
Howto start writing iPad applications?

I know Objective-C from Desktop Apple Programming. But i want to jump on the iPad bandwagon and start developing some small edutainment applets. Is the iPad API the same as iPhone just with more power? Do i need to join the iPhone developer program and does it still start with $100. Is there any iPad emulator yet? ...

Maximum amount of objects in NSArray

What is the largest amount of objects I can put in my NSArray? ...

Possible bug in Interface Builder?

Hi, I've a window with a horizontal split view. On the bottom pane of the split view, I have a nssegmentedcontrol, aligned to the center. On the bottom of the nssegmentedcontrol I have 5 tabs that are controlled by the segmented control - click in one of the cells and the corresponding tab opens. My problem is, if I completely minimize...

Making a subview with InterfaceBuilder in Cocoa OSX

I usually don't use interface builder but from what I have gather it seems that interface builder if mostly for building self contained window. Is it possible to create a view with IB and then import this NIB file and use it as a subview? ...

Is there way to keep a text view and a slider in sync to a CGRect's float value with bindings?

I've been trying to get a text view and a slider to be updated to the correct value when either one has been modified. Using bindings, I've successfully linked each control to a CALayer's "x" value position (layer.position.x). The layer does move when any of the controls are changed. However, when modifying one of the controls, I canno...

SQLite bulk insert on iPhone not working

Hi. I have been struggling with this seeminly easy problem for 48 hours, and I am no closer to a solution. So I was hoping that someone might be able to help me. I am building a app, that use a combination of a local (SQLite) database and an online database (PHP/MYSQL). The app is nearly finished. Checked for leaks and work like a char...

Cocoa editable text with no input box

I am trying to make an editable text object in cocoa that contains no input box (just the text). I have tried doing this using NSTextField but setDrawsBackground: NO and setBordered: no have not helped. Is there another method for NSTextField that will do this or do I need to use another class? I looked at NSText but this class seems ...

NSURLCache crashes with autoreleased objects, but leaks otherwise...

UPDATE: After submitting a radar to Apple it appears that this is a known issue (Radar #7640470). CSURLCache is designed to cache resources for offline browsing, as NSURLCache only stores data in-memory. If cachedResponse is autoreleased before returning the application crashes, if not, the objects are simply leaked. Any light that co...

Cleaner way to make the controller's setter explicitly propagate the change to the CALayer.

My previous question asked for a way to keep a text view and slider in sync with bindings when modifying a CGRect's "x" value. Following Peter Hosey's advice on using the controller's setter to propogate those changes to the CALayer, I came up with the following: @interface WindowController : NSObject { CALayer *layer; float frameO...

Cocoa Development - How to get specific information about media files (Duration, Bitrate, FPS, etc.)

Hi, I need to get the same kind of info that you can get on "get info" when using Finder, more specifically I need the same info that is present on "more info" section, like Duration, Bitrate, Dimension, Codecs, Audio channels, etc. To get the basic info like size, type, I have: // Getting the file's attributes NSError *error; ...

copy a folder in resource

Hi, I am developing an application in cocoa which needs to copy a folder added to resource to other location in System/library .How can i specify the source and destination path.Looking for a solution Thanks in advance ...

Qt Equivalent of NSTokenField

Hi - Is there an equivalent class/method for use in Qt that resembles Cocoa's NSTokenField? Dan; ...

How do create a one window app with cocoa and interface builder?

I'm just starting out with interface builder and I'd like to create a tabbed, single window app similar in design to Coda or Versions. However, i can't figure out what approach I should be taking. I think I'll probably need to create my own tab bar and some sort of controller to load/unload different 'views', but what should the individ...

How to create badge with image in sidebar (like in

I'm creating NSOutlineView with custom cell class (extending NSTextFieldCell) which should display image-based badge (something like in while working offline). Is this approach appropriate? I've created NSRect with oval shape inside (with bezierPathWithRoundedRect:xRadius:yRadius: method) which is filled with color depending i...

NSStepper ignores current NSTextField value

I have the same initial problem as described in Integrate NSStepper with NSTextField: I need to have a NSTextField working with a NSStepper as being one control so that I can edit an integer value either by changing it directly on the text field or using the stepper up/down arrows. Using bindings as commented on by carlosb results ...

Creating an image badge with Cocoa/OSX

I need to create an image badge in Cocoa. Basically I need to take two images one smaller then the other and overlay the smaller image over the larger image with a certain offset. Does Cocoa provide any utility to make this sort of thing easier? ...

Comparisons Windows and Mac OS X as development environment

I have been using Visual Studio (VC++) and Windows API for a long time, and quite familiar with Linux tool chains, but have no experience on Mac OS X development. I would like to hear your opinions about the pros and cons of Windows and Mac as development environment. But, as it may be subjective, I would appreciate if you could enumera...

Synthetic Webserver with Cocoa WebView on Mac OS X

I would like to create a Webview where I have total control over the content it loads. Essentially I want to provide an instance of a class that plays the role of the various web servers named in the URLs. Ideally, I would provide this webview with a delegate and it would tell the delegate each URL it requires and the delegate would re...

Cocoa Open source XML parser

I'm looking for an open source XML parser that is easy to integrate with my NSTableView and will handle large amounts of RSS feeds ...

Catching mouseDown events of subviews. (Cocoa osx)

I have a series of nested views and I need to catch the mouseDown event ant do the same thing when any of these views are selected. Is there a way to tell a superview to handle events for its subviews? Is the best way to handle this to put a transparent view on top of all my other views and have this view handle the events? ...