
Writing a Javascript library that is code-completion and code-inspection friendly

I recently made my own Javascript library and I initially used the following pattern: var myLibrary = (function () { var someProp = "..."; function someFunc() { ... } function someFunc2() { ... } return { func: someFunc, fun2: someFunc2, prop: someProp; } }()); The problem with this is that I ...

Force VS to use System.[Type] in Code Completion

Is it possible to have Visual Studio code completion use the System.[Type] instead of the keyword. Example: Autocomplete of List<String> myList = completes as: List<String> myList = new List<string>(); whereas, I want: List<String> myList = new List<String>(): This isn't the only example, but hopefully shows what I'm looking for...

xcode 3.2 c++: how can i enable a proper code completion?

Hiya. I have snow leopard and I'm building a cpp Application with xcode. I would like to be able to get proper code completion with xcode, and by that i mean the following: std::string f; f. just when I type f. i would like to see all the relevant functions to that string class. is it possible in xcode ? ...

Looking for a Python IDE with good support for libraries (Twisted).

I'm looking for a Python IDE that can help me easily locate and manage and use the libraries on my system (Ubuntu). Specifically Twisted. Code completion is important including the symbols I import. (I've so far had a look at PyDev as well as OpenKomodo, but while both offer code completion for default Python concepts, I wasn't able t...

Cannot find code completion and suggestions in Aptana 2.0

Greetings, I recently started using Aptana 1.5 to work on a site via FTP, developing pages in .php format with a mixture of HTML, CSS, jQuery, and -- naturally -- PHP. I develop a page with all of these elements together to save time, then separate them. One thing that I really liked about Aptana 1.5 was that it completed code (bracket...

Create automatically only getters in Eclipse

In Eclipse is it possible to create automatically Getters and Setters for a field. But I have a lot of private fields for which only getters should exist. Is somewhere in Eclipse a "create Getters" Function which does not create setters too? Well, it is not so much work to write getters, but doing it automatically would be nice :) Than...

Unable to incorporate Eclispe JDT codeAssist facilities outside a Plug-in

Using Eclipse jdt facilities, you can traverse the AST of java code snippets as follows: ASTParser ASTparser = ASTParser.newParser(AST.JLS3); ASTparser.setSource("package x;class X{}".toCharArray()); ASTparser.createAST(null).accept(...); But when trying to perform code complete & code selection it seems that I have to do it in a plug...

open source java IDEs which support code complete

What I have known of are eclipse , netbeans and JavaSideKick for jedit. Are there other alternatives? Please let me know cause it really helps me! Thanks a lot! ...

Is there a way to replace the Eclipse JDT's code completion list with a multi-level tree?

I know that the eclipse code completion widget can be customized to add new suggestions and even to change the order. I'm wondering whether there's a way to replace the current list format (or single-level tree, if this is a tree control) with a tree of multiple levels. Thus, for example, instead of selecting from a list of methods so...

Idea: CodeIgniter codecompletion in Eclipse

I just figured out that all code completion for Eclipse is stored in plain files located here (example): .\eclipse\plugins\org.eclipse.php.core_2.1.1.v20090921-1100\Resources\language I tried adding global variables like $_POST, $_GET, $_SERVER to the end of basic.php but without any luck (did try to restart Eclipse). Is there a w...

IDE framework for a dynamic language?

Let's say I have a super-wonderful new programming language, and I want there to be an IDE for it. What IDE platform/framework could I use to get this done efficiently? I mean things like: Collection of files in a project, searching them, tabbed/split editors etc. — the basics. Syntax highlighting and auto-indent/reformatting. Providin...

Are there IDEs in which the code-completion widget is not a linear list?

Most mainstream IDEs use code-completion in the form of a linear list of suggestions (typically methods). Are there any IDEs (mainstream or not) or IDE plugins that use a non-linear widget, such as a tree? (e.g., pick category first, then the actual recommendation)? I'm working on an IDE feature and want to make sure I'm not reinventin...

Can't disable method parenthesis auto-complete in Eclipse

I'm trying to disable the automatic closing of brackets in Eclipse, and while I've mostly succeeded, I can't stop the editor from inserting a closing parenthesis for a method call. The result is that when I type: myBool.equals(true); it inserts a closing parenthesis as soon as I type the opening parenthesis, and what I actually get is...

Python editor with automatic code completion?

I have seen various articles about good Python editors/IDEs, like this. However, none of them points out whether the editors support automatic code completion. I tried notepad++, PyScript and Komodo Edit, but all of these requires a hotkey to invoke the code completion dialog. Do you know any Python editors with automatic code completio...

New to PyDev, question about auto completion.

I installed Eclipse and PyDev and I'm wondering if I have to setup anything else? The reason I'm asking is that I'm finding the auto complete isn't working in certain cases. For example, if I have a variable a_string, I'd like to see a list of available methods once I type "a_string." or if I have an array I'd like to see what methods i...

NetBeans parameter fill after code completion

This is a particularly annoying problem I'm having, and I can't be the only one to have issue with it. In NetBeans, when you type part of a method, then hit CTRL-SPACE, it displays the code-completion popup, whereupon you can hit tab to finish out the word. This is great, and pretty much how all IDE's operate. Example: < ...

Is there an Eclipse C# Highlight, Code Completion plugin

I need an Eclipse 3 plugin for C# syntax highlight and hopefully code completion. I am running both Mac and Windows versions of Eclipse. I have evaluated "Improve C#" but it seems to be not working. ...

Vim: restricting methods shown by omnicomplete to those present in ctags

I'm editing a simple PHP file with a class which has a few methods, if $bar is an instance of this class and I type $bar->ctrlxctrlo I get a popup with a lot of methods (builtin ones) in addition to those of my class and present in the ctags list. How can avoid showing all those external methods and just keep the ones defined in my cla...

Is there an option for code completion in JSP scriptlets in JDeveloper?

I have a little problem with JDeveloper. It has excellent code completion abilities in java files, and it also works fine for tags in JSP files, but it doesn't work inside scriptlets. For example, if I have code like this: <x:sometag attribute=<%=MyClass.A I want it to automatically complete it, when I press Ctrl+space, with the avail...

ide code information

I've been annoyed lately by the fact that PyDev doesn't information about classes and function when it code completes wxPython code. Can anybody tell me FOSS IDE's or extensions that offer code information (function params, returns etc.) when it code completes for C/C++ and Python. I am a fan of CodeLite, Eclipse CDT and CodeBlocks in ...