTimingFunction:[CAMediaTimingFunction functionWithName:kCAMediaTimingFunctionDefault]];
[[theWindow la...
Where are the Class Action and Class Outlets in Xcode 3.2? They aren't showing up in the Inspector like they used to.
hi all,
i am new to iphone programming.
i want to read the content of text file which is located in subfolder of Resourse folder
Resourse Folder Structure is following
There are multiple file named "Data.txt". so how can i access each folder file.
I am getting a UIColor returned from this method:
- (UIColor *)getColor {
return [UIColor colorWithRed:redSlider.value green:greenSlider.value blue:blueSlider.value alpha:1.0];
and getting color like this:
SelectedColor=[(ColorPickerView *)alertView getColor];
Now I want to get red, green, blue from SelectedColor, in order to...
how do i draw line when moving finger across screen in iphone using core graphics.
I find myself using a combination of global vars and nsrunloop to force synchronization throughout my application. Although it works it seems a bit ugly to me. Is there any other way of achieving the same result?
Here's a typically example:
ParkingSpots *parkingSpots = [[[ParkingSpots alloc] initWithMapViewController:self] autorele...
In regards to this posting http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1481871/why-does-self-protect-memory-space/1481882#1481882, I'm using 'self' to access aArray. Yet, I still get an invalid object in the didSelectRowAtIndexPath: method.
In the root controller, I access aArray like this:
MyAppDelegate *theDelegate = [[UIApplication sharedAp...
I'd like to create a reusable UIViewController subclass that can be shown as a modal view controller over any other view controller. One of the first things this reusable VC needs to do is pop up a UIActionSheet. In order to do this, I create a default (blank) view in my VC to show the action sheet from.
However, this looks bad because...
This could be me doing the design pattern wrong.
I'm implementing asynchronous delegation in an application that uses NSURLConnection. An object wraps the NSURLConnection and handles its delegated messages; that works fine. Now I'm defining my own delegates in the object that uses it (NSURLConnection messages ConnectionWrapper, Connecti...