
iPhone SDK view scrolling not rubber banding or using momentum from swipes

Hi, I'm having a fundamental problem with getting scrolling to work normally on my iPhone app. I have two views, each created in IB (although I've tried this programmatically and it makes no difference) which scroll very sloppily. Instead of the scrolling that we're used to (which is smooth and continues to scroll and eventually dampen...

Call a method when switchig views with UITabBar

Is there any way to automatically call a custom method when switching views usig a UITabBarController? Like, I want to he able to, when I set a NSString in one view in a UILabel, haave it automatically update a different label on a different tab with the same string. Thank you! ...

iPhone Web Service Communication

I have been searching around the web all day for the best way to interface my iPhone application with a Linq .NET SOAP web service. I think that this project is my answer: wsdl2objc The software creates several classes. It looks great, but the documentation is very limited and ...

UIPickerView selectRow in multiple components in order (one after another)

Hi, I've the following method (SPIN) that select 7 values (taken from an array) into my multi-cols pickerview. for(int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { int newValue; newValue = [[array objectAtIndex:i] intValue]; [picker selectRow:newValue inComponent:i animated:YES]; [picker reloadComponent:i]; } The problem here is that while it...

How to change the height of table view cell

i m trying to read some RSS data. I have the data that is of different sizes. the data is present in tabke view data object. I used the label to add the data and resize the dat. No success. Please help. - (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { static NSString *CellIden...

What's the limit for the size of iPhone apps?

I have an app which is quiet huge. It has tons of images and sounds. In total it's 30 MB in size. 1) Is there an official limit for the app size? 2) Are there other "practical" limits I should consider? ...

Format Integer as Two Places Decimal

I am presenting the user with a field that displays the number keyboard and only want them to be able to enter numbers--no decimals. Since the field is a currency field, however, I want the number to always display with two decimal places. You've probably seen this type of an interface at an ATM. I've looked at the NSNumberFormatter doc...

launch native iphone application from within another

Hi all, I wanted from within my application to open another native iPhone application installed on the device. I used openUrl method and give it the URL schema for that application but it always launch the web application not the native one. Is there a way I can launch the native application instead? I would appreciate any help. Thank...

Supporting limited number of currencies in Cocoa(Touch)

Early versions of our app will only support a limited number of currencies. If a user should try to use our app with an unsupported currencyCode then I'd like to set the currencyCode to one that is supported. I'm getting myself confused bouncing between NSNumberFormatters, currencyCodes, NSLocales, etc... Currently I test the NSNumberF...

Is it possible to set a tag or ID for an animation on the iPhone?

I have an implict animation as follows: [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:nil]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:1]; [UIView setAnimationDelegate:self]; ... [UIView commitAnimations]; When this animation begins and ends, it triggers these delegate functions: - (void)animationWillStart:(NSString *)animationID context:(void *)context;...

How do I call NSManaged object's @dynamic method from from another object using a @selector and NSInvocation?

Cocoa newbie here. I am working on an iPhone UITableViewController-based widget that can be used to edit date and text properties in an object set during initiation. Currently, I am attempting to do this with a @selector and NSInvocation as below. Note: the "targetObject" is the object set when the controller is initialized. - (IBAct...

Mask a whole animation happening in a UIImageView

I need to mask a whole animation that takes place in a UIImageView. I tried subclassing the UIImageView and doing the masking in its drawRect call but that doesn't get called on every frame of the animation as I expected (it doesn't get called at all actually) even though the animation plays fine. Anyone has any experience on this? ...

iPhone Simulator always generates two shake events? (UIScrollview not scrolling for second event)

When I select "Shake Gesture" from the Hardware menu in the iPhone simulator, my first responder always receives two shake events (with a few milliseconds in between). Unfortunately these two events in the simulator lead to a problem with an UIScrollview that should scroll to a specific position - what it does, but only for the first ev...

IPhone how to properly resize view when rotating device

Hello, I have been trying to resize my view inside a view Controller with no luck so far. Basically I have a button at the very bottom of my view and when the orientation changes from Portrait to Landscape the button is no longer visible, because its just too far down now. How can I resize this view so that when the orientation changes...

Cocoa-Touch, Core Data: How do I delete all objects for a entity?

I have an app, using Core Data with a SQLite store. At some point I'd like to remove all objects for a few entities. There may be close to a thousand objects. From what I can tell via google and the official docs, the only way to delete objects is to [managedObjectContext deleteObject:(Entity *)] for every object. But this means that I...

How to Prevent or Compensate For Scaling Transforms of Core Graphic Paths?

I am attempting to create a "marching ants" (an animated dashed line) selection indicator around UIView that contains a UIImageView subview. Drawing the dashed line around the perimeter of the UIView is trivial using core graphics: -(void) drawSelectedMarquee{ CGContextRef c=UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext(); CGContextSetStrokeColorW...

iPhone Dev: Get more data functionality in twitter iPhone clients?

I'm building an app (not necessarily a twitter client) and I'm trying to figure out how developers create the buttons above and below a table view where a user presses them to either reload newer data or reload older data into a table view. Does anyone know of any tutorials out there that does this or know of an easy way? ...

Checkbox cell in a table view: User can't check it

I need help in using checkbox cell. I currently added the object to tableview. It looks ok until i tried building and running the program where I cannot check the checkbox. I am currently using a tableview which displays items runtime with a checkbox for each item so i can have multiple selections. I am new to xcode and I have been stuc...

Fast, 2 Dimensional Table View

I'm implementing a view for displaying tabular information with 2 axis, but I'm starting to run into performance issues with rendering all the cells. The view looks something like this: +------------+-------------+------------+------------+------------+ | | 12.00am | 1.00am | 2.00am | 3.00am | +------------+-...

Programatically switching to the "More" tab on iPhone

Hello, I want to programmatically initialise my tabBarController to the last tab selected by the user. This works OK for my standard tabs, but if the uwer was on the "more" tab, I cannot figure out how to initialise it as this tab doesn't (to my knowledge) have an index). Is anyone aware of a way of doing this? ...