I've created a UIView (of type ColumnView) in Interface Builder.
Is it possible to add that UIView multiple times to my window?
I'm trying to create a UIView template that I can add to my window in a couple of places but can't figure out how to do that.
I tried referencing the outlet of that UIView to 2 different IBOutlets but w...
I there, I'm trying making my first cocoa app, but I'm having problems with float numbers because of the regional settings.
If I write on the TextBox the float number 1.2 I only can get the number 1, but If I write on the same TextBox the same float number but this time with the ',' sign instead (1,2) I can get the right float value.
I'm trying to engineer a UI for cropping images in iphone OS and suspect I'm going about things the hard way. My goal is pretty much what the Tapbots duo have done with Pastebot. In that app, they dim the source image but provide a movable and resizable cropping view and the image you're cropping is in a zoomable scrollview; when you res...
I have an array of dictionaries. I would like to extract an array with all the elements of 1 key of the dictionaries in the original array? Could this be done without enumeration?
I have two text fields in my view. I did it using IB. My problems are
After entering the text in textField1 I am entering text in textField2. When I click in textField1 again the previous text is disappeared in the textField1.
After entering the text in both the textFields, I need the keyboard to disappear. But, even I touched th...
Hi guys,
in my app i got a TTLauncher Object with some TTLauncherItems in it.
Now i want to add some Items dynamically inside my App by pressing a button.
Is there a simple way to do that or do i have to create my own methods?
In the original facebook application there is already something like that implemented. (You can add your Frien...
i want to implement a ipad view, where i parse an xml file and put the entries side by side on an "endless" ipad view, so you have to swipe through it left and right. could someone tell me how i can implement this? which type of view do i have to use?
thanks in advance
In My application as the user opens the camera, camera should capture a image as soon as there is a difference in image when compared to previous image and camera should always be in capturing mode.
This should be done automatically without any user interaction.Please Help me out as i couldn't find the solution asap.
When I double click the XIB file in Xcode, Interface Builder typically launches a few different windows, one of which is the View window. For some reason, however, the View window isn't opening for one of my XIB files. If I open any of the other XIB files, however, the View window does open.
I'm not sure if there's a way to manually lau...
I am using the plist to store the data entered in the UITextFields. But, when I restart my application all the data entered previously was deleted. How can I retain the data in the Plist. I have a UITableView and when a cell is touched a view appears with two UITextFields. nameField and descriptionField. I stored the data in this way.
I have a UILabel:
descriptionLabel = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(200, 30, 130, 150)];
[descriptionLabel setFont:[Utils getSystemFontWithSize:14]];
[descriptionLabel setBackgroundColor:[UIColor clearColor]];
[descriptionLabel setTextColor:[UIColor whiteColor]];
descriptionLabel.numberOfLines = 0;
If a UILabel contains too much text, how can I setup my label so that it shrinks font-sizes?
Here is how I am setting up my UILabel:
descriptionLabel = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(200, 30, 130, 150)];
[descriptionLabel setFont:[Utils getSystemFontWithSize:14]];
[descriptionLabel setBackgroundColor:[UIColor cl...
Having a simple Navigation Controller in place (starting the Navigation Based Application project) I created a new View with a XIB file.
on my HomeViewController (Home screen with all options as UIButton's I have:
@implementation HomeViewController
-(IBAction) optionChoosed:(UIButton *)button
NSString *msg = [NSString stringWith...
I was followed this tutorial (iPad Hello World) and was wondering if it would be possible to group items together on the table view. Basically, when the user opens the app the table view would say something like: Group 1, Group 2, and Group 3. When the user tabs on one group the table view would load the items in the group. If an...
I have a split view app running fine on the iPad. It is using the default setup (Popover in Portrait, table view on the left in landscape). The views shift correctly once the app is running. The problem I am seeing is that when the app starts (in the simulator) running in landscape mode the UI paradigm is the one intended for Portrait...
Hi folks,
I'm wondering if there's a way to determine whether or not a font supports a particular Unicode character in Cocoa Touch.
Alternatively, is it possible to specify the default substitute character?
In iPhone virtual keyboard...
1.Change the alphabetical keypad view to numerical view.
2.Tap on the single quote(') button the view changes to alphabetical.
3.In this view tapping on space twice displays a fullstop.
I don't know whether it is apple bug or feature, How to fix this issue through coding?
UILabel *templabel = [self.wallBoxArray objectAtIndex:i];
for( int i = 0 ; i < [self.wallBoxArray count]; i++)
if(templabel.backgroundColor == [UIColor greenColor])
NSLog(@"the color isn green");
There are many label's in my array. They all initialized with green color. But i judged that way ,why cant print " th...
I've got a view controller, call it VC1, that's a table view. When I tap a cell in the table view, I am presented with a new view controller, call it VC2, which is a short list of choices. After making a choice, I want to dismiss VC2 and set the cell.textLabel.text property of the VC1 cell I originally tapped to the value I selected in V...
I would like to present a view in the same manner as that of UIAlertView - a pop/spring. Unfortunately subclassing UIAlertView is not an option for the view I need to present. I have written some code, but I can't seem to get it as realistic as I would like. I would appreciate any suggestions for greater realism or a link if anything sim...