I get this error (and 27 others) when trying to build my application. I'm not sure what has changed to cause this, but i have no clue what the error actually means? This is an example of where i am calling appDelegate = (iTourAppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
".objc_class_name_UIApplication", referenced ...
I know you can use any object as key for NSDictionary but the problem is will it be able to retrieve the correct value? Support I have an entry where the key = {1,3,5} and value = { @"hello" }. Will I be able to retrieve from this dictionary entry by passing in the set {3,5,1}?
In order words, is the key matched based on the pointer or...
I have a bitmap font which which doesn't have every single character, such as accented characters (é î ü etc) or symbols such as "¥" or © which I'm using to display usernames in a Highscore table for a game.
Is it possible to limit the UIKit keyboard to certain characters, or only allow certain characters in the UITextField? Or will I ...
I think over the last year and a half, while experimenting with Cocoa and Cocoa Touch development, I've been struggling with getting Xcode to support a kind of key macro to handle this specific coding scenario...
I frequently find myself not knowing ahead of time how many message dispatches to chain together while typing a new line of c...
This question is almost embarrassing to ask, but I can't find the answer in any documentation.
I have a UIButton in a view. In IB, I set the button's background to a colour. The original rectangle in the Identity Inspector shows a half-black, half-white rectangle for the button's background.
I can't find anyway to set the background ...
So there seems to be an issue with animating size transformations for UIButtons. Specifically, if you have a button of type UIButtonTypeCustom, any frame size transformations happen instantly. Movement and other animations happen as normal.
Does anyone have a good fix for this? I'm guessing that it's because the custom buttons contai...
I've provided a couple of users with an ad hoc copy of my app. They sync fine but the app crashes just after loading. I've tried everything I can think of to repro it and everything always goes just fine for me. I've removed all profiles from my phone and removed them from the library\mobiledevices folder. No matter what I do, the ap...
this is the code i have taken form.....
- (void)willPresentAlertView:(UIAlertView *)alertView
[[[alertView subviews] objectAtIndex:2] setBackgroundColor:[UIColor colorWithRed:0.5 green:0.0f blue:0.0f alpha:1.0f]];
- (void) presentSheet
UIAlertView *baseAlert = [[UIAlertView alloc]
I have a uiscrollview with contentsize 1280*1280 and 25 images of equal size loaded in it. When i scroll and meet an end, I want to know the identity of the image which is currently present at the screen centre. Given below is the code that i used to load the images into the scrollView. How can i figure it out?
for (i = 0; i < 5; i...
Hello experts!
I am trying to perform some kind of animation of a layer in my iPhone application. It does not matter what I do I always get the same results: after the animation is done it jerks back into it's original position. Even though I set removedOnCompletion to false there is no difference.
What am I missing here?
Thanks in adv...
Hi, I have a UIActivityIndicatorView that I create and position in loadView function.
It works fine except that I can see for a split second the UIActivityIndicatorView on the top left corner before reposition itself to the center of the screen.
Why does it do that? And how can I prevent that?
I also try creating the UIActivityIndicat...
In OS 3.1, Apple provides a way to overlay custom controls on the camera view (UIImagePickerController).
However, the properties and methods to do so weren't available in OS 3.0, and as far as I can tell, all you can do is hack the view hierarchy in 3.0.
So, I have a couple of related questions:
1) Is hacking the view hierarchy the on...
I have a nice clean UI within a table view which has a few text fields for the user to fill out. One of the fields is for the user's birthday.
I'd like to have it so that when the user selects the birthday field, a view containing a UIDatePicker would come up as, just like the different keyboards do when selecting a text field.
Can thi...
I am using RegexKitLite and I'm trying to match a pattern.
The following regex patterns do not capture my word that includes N with a titlde: ñ.
Is there a string conversion I am missing?
subjectString = @"define_añadir";
//regexString = @"^define_(.*)"; //this pattern does not match, so I assume to add the ñ
//regexString = @"^def...
I am wondering how to make the typical "range selection" bar, as seen in Photoshop and many other applications. Cocoa/Cocoa Touch only provide the very basic slide bar.
is there something like Python's unhexlify for objc / cocoa?
>>> from binascii import unhexlify
>>> help(unhexlify)
Help on built-in function unhexlify in module binascii:
a2b_hex(hexstr) -> s; Binary data of hexadecimal representation.
hexstr must contain an even number of hex digits (upper or lower case).
This ...
I am first doing add observer call
followed by remove observer in the notification function.
I am certain that removerObserver is called as I see it on the stack
However, the app crashes as if a bad memory reference is left over in the notification center.
I think there are 2 possiblities
I am hitting an apple bug
My sequence of in...
Hi All,
Any idea how to read a .ppt file in Cocoa Touch ?
I tried to load the contents of the file in UIWebView but it didn't work.
Here is the code :
[aWebView loadData:[NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:filePath]
baseURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:f...
I am doing image caching and I am saving the files to a temporary directory NSTemporaryDirectory. Its seen in log as /var/folders/.... .Where is this thing present. I am currently doing all this in the simulator?
I have a simple iPhone app (modified from the UITabBarController project template) where each tab is a different set of data using the same view controller (similar to the iPod app).
So for example if each tab was a person's name and hitting it would display their friends. Then each tab would use the same view controller right?
My ques...