
Communication between Cocoa and SWF using WebKit

Hi y'all. I'm trying to implement a basic WebView containing a SWF file inside. The SWF file plays and apparently works fine. However I'd like to know if there's some way to retrieve an ActionScript variable from my Cocoa application. Thanks. ...

viewForHeaderInSection disappears when scrolling

I am using a custom header view in my UITableView, but as soon as i begin scrolling down the header disappears instead of staying in place like with the default headers. And it's not scrolling off the screen either, just completely disappering. viewForHeaderInSection is still being called but the drawRect method of my custom header view ...

Do I have to call release on an objective-c retain class variable when setting it to a new object?

Say I have: @property (nonatomic,retain) NSString *foo; in some class. And I call: = [NSString stringWithString:@"string1"]; = [NSString stringWithString:@"string2"]; Should I have called [ release] before setting it to "string2" to avoid a memory leak? Or the fact that nothing is pointing to th...

Optimal way to initialize varying objects

I have to initialize a lot of different types of objects based on an integer parameter. They all have the same overall initialization methods. At the moment I have the following code #def APPLE 1 #def PEAR 2 switch (t) { case APPLE: newobj = [[FApple alloc] init]; break; case PEAR: newobj = [[FPear] alloc] ini...

How do I make an About window the front-most window in a Cocoa application with no UI?

I'm building a Cocoa application that runs as an item in the status bar. This application has an About window and an item to activate that about window, using the standard Cocoa mechanism for doing so (-[NSApplication orderFrontStandardAboutPanel:]). Naturally this is all hooked up automagically. It works great except for one thing: unl...

Objective-C (Desktop) XML file/web page to NSTableView

I'm looking to retrieve an XML document from a private API, then parse it into a table view. I've looked through a few articles but I can't find anything that has helped me fully. Does anyone have any articles, tutorials, examples, etc that can help me out? Thanks in advance! ...

Objective-C "if" statements not retaining

I know the title of this question is a bit confusing, but here it goes anyway: I'm creating an NSString after an if statement but it just doesn't seem to want to retain outside of the statement. My conditional looks like this: if ([[password stringValue] isEqualToString:@""]) { NSString *pwd = [[NSString alloc]initWithString:@"pass...

Cocoa-Created PDF Not Rendering Correctly

I've created a PDF on the iPad, but the problem is when you have a line of text greater than 1 line, the content just goes off the page. This is my code: void CreatePDFFile (CGRect pageRect, const char *filename) { CGContextRef pdfContext; CFStringRef path; CFURLRef url; CFMutableDictionaryRef myDictionary = NULL; path = CFStringCr...

fork within Cocoa application

My problem is not the best scenario for fork(). However, this is the best func I can get. I am working on a Firefox plugin on Mac OSX. To make it robust, I need to create a new process to run my plugin. The problem is, when I forked a new process, much like this: if (fork() == 0) exit(other_main()); However, since the state is not cle...

Core Text's CTFramesetterSuggestFrameSizeWithConstraints() returns incorrect size everytime

According to the docs, CTFramesetterSuggestFrameSizeWithConstraints () "determines the frame size needed for a string range". Unfortunately the size returned by this function is never accurate. Here is what I am doing: NSAttributedString *string = [[[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:@"lorem ipsum" attributes:nil] autorele...

Difference between NSThread and detachNewThreadSelector:toTarget:withObject:

In the NSThread documentation, I came across the method detachNewThreadSelector:toTarget:withObject:. What's the difference between that method and creating a thread with initWithTarget:selector:object: and then starting it with start? ...

How to programmatically deactivate the AirPort?

I want to make a small utility to programmatically deactivate the AirPort of my mac. I have networking problems which couldnt be resolved by expensive experts. I need to deactivate and reactivate the mac AirPort once every half hour. So a little utility which does that automatically would be great. I think I wouldn't need an UI for this...

NSDocument Subclass not closed by NSWindowController?

Okay, I'm fairly new to Cocoa and Objective-C, and to OOP in general. As background, I'm working on an extensible editor that stores the user's documents in a package. This of course required some "fun" to get around some issues with NSFileWrapper (i.e. a somewhat sneaky writing and loading process to avoid making NSFileWrappers for ev...

addSubview and autosizing

How does one add views to a window, so that the views are resized to fit within the window frame? The problem I'm making a sheet window containing 2 views, where only one of them is visible at a time, so it's important that the views have the same size as the window. My problem is that either view0 fits correctly and view1 doesn't or ...

Is there a way to force CoreImage to use the GPU?

We are having the following problem: a series of Core Image filters runs constantly in our program. When evaluating on my Macbook Pro, Core Image decides to schedule all graphics computation on the GPU, as expected. When using a MacPro, however, CI uses the CPUs! This is a problem, as we need them for other processing. [1] The question ...

Usable mainmenu when sheet is shown

How does one react to menuitems that are clicked via mouse or invoked via keyboard, e.g: CMD+Q ? [NSApp beginSheet:my_sheet ...arguments... ]; /* The sheet is now shown and the mainmenu isn't usable. How does one make it usable? */ [NSApp endSheet:my_sheet returnCode:0]; ...

3D framework/library os x

Does anyone have any advice as to a good framework for simplifying the generation of 3D models? I am trying to construct a parametric program for tasks such as ship design. Actions such as surface modelling, intersections etc are a must. I have investigated openCASCADE and it shows promise but getting it to integrate into a native cocoa ...

How do I set the default selection for NSTreeController at startup?

The Background I've built a source list (similar to iTunes et al.) in my Cocoa app. I've got an NSOutlineView, with Value column bound to key path of an NSTreeController. The NSTreeController accesses JGSourceListNode entities in a Core Data store. I have three subclasses of JGSourceListNode - JGProjectNode, JGGro...

Read Text File in Document Folder - Iphone SDK

Hello everyone I have this code below: NSString *fileName = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:@"recentDownload"]; NSString *fullPath = [NSBundle pathForResource:fileName ofType:@"txt" inDirectory:[NSHomeDirectory() stringByAppendingString:@"/Documents/"]]; NSError *error = nil; [textViewerDownload setText...

generating an objectForKey from an array

I'm having success when I use this code to get a string from an array of file names called "fileList": cell.timeBeganLabel.text = [[[self.fileList objectAtIndex:[indexPath row]] lastPathComponent] stringByDeletingPathExtension]; so I expected the same code to generate the same string as a key for me in this: NSDictionary *stats = [th...