
How can I set the Inital Orientation for a UISplitViewCOntroller-based iPad App

I have a split view app running fine on the iPad. It is using the default setup (Popover in Portrait, table view on the left in landscape). The views shift correctly once the app is running. The problem I am seeing is that when the app starts (in the simulator) running in landscape mode the UI paradigm is the one intended for Portrait...

iPad UI clipped in simulator

My views created for iPad form factor look fine in Interface Builder. However, when I debug my app in iPhone Simulator 3.2 (with Hardware -> Device set to iPad), I see the UI clipped and about half size. There is a 2x button at the bottom which lets me zoom in. But this just shows the same clipped UI in double size. This is really weird...

Annoying white border when rotating a view in iPad

When rotating a View from UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait to UIInterfaceOrientationPortraitUpsideDown on the iPad simulator, there is a white border along one side of the view (see diagram, lower left of the image). The white border shows only on one side, but not the opposite side. How can I prevent (hide) it? Thanks! ...

Why does Xcode launch the iPhone simulator when the iPad simulator is selected?

When I open an existing iPad project in Xcode and "Build and Run" it, it launches the iPhone simulator when I have the iPad Simulator set as the active executable? Inside the iPhone simulator is a shrunken version of the iPad. What is going on? How do I get it to run the iPad simulator? Note: When the iPhone Simulator is running, I d...

Problem with video playback on iPad with MPMoviePlayerViewController

Hello everybody... I have been fighting some code for about a week, and am hoping that someone else may have experienced this problem and can point me in the right direction. I am using the MPMoviePlayerViewController to play a video on the iPad. The primary problem is that it works FLAWLESSLY on the iPad Simulator, but will not play ...

iPad Simulator WebView/Google Maps API Issue

I've only recently updated XCode to 3.2.2 and started to play with the iPad simulator. I am having an issue with a WebView. I am using it to load a url with a Google Maps API implementation. The map loads and displays properly but when I try and click and drag on it to pan the map around instead of the map being panned the whole webview...

iPad Simulator View

I am looking to increase the size of my iPad simulator when it is fired up on my mac, how would I go about doing this? The size of the simulator right now is very very small, I can't even see the text on it! ...

Differences in accessing resources between Simulator and Device?

Is there some difference between the way that bundle resources can be accessed on the iPhone simulator versus a device (in my case, an iPad)? I am able to access a file on the former, but not the latter. NSString *filePath = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@",[[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath], @"/AppResources/html/pages/quickHelp.html...

Can we set splitsview with tabbar?

Can we set splitsview with tabbar? In detailview i want the tabbarcontroller. is it possible? ...

iPad simulator broken

iPad simulator won't run my app! It loads and animates in and then crashes halfway through the loading animation. Xcode reports: Debugging Terminated. Why? I just had this on my iPod touch (8GB) and I rebooted them both. EDIT: This code in the delegate seems to be causing an issue: NSLog(@"Device: %@", [[UIDevice currentDevice] u...

Does UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM work with Targeted Device Family

So I'm currently using UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM in conjunction with [[UIDevice currentDevice] model] to check if I'm on an iPhone, iPod or iPad. What I've found is that in the iPad simulator 3.2, UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM still evaluates to UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone (iPhone). I'm wondering if this has something to do with my Targeted Devi...

app running on simulator but not in ipad..!!!

Hi guys, A'm stucked with a very strange problem.....really cant get how to come out with that..!! I am developing iPad application in which I am drawing a 3d cube with openGL programming for ipad....Everything is fine....I drawn the cube and also colored it with different colors....This all things I have tested on simulator, everythin...

[iPad] Scaled UIView disappears on orientation change

Hi @ all, in my iPad App i'am resizing a UIView to 60% of its original size magController.view.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeScale(SCALE_FACTOR,SCALE_FACTOR); that works fine so far but if I rotate the device the UIView gets more or less clipped. I have this issue only on the device in the simulator everything works perfect. gree...

Hiding a button in a UIPopupview for SplitViewController

First: The error. I'm getting a app termination because of a NSInvalidArgumentException, the reason being that "Popovers cannot be presented from a view which does not have a window." Now, an explanation of what's going on: I've got a button on the RootView of the SplitView that removes the SplitView as the main view of the Window, a...

sqlite works on simulator, but not on device

Hi guys I have a question, I can't get my sqlite database to work/open on an ipad device. Everything works fine on the simulator but not a real device. I put MODE to NO when i want to test on a device but it fails to load. sqlite3 *database; if (MODE) { //Simulator result = sqlite3_open("/Users/userID/Myapp/VRdb.sqlite", &datab...

Image Question for iPad - Memory issues

So I installed my app on my ipad and it crashes due to a memory issue. I figured this was because I'm using really big image files so I went back and reduced them all and essentially cut out about 75% of their size by resizing them and then using PNGCrush. Now, as for running the program, if I have a background image for each of my 4 i...

How to test the app in iPad?

HI, everyone, I want to ask a question about the iPhone. I am writing a iPhone program, but I can only test the program in the iPhone simulator. Can I test the app in the iPad simulator? thank you. ...

TabBarController within the RootViewController of a SplitViewController

Hi all ! I'd like to develop an iPad app which would be composed of a SplitViewController. I'd like to add a TabBarController in the RootViewController. I'm at the very beginning of the development. So I've started to simply create a new project, add a SplitViewController via Interface Builder and test the app, no problem of course. Th...

Ipad Simulator not auto rotating

I have an an iphone app and am using shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation to determine when to autorotate. On the iphone, I specify that UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait is the only allowed orientation; On the iPad, I just return YES (ie all allowed), like so: - (BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)interf...

Is there a way to display iPad Simulator fullscreen?

Hello, does anyone know if there is some way (Applescript, secret .plist defaults setting...) to view an iPad simulator window on fullscreen (or borderless)? It would be very handy to show it on a second 1024x768 display at native resolution. The simulator's vertical size when in portrait is simply too high even for a fullHD monitor... t...