
Reusable calendar popup like iCalendar/scheduler on iPad? Not a date picker wheel.

I need a date picker that shows an actual calendar (similar to the built-in calendar feature on the iPad.) Is there a reusuable widget? How could I easily implement one? The date picker wheel is terrible because it doesn't show you the day of the week (Sun, Mon, Tue...) and isn't really needed on the iPad where you have enough room to...

iPad: How to let a user write a hand-written note using a Pogo(like) stylus?

How could I let a user jot a quick hand-written note on an iPad using a Pogo-like stylus? (Or by using their finger, some kind of stylus makes it more legible feasible.) Initial thoughts: 1) Open GL canvas? 2) Store the output as a .png/.jpg snapshot of the openGL screen (by taking a screenhot of the iPad? 3) Would the note be limited ...

The best way to represent a tree structure on iPad

I am developing an iPad application and I need to represent tree structure (a simple tree structure which has root, parent and child nodes) on iPad. Is there a final solution for such kind situations, like TreeView? ...

UIView and orientation changes: UITextField Preservation and UI frame custom animations

With no developer interaction you can have a view resize itself to support an orientation, in many cases this is fine, but what if you need to change the layout of your UI objects to better suit the new orientation? Apples answer is to: Have two separate ViewControllers with xibs that reflect the desired layout. Designate a master V...

iPad Keyboard: mode based key augmentation

When using the "add Account..." function in the 'Mail,Contacts, Calendars' section in 'Settings' on an ipad, selecting the address field causes the keyboard to change the labels of the '!,' and '?.' keys, shorten the right '.?123' and space key and add two new keys ('_' and '-') I have also seen the Keyboard augment to show a '.com' key...

How can I suppress keyboard popup on an iPad HTML5 app?

I’ve written an HTML5 application for iPad. It has one input field. Every time a user comes to this page, the popup keyboard appears. How can I suppress this default behavior within HTML5/JS context? In my app, if you type in a login & password, it shows another screen (without page reload). But the keyboard still exists, and you have ...

Adding a Half screen Navigation controller to iPad

Dear all, In my iPad application i need to implement a navigation controller behavior to the right half of the screen( I can't use split view controller because i need more space in left-side - around 600px). Is there any way to create a NavigationController with a fixed frame size ? thanks in Advance. ...

Match look and feel of default keyboard with a custom keyboard on the iPad

I have an iPad app that needs a custom number keyboard on a view that also has a text field using the default keyboard. I have attempted to match the look of the default keyboard by drawing a gradient on a layer of the input view and using custom images on the UIButtons. Is there a better way to create a custom keyboard that matches the...

Ipad : How to select multiple rows in UITableViewStyleGrouped?

I've a UItableview with the style grouped. I've 3 sections. Each section has 2 rows with data Negative and Positive. Now, I've to select any one of row in each section. How to do this? ...

transparent navigation bar and navigation item just like ibook

Hey there, I'm new to iPhone development and currently try to create some custom UI effects. I already found some code about how to add a background image to a UINavigationBar by overriding the drawing method. But now I would like to also customize the UIBarButtonItems like iBooks does. When you look at the 'Edit' or 'Store' buttons, yo...

Can I add an iPad popover programatically?

Is it possible to add a popover programatically without using a NIB file? All the examples I have run into use NIB files. Any information/help/examples would be appreciated. Thanks! ...

Framework or sample for encyclopedia-style application for iPad/iPhone

My employer own a large amount of exclusive content which is currently presented through the web. The content is mostly text, but there are also some videos. They want to make this available offline through a number of iPad/iPhone applications (tailored for a particular audience). I've already discussed the easier option of making the we...

Can i Implement admob for a app running in iphone OS 4?

Hello, I am creating an universal app.The app should be able to run properly in i-pad ,iPhone 4.0 OS and also in iPhone OS with versions more than 3.0 .I want to implement a banner in my application.In my case using iAd or AdMob should i create the banner.please guide me.Since i am creating universal app i don't know the proper way of a...

UISearchDisplayController Without Dimming?

Hi everyone. I am writing a SplitView iPad app. Inside the DetailViewController, there's a little view that contains a UITableView and a UISearchBar and its controller. This view does not represent the whole screen space reserved for the DetailViewController. Actually, it uses just half of it. There's an UIImageView on the other half. ...

iPad Calendar Style Flip?

Hi All, Can anyone give me any advice on setting up the ability for a user to flip from screen to screen on the iPad. Similar to how you can flip from day to day in the default Calendar application. Can I take advantage of anything that is built in? or does this need to be custom built. Any advice or starting tips/hints would be appre...

TabBarController within the RootViewController of a SplitViewController

Hi all ! I'd like to develop an iPad app which would be composed of a SplitViewController. I'd like to add a TabBarController in the RootViewController. I'm at the very beginning of the development. So I've started to simply create a new project, add a SplitViewController via Interface Builder and test the app, no problem of course. Th...

How do you get UIWebView to rotate correctly?

How can I get a UIWebView to rotate correctly in the iPad SDK? The only code I have regarding rotation is: - (BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)interfaceOrientation { return YES; } And when I look at my view in InterfaceBuilder, the UIWebView seems to stretch and fit nicely when in landscape orientat...

UIAlert partially hidden on iPad horizontal orientation. How to move it up?

In my iPad app, I have an implementation of a login window as a UIAlertView subclass that adds two UITextField, using an idiom that's found on the net. The problem is that in horizontal orientation, the alert is partially hidden by the keyboard. Namely, the buttons are hidden. Of course, it's possible to hide the keyboard to reveal the ...

If this does not complete or see any info i would like an alert box to come up and let me know.

- (IBAction)aview :(id)sender { NSString *ILink = [NSString stringWithString:[webDisplayiPad stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:@"document.ARSIN.ILink.value"]]; NSString *urlAddress = @"http://www.website.asp?"; urlAddress = [urlAddress stringByAppendingString: ILink]; //Create a URL object. NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString...

UIToolbar in iPad.

Hi all, I wanted to have two buttons on the both end of Navigation Bar (in iPad's Detail View Controller). So I created two UIToolbars and I set the them as Left&RightBarButtonItems. But, There is some color variation in the NavigationBar. Attached images for your understanding. ...